18 research outputs found


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    Abstract Objectives: In Poland, occupational exposure to cold microclimate is quite common (5.1 workers/1000 occupationally active people). Reports on health effects of this exposure are rather scarce. The aim of the study was to evaluate the physiological reaction in workers occupationally exposed to cold microclimate. Materials and Methods: Examinations were performed in a group of 102 workers (41 women and 61 men) employed at cold storage units. The mean age in the group was 39.1 ± 9.9 years and the duration of employment under conditions of cold environment was over 12 years. The study population was divided into four groups, according to microclimate conditions (group I, ambient temperature -26°C; group II, 10-14°C; group III, 18-20°C, control group; and group IV, 0-10°C). The workers underwent the following procedures: general medical examinations, cold pressor test, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, and heart rate variability (HRV) analysis (time-and frequency-domain parameters). Results: The results were adjusted for confounding factors (age, smoking and drinking habits). The analysis of HRV parameters did not reveal any significant differences between the study groups. However, systolic and diastolic blood pressure (BP) in the daytime and at night was significantly higher in group IV compared to group II. Mean heart rate (HR) in the daytime and at night and the BP and HR day/night ratio did not differ between the groups. The analysis of BP by gender revealed that in women, systolic BP during the day and at night was significantly higher in group IV than in group II. In the group of workers with hypertension (18 men and 5 women), men reacted to the cold pressor test either by increased or decreased BP while all the women reacted by the increased BP. Conclusions: Our findings indicated that in workers exposed to cold microclimate, the physiological reaction was dependent on gender and ambient temperature. Women seemed to be more sensitive to cold stress than men. However, this finding must be further investigated

    Prevention of cardiovascular diseases – Prophylactic program in a selected enterprise

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    Background: In Poland cardiovascular diseases (CVD), classified as work-related diseases, are responsible for 25% of disability and cause 50% of all deaths, including 26.9% of deaths in people aged under 65 years. The aim of the study was to analyze employee expectations regarding CVD- oriented prophylactic activities in the selected enterprise. Material and Methods: A questionnaire, developed for this study, consists of: socio-demographic data, job characteristics, occupational factors, and questions about the respondents’ expectations concerning the prevention program. The study group comprised 407 multi-profile company employees aged (mean) 46.7 years (standard deviation (SD) = 9.1), including 330 men (81.1%), mean age = 46.9 (SD = 9.2) and 77 women (18.9%), mean age = 45.9 (SD = 8.2) The study was performed using the method of auditorium survey. Results: Employees declared the need for actions related to physical activity: use of gym, swimming pool, tennis (56.5%), smoking habits – education sessions on quitting smoking (24.6%). A few people were interested in activities related to healthy diet. According to the majority of the study group, the scope of preventive examinations should be expanded. Based on our own findings and literature data CVD- oriented preventive program, addressed to the analyzed enterprise was prepared. The program will be presented in another paper. Conclusions: The results showed significant quantitative and qualitative differences in the classic and occupational CVD risk factors between men and women, as well as in preferences for participation in prevention programs. Therefore, gender differences should be taken into account when planning prevention programs. Med Pr 2017;68(6):757–76

    The risk of subjective symptoms in mobile phone users in Poland – An epidemiological study

