18 research outputs found

    Risk Management Maturity Model for Logistic Processes

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    Recently, the maturity models for risk management are attracting growing attention. The obtained maturity level defines an assessment of an organization’s management competence. Therefore, as a set of various tools and practices, the maturity model is critical for a company’s overall risk maintenance strategy development and implementation. Thus, the purpose of this article is to present a model for risk management maturity for logistic processes. We investigated the main defined assessment areas for risk maturity model implementation in logistic systems. Based on research findings, we introduced a new risk maturity assessment area based on participation in the supply chain—cooperation at risk. The proposed model constitutes the base for a two-stage assessment method implementation, where the global maturity index is introduced. Finally, we implement the proposed two-stage assessment method to verify the proposed model’s diagnostic function and determine its labor intensity. The study confirmed that the five defined maturity areas (knowledge, risk assessment, process risk management, cooperation at risk, and risk monitoring) provide a complex diagnostic tool for risk maturity level identification and, based on the obtained results, allows to define an appropriate development strategy for a given decision-making environment

    Risk Assessment for the Use of Drones in Warehouse Operations in the First Phase of Introducing the Service to the Market

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    Services, unlike products, are intangible, and their production and consumption take place simultaneously. The latter feature plays a crucial role in mitigating the identified risk. This article presents the new approach to risk assessment, which considers the first phase of introducing the service to the market and the specificity of UAV systems in warehouse operations. The fuzzy logic concept was used in the risk analysis model. The described risk assessment method was developed based on a literature review, historical data of a service company, observations of development team members, and the knowledge and experience of experts’ teams. Thanks to this, the proposed approach considers the current knowledge in studies and practical experiences related to the implementation of drones in warehouse operations. The proposed methodology was verified on the example of the selected service for drones in the magazine inventory. The conducted risk analysis allowed us to identify ten scenarios of adverse events registered in the drone service in warehouse operations. Thanks to the proposed classification of events, priorities were assigned to activities requiring risk mitigation. The proposed method is universal. It can be implemented to analyze logistics services and support the decision-making process in the first service life phase

