85 research outputs found

    Decentralized Control of Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes using Belief Space Macro-actions

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    The focus of this paper is on solving multi-robot planning problems in continuous spaces with partial observability. Decentralized partially observable Markov decision processes (Dec-POMDPs) are general models for multi-robot coordination problems, but representing and solving Dec-POMDPs is often intractable for large problems. To allow for a high-level representation that is natural for multi-robot problems and scalable to large discrete and continuous problems, this paper extends the Dec-POMDP model to the decentralized partially observable semi-Markov decision process (Dec-POSMDP). The Dec-POSMDP formulation allows asynchronous decision-making by the robots, which is crucial in multi-robot domains. We also present an algorithm for solving this Dec-POSMDP which is much more scalable than previous methods since it can incorporate closed-loop belief space macro-actions in planning. These macro-actions are automatically constructed to produce robust solutions. The proposed method's performance is evaluated on a complex multi-robot package delivery problem under uncertainty, showing that our approach can naturally represent multi-robot problems and provide high-quality solutions for large-scale problems

    FRAME: Fast and Robust Autonomous 3D point cloud Map-merging for Egocentric multi-robot exploration

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    This article presents a 3D point cloud map-merging framework for egocentric heterogeneous multi-robot exploration, based on overlap detection and alignment, that is independent of a manual initial guess or prior knowledge of the robots' poses. The novel proposed solution utilizes state-of-the-art place recognition learned descriptors, that through the framework's main pipeline, offer a fast and robust region overlap estimation, hence eliminating the need for the time-consuming global feature extraction and feature matching process that is typically used in 3D map integration. The region overlap estimation provides a homogeneous rigid transform that is applied as an initial condition in the point cloud registration algorithm Fast-GICP, which provides the final and refined alignment. The efficacy of the proposed framework is experimentally evaluated based on multiple field multi-robot exploration missions in underground environments, where both ground and aerial robots are deployed, with different sensor configurations.Comment: to be publishe

    Robust Collision-free Lightweight Aerial Autonomy for Unknown Area Exploration

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    Collision-free path planning is an essential requirement for autonomous exploration in unknown environments, especially when operating in confined spaces or near obstacles. This study presents an autonomous exploration technique using a small drone. A local end-point selection method is designed using LiDAR range measurement and then generates the path from the current position to the selected end-point. The generated path shows the consistent collision-free path in real-time by adopting the Euclidean signed distance field-based grid-search method. The simulation results consistently showed the safety, and reliability of the proposed path-planning method. Real-world experiments are conducted in three different mines, demonstrating successful autonomous exploration flight in environments with various structural conditions. The results showed the high capability of the proposed flight autonomy framework for lightweight aerial-robot systems. Besides, our drone performs an autonomous mission during our entry at the Tunnel Circuit competition (Phase 1) of the DARPA Subterranean Challenge.Comment: 8 page

    Health Aware Stochastic Planning For Persistent Package Delivery Missions Using Quadrotors

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    In persistent missions, taking system’s health and capability degradation into account is an essential factor to predict and avoid failures. The state space in health-aware planning problems is often a mixture of continuous vehicle-level and discrete mission-level states. This in particular poses a challenge when the mission domain is partially observable and restricts the use of computationally expensive forward search methods. This paper presents a method that exploits a structure that exists in many health-aware planning problems and performs a two-layer planning scheme. The lower layer exploits the local linearization and Gaussian distribution assumption over vehicle-level states while the higher layer maintains a non-Gaussian distribution over discrete mission-level variables. This two-layer planning scheme allows us to limit the expensive online forward search to the mission-level states, and thus predict system’s behavior over longer horizons in the future. We demonstrate the performance of the method on a long duration package delivery mission using a quadrotor in a partially-observable domain in the presence of constraints and health/capability degradation

    Where to Map? Iterative Rover-Copter Path Planning for Mars Exploration

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    In addition to conventional ground rovers, the Mars 2020 mission will send a helicopter to Mars. The copter's high-resolution data helps the rover to identify small hazards such as steps and pointy rocks, as well as providing rich textual information useful to predict perception performance. In this paper, we consider a three-agent system composed of a Mars rover, copter, and orbiter. The objective is to provide good localization to the rover by selecting an optimal path that minimizes the localization uncertainty accumulation during the rover's traverse. To achieve this goal, we quantify the localizability as a goodness measure associated with the map, and conduct a joint-space search over rover's path and copter's perceptual actions given prior information from the orbiter. We jointly address where to map by the copter and where to drive by the rover using the proposed iterative copter-rover path planner. We conducted numerical simulations using the map of Mars 2020 landing site to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed planner.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure
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