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    Objectives: To assess the type and incidence of subjective symptoms related to the use of mobile phones in Polish users. Material and Methods: The study was conducted in 2005 using a questionnaire survey. Although it has been quite a long time, up to now, no such data have been published for Poland. The questionnaire consisted of 53 questions concerning sex, age, education, general health, characteristics of a mobile phone (hand-held, loud-speaking unit) as well as the habits associated with its use (frequency and duration of calls, text messages, etc.) and complaints associated with using a mobile phone. Results: As many as 1800 questionnaires were sent. The response was obtained from 587 subjects aged 32.6±11.3 (48.9% women, 51.1% men); the age did not differ significantly between men and women. The subjects owned a cell phone for an average of 3 years. Majority of the respondents used the phone intensively, i.e. daily (74%) or almost daily (20%). Headaches were reported significantly more often by the people who talked frequently and long in comparison with other users (63.2% of the subjects, p = 0.0029), just like the symptoms of fatigue (45%, p = 0.013). Also, the feeling of warmth around the ear and directly to the auricle was reported significantly more frequently by the intensive mobile phone users, compared with other mobile phone users (47.3%, p = 0.00004 vs. 44.6%, p = 0.00063, respectively). Most symptoms appeared during or immediately after a call and disappeared within 2 h after the call. Continuous headache, persisting for longer than 6 h since the end of a call, was reported by 26% of the subjects. Conclusions: Our results show that the mobile phone users may experience subjective symptoms, the intensity of which depends on the intensity of use of mobile phones

    Effect of stress and intesity of mobile phone using on the health and subjective symptoms in GSM workers

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    Background: There are no available data on the health consequences that may result from the synergistic effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) and stress. Understanding the mechanisms of the simultaneous exposure will make it possible to develop procedures to minimize adverse health effects in professionals using mobile phones. Material and Methods: A questionnaire survey was conducted in 600 randomly selected people to obtain data on their health status and the prevalence of subjective symptoms related to the mobile phones using. Among them, there were 208 GSM Network employees, to whom the Perceived Stress Scale and Assessment of Stress at Work Questionnaire were sent. Eighty-nine completed questionnaires were returned (response rate – 42.8%). Results: The mean age of respondents was 30.3 years (standard deviation (SD) = 7.7), time of occupational use of mobile phone – 4.1 years (SD = 1.7), the level of occupational stress – 95.3 (SD = 19.1). A significant percentage of people (62.8%) complained of the frequent difficulties in coping with problems of everyday life, and 57.4% had a fairly frequent problems with managing their own affairs. Significant differences in the life stress were detected between groups with different time of phone use (p = 0.03), and in occupational stress level, significant differences were noted between the 2 groups differing in the length of the conversation (p = 0.05). The risk of headache, associated (odds ratio (OR) = 4.2, p = 0.008) or not associated (OR = 2.97, p = 0.04) with calls on mobile phone, adjusted for stress, was significantly higher in people speaking via mobile more than 60 min/day than in those talking less. Conclusions: The study indicates that both stressors acting at the same time (EMF from cell phone and stress) adversely affect the well-being of workers and increase the risk of subjective symptoms. Med Pr 2017;68(5):617–62

    The reaction of the circulatory system to stress and electromagnetic fields emitted by mobile phones – 24-h monitoring of ECG and blood pressure