    Algorytm kształtowania priorytetów w łańcuchu dostaw

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    Background: The presented research problem concerns the operational (executive) level and does not include tactical or strategic solutions. The described algorithm concerns the determination of the priority number of objects that are the equipment of any considered production system. The algorithm takes into account the states of work in the external and internal areas of the evaluated system. The analysed characteristics mainly include: values of work levels in the supply chain (to and from the enterprise) and values of system work levels within the company in the area of continuity of the processed material flow and failure levels of technological equipment. The algorithm of the object priority evaluation takes into account the existing synergy of a single element of the system with the whole system. Methods: The presented method of assessing priorities enables determination of critical elements of a complex system. The evaluation is carried out in a three-dimensional system. It takes into account machine failure, the operation of processes in the area of the analysed manufacturing system but also the levels of operation of supply systems (supply chains). The presented method of determining priorities requires adapting the assessment methodology to the individual characteristics of the test object. For this reason, the analysis includes, among others: the type of the system, its structural and functional complexity, complexity of interoperability and the size of material flow streams and their frequency. Results: The developed algorithm was verified on a selected example of a production system. Due to the complexity of the presented algorithm, the article presents results for a system that is characterized by a relatively high level of process flexibility and has a large number of technological processes. The article presents the values of indicators that were calculated for individual modules. Conclusions: The presented algorithm is a general approach to the evaluation of the elementary objects of the system, while taking into account the existing synergy between the other elements of the entire system. In the next stages of the research, the authors will develop algorithms for various production systems (convergent and divergent), for different manufacturing specifications (objective and technological) and for different levels of process flexibility values.Wstęp: W pełni efektywne zarządzanie i organizacja dowolnego systemu produkcyjnego zakłada: zero zapasów w całym łańcuchu dostaw oraz zero postojów spowodowanych np.: oczekiwaniem na przetwarzany materiał bądź losowo występującymi awariami urządzeń wyposażenia technicznego. W wielu przedsiębiorstwach elementarne ograniczanie strat z grup: muri, mura i muda, przynosi doraźne efekty jedynie w usprawnianym obszarze. Należy pamiętać, że system wytwórczy zgodnie z teorią systemów złożonych jest organizacją, w której elementy składowe systemu występują względem siebie w ścisłej korelacji. Każdorazowa zmiana będąca obszarowym usprawnieniem systemu, determinuje również zmiany w innych (nie usprawnianych) obszarach. Stąd konieczne jest stosowanie wieloaspektowego ujęcia z jednoczesnym uwzględnieniem horyzontu czasowego i przestrzennego. Materiały i rezultaty: Przedstawiony w artykule problem badawczy skupia się na obszarze poziomu operacyjnego (wykonawczego) i nie dotyczy rozwiązań taktycznych ani strategicznych. Przedstawiony w artykule algorytm kształtowania liczby priorytetowej obiektów, będących wyposażeniem dowolnie rozważanego systemu produkcyjnego, uwzględnia stany pracy w obszarach zewnętrznym i wewnętrznym analizowanego układu. Mianowicie uwzględnione zostały: wartości poziomów pracy w łańcuchu dostaw (do i z przedsiębiorstwa) oraz wartości poziomów pracy układu wewnątrz przedsiębiorstwa w obszarze ciągłości przepływu przetwarzanego materiału oraz poziomów awaryjności urządzeń wyposażenia technologicznego. Zaprezentowany algorytm oceny priorytetów obiektów obejmuje kompleksowe ujęcie występującej synergii pojedynczego elementu systemu z całym układem (z uwzględnieniem wpływów czasu i miejsca). Opracowany algorytm poddano weryfikacji na wybranym przykładzie systemu produkcyjnego. Zaprezentowana metoda kształtowania priorytetów wymaga dostosowania metodyki oceny do indywidulanych cech rozważanego obiektu, przy każdorazowym jej zastosowaniu. Z tego też względu analiza uwzględnia między innymi: typ i rodzaj systemu, jego złożoności w obszarze strukturalnej, funkcjonalnej i złożoności współdziałania oraz wielkości strumieni przepływu materiałów i ich częstotliwość. Przedstawiona w artykule metoda oceny priorytetów, umożliwia wyznaczenie krytycznych elementów złożonego systemu. Ocena kształtowana jest w układzie trójwymiarowym z uwzględnieniem awarii maszyn, procesów realizacji w obszarze analizowanego systemu wytwórczego, ale również z uwzględnieniem poziomów pracy systemów zasilających (łańcuchów dostaw). Ze względów na złożoność przedstawionego algorytmu, w artykule zaprezentowano wyniki dla układu cechującego się względnie wysokim poziomem elastyczności procesowej oraz posiadającym względnie dużą liczbę procesów technologicznych. Ważnym parametrem analizowanego systemu jest wysoki poziom jakości realizacji procesów osiągając skumulowaną jakość dla wytworzonych produktów ponad cztery sigma w kryterium oceny zgodnym z metodą Six Sigma. Ponadto układ cechuje się względnie dużą zmiennością asortymentową materiałów wejściowych, co w rezultacie determinuje wielką liczbę łańcuchów dostaw na wejściu do systemu produkcyjnego. Ponadto specyfika rozpatrywanej branży jest układem wykazującym konkurencyjność wytwarzanych wyrobów finalnych stąd występuje wysoki poziom dostosowania produktów do oczekiwań klientów przekładający się na elastyczność przedsiębiorstwa. Wnioski: Opracowany algorytm uwzględnia rozważania ujęcia systemowego zgodnie z ogólną teorią systemów według Klira oraz Meserovicza. Zaprezentowany algorytm jest ogólnym ujęciem oceny elementarnych obiektów systemu z jednoczesnym uwzględnieniem występującej synergii między pozostałymi elementami całego układu. W kolejnych etapach badań zostaną opracowane algorytmy dla różnych układów produkcyjnych (konwergentnych i dywergentnych), o różnej specyfikacji wytwórczej (przedmiotowej i technologicznej) oraz wykazujących różne poziomy wartości elastyczności procesowej. Dla opracowanych algorytmów zostanie przeprowadzona walidacja i porównanie modeli dla danych empirycznych zgromadzonych w rzeczywistych obiektach wytwórczych

