29 research outputs found

    Biotransformation of cinnamyl alcohol to rosavins by non-transformed wild type and hairy root cultures of Rhodiola kirilowii

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    Non-transformed wild type (NTWT) and hairy root cultures of Rhodiola kirilowii were grown in medium supplemented with 2.5 mM cinnamyl alcohol as a precursor and/or sucrose (1 %) on the day of inoculation or on the 14th day of culture. Rosarin, rosavin, and rosin were produced by NTWT root culture but only rosarin and rosavin by hairy roots. Approximately 80 and 95 % of the glycosides were released into the medium for NTWT and hairy root cultures, respectively. The highest rosavin yield, 505 ± 106 mg/l, was in hairy root culture when cinnamyl alcohol was applied on the day of inoculation with the addition of sucrose on the 14th day of culture. For rosin production, supplementation with cinnamyl alcohol alone on day 14 was more favourable with the highest amount 74 ± 10 mg/l in NTWT root culture. Only traces of rosarin were detected

    Species of Arnica - traditional uses and current directions in biotechnological research

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    The medicinal use of mountain arnica (Arnica montana L.) has a long tradition in Europe and is currently confirmed by the documented biological activity of extracts from its flowers and helenalin isolated from them. The main groups of specialized metabolites found in Arnicae flos are: sesquiterpene lactones, flavonoids, phenolic acids. The anti-inflammatory effect that justifies most of the uses of arnica is primarily due to helenalin derivatives, which are currently being studied, among others, in terms of anticancer activity and against selected parasitic protozoa causing tropical diseases. The development of new solutions for obtaining large amounts of arnica material for the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries, as well as the search for an efficient source of helenalin derivatives, is therefore justified by biological activity and the expanding range of possible medicinal applications. The high demand for plant raw materials and the prohibited collection from natural sites of strictly protected mountain arnica contributed to the optimization of the cultivation of this species, the acquisition of plant material with comparable qualitative and quantitative characteristics from other species (primarily meadow arnica), as well as the use of biotechnological methods in plant in vitro cultures. In this area, the most numerous publications concern the development of effective micro-propagation of arnica for cultivation. Biotechnological procedures used to develop methods for obtaining helenalin derivatives from plant in vitro cultures have value as the natural science research as well as economic importance and this potential may also be covered by patent protection. In this study, we present the traditional uses of mountain arnica in Europe in the 20th century and summarize the current directions of research in the 21st century, with particular emphasis on the use of plant in vitro cultures. Besides historical documents, the cited works are related to obtaining valuable plant material from arnica based on selected review publications and original research works available in publication databases (PubMed, ScienceDirect). There are also mentioned plants of other species belonging to Asteraceae family, commonly called „arnica” in the regions of Brazil or Mexico (known as: Brasilian arnica, Mexican arnica, false arnica), which are the subject of research works on detailed phytochemical analysis and biological activity, including their anti-inflammatory effect

    The importance of cannabinoids in modern medicine

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    Kannabinoidy są metabolitami wtórnymi charakterystycznymi dla różnych odmian Cannabis sativa L. Zarówno fitokannabinoidy, jak i syntetyczne kannabinoidy posiadają udowodnione naukowo działanie farmakologiczne i stosowane są w lecznictwie. W Polsce dopuszczono do obrotu kilka rodzajów marihuany medycznej, która stanowi surowiec farmaceutyczny oraz jeden lek zawierający kannabinoidy – Sativex. Najnowsze badania naukowe dowodzą celowości stosowania kannabinoidów w bólu neuropatycznym oraz w łagodzeniu dolegliwości takich jak: napady drgawkowe, nadmierne napięcie mięśni, nudności i wymioty, bezsenność, koszmary senne, towarzyszącym wielu chorobom. Aktualnie obowiązującym przepisem prawnym regulującym uprawę, przetwarzanie i obrót konopiami wraz z wyrobami z konopi w Polsce jest Ustawa z dnia 24 marca 2022 r. o zmianie ustawy o przeciwdziałaniu narkomanii (Dz. U. 2022 poz. 763).Cannabinoids are secondary metabolites characteristic of various varieties of Cannabis sativa L. Both phytocannabinoids and synthetic cannabinoids have scientifically proven pharmacological effects and are used in medicine. In Poland, several types of medical marijuana, which is a pharmaceutical raw material, and one drug containing cannabinoids – Sativex, have been approved for marketing. Recent scientific studies proves the advisability of using cannabinoids in neuropathic pain and in alleviating ailments such as: seizures, excessive mus-cle tension, nausea and vomiting, insomnia, nightmares accompanying many diseases. The currently applicable legal provision regulating the cultivation, processing and marketing of hemp and hemp products in Poland is the Act of March 24, 2022 amending the Act on counteracting Drug Addiction (Journal of Laws 2022, item 763)

    Cytological changes in meristematic cells of Allium cepa L. root tip treated with extracts from callus of Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don

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    The effect of an ethanolic extract from callus of Catharanthus roseus on Allium cepa root cells divisions was investigated. Two lines: white and green callus, were established on solid B5 medium with IAA 1 mg/l and kinetin 0.1 mg/l. The HPLC analysis of callus extracts showed the presence of indole alkaloids, however not known pharmacologically active alkaloids or derivatives used in semisynthesis (vinblastine, ajmalicine, serpentine, yohimbine, vindoline and catharanthine) have been found. The ethanolic extract of C. roseus callus inhibited the number of mitoses in Allium cepa root tip cells. Short (1-3 hours) treatment resulted in an increase in the index of late prophases, with characteristic light spaces, and the index of metaphases with twisted chromosomes forming an equatorial plate or irregular structures of c-metaphases. At the same time, the percentage of anaphases and telophases decreased significantly. Longer treatment of the root tip inhibited mitotic activity, stopping it completely already after 12 hours. Interphase nuclei became at first denser and homogeneous, eventually their structure became , partitioned into zones and formation of chromatin territories, with distinct large nucleoli has been observed. Electron microscope observations revealed well developed rough endoplasmic reticulum and thick, invaginating cell membrane