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    Wstęp W badaniach eksperymentalnych zaobserwowano wpływ korzystania z telefonu komórkowego na pracę serca, m.in. wydłużenie odstępu QTc oraz zmiany w wartościach ciśnienia tętniczego. Także stres może wywoływać zmiany w układzie krążenia. Brak jednak badań uwzględniających jednoczesne oddziaływanie stresu i pola elektromagnetycznego (PEM). Oba czynniki dotyczą m.in. pracowników sieci komórkowych. Materiał i metody Spośród 208 badanych we wcześniejszych etapach metodą ankietową 55 osób wyraziło zgodę na udział w dalszych badaniach [EKG spoczynkowe, 24-godzinna rejestracja EKG i ciśnienia tętniczego (ambulatory blood pressure monitoring − ABPM)]. Oceniono u nich także stan zdrowia, poziom stresu zawodowego i ogólnego oraz ekspozycję na PEM. Wyniki W przypadku osób rozmawiających przez telefon komórkowy ponad 60 min dziennie ciśnienie skurczowe w pomiarze jednorazowym i ciśnienie skurczowe z nocy w badaniu ABPM były istotnie wyższe niż u rozmawiających krócej (odpowiednio, p = 0,04 i p = 0,036). Badani, u których stwierdzono najwyższy poziom stresu zawodowego, charakteryzowali się istotnie wyższym ciśnieniem skurczowym w okresie doby (p = 0,007) i dnia (p = 0,002), zarówno w pracy (p = 0,010), jak i po niej (p = 0,005), oraz wyższym ciśnieniem rozkurczowym w okresie dnia (p = 0,028). Reakcja układu krążenia była istotnie zależna od płci. U mężczyzn dominowały zaburzenia ciśnienia tętniczego, a u kobiet – zaburzenia przewodzenia w EKG. Częstość skurczów serca w okresie doby z uwzględnieniem wpływu płci, stresu ogólnego i PEM była istotnie skorelowana z poziomem stresu zawodowego. Wnioski Uzyskane dotychczas wyniki wskazują na potrzebę dalszych badań w celu wyjaśnienia przyczyn różnej u kobiet i mężczyzn odpowiedzi układu krążenia na działanie stresu i PEM emitowanego przez telefony komórkowe. Med. Pr. 2019;70(4):411–424Background Experimental studies have shown cardiovascular effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) emitted by mobile phones (e.g., prolonged QTc interval and abnormal blood pressure [BP] values). Also, stress may have an impact on the cardiovascular function. However, there are practically no data regarding the joint effect of exposure to stress and EMF, with both factors pertaining, e.g., to employees of mobile network operators. Material and Methods Out of 208 subjects who had taken part in survey research, 55 workers agreed to undergo resting ECG, 24-h ECG and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM). Their health condition, occupational and life-stress levels and EMF exposure were also assessed. Results Among the workers using mobile phones for more than 60 min daily, the systolic BP values in office measurement and at night-time in ABPM were significantly higher than among the workers spending less time talking on mobile phones (p = 0.04 and p = 0.036, respectively). The workers with the highest level of occupational stress showed significantly higher systolic 24-h BP (p = 0.007) and at day-time (p = 0.002), both during work (p = 0.010) and after work (p = 0.005), and higher diastolic BP values at day-time (p = 0.028). Cardiovascular response was strongly gender-related: males showed more BP abnormalities while females displayed more impairments in ECG records. The heart rate from 24 h was significantly correlated with the level of occupational stress, after adjusting for gender, life-stress and EMF. Conclusions The findings obtained thus far have indicated the need to conduct in-depth studies on the impact of stress and EMF emitted by mobile phones on the health effects, in order to clarify the observed gender-related differences in cardiovascular response to the combined exposure to stress and EMF. Med Pr. 2019;70(4):411–2

    Effect of stress and intesity of mobile phone using on the health and subjective symptoms in GSM workers

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    Background: There are no available data on the health consequences that may result from the synergistic effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) and stress. Understanding the mechanisms of the simultaneous exposure will make it possible to develop procedures to minimize adverse health effects in professionals using mobile phones. Material and Methods: A questionnaire survey was conducted in 600 randomly selected people to obtain data on their health status and the prevalence of subjective symptoms related to the mobile phones using. Among them, there were 208 GSM Network employees, to whom the Perceived Stress Scale and Assessment of Stress at Work Questionnaire were sent. Eighty-nine completed questionnaires were returned (response rate – 42.8%). Results: The mean age of respondents was 30.3 years (standard deviation (SD) = 7.7), time of occupational use of mobile phone – 4.1 years (SD = 1.7), the level of occupational stress – 95.3 (SD = 19.1). A significant percentage of people (62.8%) complained of the frequent difficulties in coping with problems of everyday life, and 57.4% had a fairly frequent problems with managing their own affairs. Significant differences in the life stress were detected between groups with different time of phone use (p = 0.03), and in occupational stress level, significant differences were noted between the 2 groups differing in the length of the conversation (p = 0.05). The risk of headache, associated (odds ratio (OR) = 4.2, p = 0.008) or not associated (OR = 2.97, p = 0.04) with calls on mobile phone, adjusted for stress, was significantly higher in people speaking via mobile more than 60 min/day than in those talking less. Conclusions: The study indicates that both stressors acting at the same time (EMF from cell phone and stress) adversely affect the well-being of workers and increase the risk of subjective symptoms. Med Pr 2017;68(5):617–62