    Criteria for Assessing the Safety and Functionality of Tram Stops

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    The selection of criteria in the developed methods of analysis and evaluation has a significant impact on the implemented decision-making processes. For this reason, the very process of identifying the correct criteria is a research challenge worth undertaking. The conducted literature review shows that in the methodology of assessing tram and bus stops, the researchers focus primarily on aspects related to safety. Assessment of the functionality of tram stops becomes no less important. However, a literature review shows that this range of stops is sporadically mentioned in publications. Meanwhile, from a practical point of view, the aspects related to ensuring the required functionality in the tram stop zone are as important as the safety of passengers. That is why we surveyed experts who perform official functions in cities with a tram transport system. The conducted research was aimed at: (1) assessment of the elements and selected parameters of the stop infrastructure in terms of their impact on the safety and functionality of stops; (2) assessment of the inter-relationship between safety and functionality criteria when analyzing individual factors. The article aims to present the results obtained during the structured interviews and their interpretation. The obtained research results and their classification constitute not only scientific material, but they can also be used by people and organizations involved in the design, evaluation, and modernization of tram stops. The obtained results should also be analyzed by teams developing urban standards for transport infrastructure

    Tactical Risk Assessment Method for Resilient Fuel Supply Chains for a Military Peacekeeping Operation

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    The article focuses on research on the functioning of liquid fuel supply chains, supplying troops carrying out peacekeeping and stabilisation operations in a foreign territory. Timely and complete supplies of fuels in war conditions determine the achievement of the assumed goals of a military operation. They often determine the health and life of soldiers. For this reason, the role of building the resilience of supply chains to disruptions, the type and frequency of which is entirely different from the undesirable events occurring in civil goods flows, is increasing. Therefore, the critical concept supporting building the resilience of fuel supply chains is risk management in these chains. The authors have developed a risk analysis method that integrates the Kaplan and Garrick approach and the fuzzy theory. The analysis identifies the existing disturbances and assigns them to the individual phases of the supply process. To illustrate the applicability of the proposed method, the authors analyse nine scenarios for the three most important stages of the procurement process in terms of building the resilience of the entire chain: Planning, delivery and storage. The fuzzy theory estimates the risk level for the analysed scenarios of adverse events. The proposed method is universal. It can be implemented to analyse the resistance of supply chains of other materials. It can also support the decision-making process for those responsible for planning, organisation and proper functioning of supply systems in all high-risk conditions, not only in the zone of war and stabilisation operations

    Transportation Systems Modeling, Simulation and Analysis with Reference to Energy Supplying

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    Transport plays an important role in the economy of a given country or region [...

    Risk Related to AGV Systems—Open-Access Literature Review

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    AGV systems are considered a necessary element of the recently created cyber-physical systems whose task is to support material flows in intelligent factories. The implementation of AGV systems in cyber-physical systems generates new types of threats, and the level of risk of adverse events related to the operation of these systems is changing. This article aims to present the results of an open-access literature review, the purpose of which was to identify issues addressed in studies of the analysis and risk management of AGV systems, to group publications according to the proposed topical framework, and to identify gaps in the current research. We used the PRISMA concept to review the literature. After completing all stages of the procedure, 153 publications on risk in AGV systems were selected for analysis. To ensure the high quality of the analysis, access to the full texts of the selected documents was necessary. For this reason, we have limited the collection to open-access publications. The results of the analysis allowed us to distinguish 12 primary categories and 26 additional subcategories within the literature. These categories are characterized by different numbers of publications and cover different AGV systems operation areas. The simultaneous assignment of documents to several subcategories indicates the need for a holistic view of issues related to the risk of AGV operation in operating environments with varying degrees of automation. An essential scientific contribution of our analysis is the identification of a research gap. The analyzed publications lacked studies on methods of risk identification and assessment that take into account the specificity of AGV operation, especially in the cyber-physical systems of Logistics 4.0

