5 research outputs found

    Narratives of women presenting with abortion complications in Southwestern Nigeria: A qualitative study.

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    Unsafe abortion continues to impact negatively on women's health in countries with restrictive abortion laws. It remains one of the leading causes of maternal mortality and morbidity. Paradoxically, modern contraceptive prevalence remains low and the unmet need for contraception continues to mirror unwanted pregnancy rates in many countries within sub-Saharan Africa. This qualitative study assessed women's knowledge; their expectation and experiences of the methods employed for abortion; and their health care-seeking decisions following a complicated abortion. Women who presented with abortion complications were purposively sampled from seven health facilities in south-west Nigeria. In-depth interviews were conducted by social scientists with the aid of a semi-structured interview guide. Coding schemes were developed and content analysis was performed with WEFTQDA software. Thirty-one women were interviewed. Misoprostol was used by 16 women; 15 women used other methods. About one-fifth of respondents were aged ≤ 20 years; almost one-third were students. Common reasons for terminating a pregnancy were: "too young/still in school/training"; "has enough number of children"; "last baby too young" and "still breastfeeding". Women had little knowledge about methods used. Friends, nurses or pharmacists were the commonest sources of information. Awareness about use of misoprostol for abortion among women was high. Women used misoprostol to initiate an abortion and were often disappointed if misoprostol did not complete the abortion process. Given its clandestine manner, women were financially exploited by the abortion providers and only presented to hospitals for post-abortion care as a last resort. Women's narratives of their abortion experience highlight the difficulties and risks women encounter to safeguard and protect their sexual and reproductive health. To reduce unsafe abortion therefore, urgent and synergized efforts are required to promote prompt access to family planning and post-abortion care services

    “By slapping their laps, the patient will know that you truly care for her”: A qualitative study on social norms and acceptability of the mistreatment of women during childbirth in Abuja, Nigeria

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    Background: Many women experience mistreatment during childbirth in health facilities across the world. However, limited evidence exists on how social norms and attitudes of both women and providers influence mistreatment during childbirth. Contextually-specific evidence is needed to understand how normative factors affect how women are treated. This paper explores the acceptability of four scenarios of mistreatment during childbirth. Methods: Two facilities were identified in Abuja, Nigeria. Qualitative methods (in-depth interviews (IDIs) and focus group discussions (FGDs)) were used with a purposive sample of women, midwives, doctors and administrators. Participants were presented with four scenarios of mistreatment during childbirth: slapping, verbal abuse, refusing to help the woman and physical restraint. Thematic analysis was used to synthesize findings, which were interpreted within the study context and an existing typology of mistreatment during childbirth. Results: Eighty-four IDIs and 4 FGDs are included in this analysis. Participants reported witnessing and experiencing mistreatment during childbirth, including slapping, physical restraint to a delivery bed, shouting, intimidation, and threats of physical abuse or poor health outcomes. Some women and providers considered each of the four scenarios as mistreatment. Others viewed these scenarios as appropriate and acceptable measures to gain compliance from the woman and ensure a good outcome for the baby. Women and providers blamed a woman's “disobedience” and “uncooperativeness” during labor for her experience of mistreatment. Conclusions: Blaming women for mistreatment parallels the intimate partner violence literature, demonstrating how traditional practices and low status of women potentiate gender inequality. These findings can be used to facilitate dialogue in Nigeria by engaging stakeholders to discuss how to challenge these norms and hold providers accountable for their actions. Until women and their families are able to freely condemn poor quality care in facilities and providers are held accountable for their actions, there will be little incentive to foster change. Keywords: Maternal health, Childbirth, Mistreatment, Quality of care, Qualitative research, Nigeri

    Methodological development of tools to measure how women are treated during facility-based childbirth in four countries: labor observation and community survey

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    Abstract Background Efforts to improve maternal health are increasingly focused on improving the quality of care provided to women at health facilities, including the promotion of respectful care and eliminating mistreatment of women during childbirth. A WHO-led multi-country research project aims to develop and validate two tools (labor observation and community survey) to measure how women are treated during facility-based childbirth. This paper describes the development process for these measurement tools, and how they were implemented in a multi-country study (Ghana, Guinea, Myanmar and Nigeria). Methods An iterative mixed-methods approach was used to develop two measurement tools. Methodological development was conducted in four steps: (1) initial tool development; (2) validity testing, item adjustment and piloting of paper-based tools; (3) conversion to digital, tablet-based tools; and (4) data collection and analysis. These steps included systematic reviews, primary qualitative research, mapping of existing tools, item consolidation, peer review by key stakeholders and piloting. Results The development, structure, administration format, and implementation of the labor observation and community survey tools are described. For the labor observations, a total of 2016 women participated: 408 in Nigeria, 682 in Guinea, and 926 in Ghana. For the community survey, a total of 2672 women participated: 561 in Nigeria, 644 in Guinea, 836 in Ghana, and 631 in Myanmar. Of the 2016 women who participated in the labor observations, 1536 women (76.2%) also participated in the community survey and have linked data: 779 in Ghana, 425 in Guinea, and 332 in Nigeria. Conclusions An important step to improve the quality of maternity care is to understand the magnitude and burden of mistreatment across contexts. Researchers and healthcare providers in maternal health are encouraged to use and implement these tools, to inform the development of more women-centered, respectful maternity healthcare services. By measuring the prevalence of mistreatment of women during childbirth, we will be able to design and implement programs and policies to transform maternity services