27 research outputs found

    Infant Mortality Trends and Differentials in Iran

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    This paper is about trends and differentials in infant mortality in Iran. There is very little known about the topic of infant mortality in Iran. The dearth of knowledge about infant mortality in Iran is mainly due to lack of data. There is no reliable vital registration data as a large number of infant deaths in rural areas and small towns go without registration. Under such situation the best source for studying infant mortality is retrospective data from demographic surveys. In this paper I analyze data from Iran Fertility Survey of 1976-77 to examine the levels, trends, and differentials in infant mortality since 1947 . A declining trend in infant mortality is observed since the 1950\u27s and a remarkable decline is reported by 1992 . However, they are consistent regional and rural-urban, socioeconomic, and demographic differences in the rate of infant mortality . The paper presents and discusses results from logistical regression analysis of the determinants of infant mortality and their implications for future infant mortality decline in Iran

    Development Gender and Fertility in Iran

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    Economic Activities of Children in Two Iranian Villages

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    A Study of Pattern and variation of Alcohol and Drug Abuse in A Predominantly Black College

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    Introduction In recent years college enrollment has been considered as a high risk activity as measured by the increase in the illegal drug and alcohol abuse on campuses around the country. While there is general knowledge about high rate of alcohol and drug abuse across campuses, there is not much known about variation in terms of geographic location, ethnic composition, andregional/cultural background. This study is about pattern and variation of alcohol abuse in a predominantly black university. Since the student body includes a relatively large size of students from other ethnic groups, the setting provides for exploring ethnic/racial differences in alcohol and drug abuse among students


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    The Critical Thinking Course at Fayetteville State: A Pilot Study

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    Evaluation of Iran Fertility Survey

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    During 1976- 77 the Statistical Center of Iran launched a project to collect nationally representative data about fertility and family planning within the framework of the World Fertility Survey (WFS) program. The Iran Fertility Survey is the only nationally rep resentative survey which provides both detailedfertility i nformation and data about dete r minants of fertility in Iran for the 1970s. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the quality of reporting for basic demographic characteristics such as age, age at marriage, marital status, fertility events, and infant and child mortality. Detailed analysis of the data suggests that the quality of the Iranian data is not lower than the quality of WFS data from other countries in Asia. On most items compared, the Iran Fertility Survey had an average or above average position among WFS countries. These findings have significant implications for further use and analysis of this unique data set

    A Preliminary Study of Perception and Coping Mechanism of Breast Cancer Patients in an Iranian City

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    The life expectancy of women in Iran has increased in the last quarter of the 20th century. On the other hand obesity has increased during the first decade of the 21th century for both adult males and females but particularly for females. These trends are contemporary with a growing incidence of breast cancer among women in urban areas. Casual observation has shown that organized and systematic coping support and mechanism for women with breast cancer disease has expanded much less than the treatment technology, leaving surviving women in ambiguity and fear of unknown. The analysis of qualitative data from a preliminary study of women in one city confirms the limited support for coping with the disease and the aftermath of the technology based treatments. Except for a few educated women, the majority of the subject studied in this research saw their situation as catastrophic and ambiguous. They relied on their religious belief and family support to cope with their situation, but had limited success due to their lack of knowledge about the natural order of the disease and consequences of treatment. While there is need for more comprehensive studies of coping strategies using representative sample of breast cancer patients across rural and urban areas of Iran, the findings from the present study calls for organized and systematic community based support system to help women faced with this disease, to cope

    Racial Health Disparities in a Military County: A Research Report

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    Since 1972 CDC has sponsored the annual National Health Interview Survey (NHIS). The survey collects data from a large sample of US households, a sample of adults in each household, and a sample of children in each household. But unfortunately county level data on health status are not available as readily and consistently as compared to the national level. This paper describes a telephone-based survey of health on one county to overcome the gaps in the national samples. It is concluded that phone surveys are a cost-effective way to provide for local information on the health status the population. Sample questions are included in the article