    In Search of Industry 4.0 and Logistics 4.0 in Small-Medium Enterprises—A State of the Art Review

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    The implementation of Industry 4.0 currently concerns mainly large enterprises. However, the economy of most European countries is based on the activities of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). For this reason, the further development of the I4.0 concept and the technology of Logistics 4.0 depends on adjusting its assumptions to the needs of SMEs. The article aims to identify research areas regarding the adaptation of Industry 4.0 and Logistics 4.0 solutions to the needs of the SME sector, based on a review of the literature. The PRISMA method, one of the popular analytical methods used in a literature review, was used for the research. The selection of publications for the analysis was based on the Web of Science database, an important interdisciplinary research platform. Ninety-five publications were accepted for the final analysis, which concerned only the application of Industry 4.0 in SMEs and 10 publications on Logistics 4.0. The conducted studies of the literature allowed to identify the scope of research on the implementation of the concept of Industry 4.0 and Logistics 4.0 in the SME sector. The research allowed us to distinguish five thematic groups in total, which have been characterized. One of the identified groups concerns the adaptation of Logistics 4.0 systems to the needs of SMEs. The number of publications on this group of studies is minimal, therefore this area has been recognized as the currently existing research gap

    Challenges in the implementation of autonomous robots in the process of feeding materials on the production line as part of Logistics 4.0

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    Along with the development of Industry 4.0, the concept of Logistics 4.0 is also developing in parallel. Some researchers emphasize that the fourth industrial revolution in the area of logistics concerns in particular warehouse services. New technologies related to automatic data identification and autonomous vehicles are increasingly appearing in warehouse processes. In particular, the implementation of autonomous vehicles in processes carried out so far by people generates significant challenges related to the proper preparation of the entire system, but also its coordination with processes carried out in the enterprise. The aim of the article is to present the results of the analysis of disturbances occurring in the first stage of the implementation of autonomous vehicles in the process of feeding material production lines in a surveyed company from the automotive industry. Methods: The article presents the implementation assumptions for the use of autonomous robots in the process of materials feeding. The scope of the required safety analyzes was presented as well as the time measurements carried out regarding the implementation of the process of servicing power supplies for assembly lines. The research used direct observations in the assessed enterprise and unstructured interviews with persons responsible for the implementation. Results: The results show the deviations from the adopted assumptions, both in the area of vehicle safety and the deviations in the time of material supply operations. It is worth noting that both positive and negative deviations from the adopted standard were recorded in the measurements. Based on the analyzes of the causes and effects of the deviations, guidelines have been developed for the changes to the functioning of autonomous vehicles. Conclusions: The results of the presented research allowed to identify potential adverse events that may occur in the process of implementing autonomous solutions in logistics service processes. The basic rules for the implementation of autonomous solutions in logistic operations, which are carried out in anthropotechnical systems, were also indicated

    Supply Chain Resilience in Reality VUCA—An International Delphi Study

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    The modern business world operates in the VUCA environment or reality; volatility and unpredictability are the only constants in it. It is challenging for entrepreneurs to predict the future, and the tested routines, proven habits, or the developed patterns of action no longer function properly, e.g., the logistic strategy of JIT does not fit the new rules of the business game and begins to be treated as a relic. From a business perspective, this new reality is profoundly changing how enterprises and supply chains operate, as well as how we approach supply chain resilience. As a result, we observe a picture of a highly volatile and unpredictable business environment in which vulnerable supply chains operate. The following research questions were asked in the paper: (1) What are the barriers to realizing the concept of Supply Chain Resilience in the reality of VUCA?; and (2) What can be the lead time for the Supply Chain Resilience in reality VUCA? The article presents the results of an expert study using the Delphi method. High-class experts from the scientific community were selected for the research. The results of the research allowed us to answer the research questions posed. Internal barriers to realizing a resilient supply chain in reality VUCA are listed. Based on the indications of experts, three scenarios have also been developed that relate to the speed of the expected lead time of a resilient supply chain, in fact, VUCA. Further research directions on the resilience of supply chains have also been marked out