    The risk of subjective symptoms in mobile phone users in Poland – An epidemiological study

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    Objectives: To assess the type and incidence of subjective symptoms related to the use of mobile phones in Polish users. Material and Methods: The study was conducted in 2005 using a questionnaire survey. Although it has been quite a long time, up to now, no such data have been published for Poland. The questionnaire consisted of 53 questions concerning sex, age, education, general health, characteristics of a mobile phone (hand-held, loud-speaking unit) as well as the habits associated with its use (frequency and duration of calls, text messages, etc.) and complaints associated with using a mobile phone. Results: As many as 1800 questionnaires were sent. The response was obtained from 587 subjects aged 32.6±11.3 (48.9% women, 51.1% men); the age did not differ significantly between men and women. The subjects owned a cell phone for an average of 3 years. Majority of the respondents used the phone intensively, i.e. daily (74%) or almost daily (20%). Headaches were reported significantly more often by the people who talked frequently and long in comparison with other users (63.2% of the subjects, p = 0.0029), just like the symptoms of fatigue (45%, p = 0.013). Also, the feeling of warmth around the ear and directly to the auricle was reported significantly more frequently by the intensive mobile phone users, compared with other mobile phone users (47.3%, p = 0.00004 vs. 44.6%, p = 0.00063, respectively). Most symptoms appeared during or immediately after a call and disappeared within 2 h after the call. Continuous headache, persisting for longer than 6 h since the end of a call, was reported by 26% of the subjects. Conclusions: Our results show that the mobile phone users may experience subjective symptoms, the intensity of which depends on the intensity of use of mobile phones

    Selected chronic diseases and their risk factors in teachers

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    Choroby przewlekłe stanowią duży problem w wymiarach indywidualnym, społecznym i ekonomicznym oraz są przyczyną 60% zgonów na świecie, a szacuje się, że w 2020 r. odsetek ten wzrośnie do 72%. Wśród chorób przewlekłych największą grupę stanowią choroby układu krążenia (30%), nowotwory (13%), choroby układu oddechowego (7%) i cukrzyca (2%). Ich główne czynniki ryzyka to niezdrowa dieta, brak aktywności fizycznej i palenie tytoniu. Istotną rolę odgrywają także czynniki zawodowe i środowiskowe – u nauczycieli jest to hałas, na który skarży się 25% mężczyzn i 38% kobiet. W Polsce nie ma baz danych dotyczących chorób przewlekłych i ich czynników ryzyka w poszczególnych grupach zawodowych, w tym w grupie nauczycieli. Dobrze rozpoznany jest tylko problem zaburzeń głosu jako choroby zawodowej. Wśród nauczycieli w Polsce przeprowadzono nieliczne badania stanu zdrowia i stylu życia, ale ich wyników nie można uogólniać, gdyż badania były prowadzone różnymi metodami, w niewielkich grupach i w różnych regionach kraju. Z reprezentatywnego badania GUS pracowników działu „Edukacja” (brak danych o grupie samych nauczycieli) wśród problemów zdrowotnych dominowały dolegliwości ze strony układu mięśniowo- -szkieletowego (bóle pleców – 21,9%, bóle szyi, barku, ramion lub rąk, bioder, nóg i stóp – po ok. 10%). Bóle głowy lub przemęczenie oczu występowało u 14,6% badanych, stres, depresja i niepokój – u 7,3%, a choroby układu krążenia – u 4,6%. W celu ograniczenia występowania wśród nauczycieli chorób przewlekłych i ich negatywnych skutków należałoby podjąć wielokierunkowe działania, których pierwszym etapem powinno być przygotowanie diagnozy dotyczącej sytuacji zdrowotnej nauczycieli oraz czynników ryzyka chorób przewlekłych. Określenie problemów zdrowotnych tak ważnej grupy zawodowej jest istotnym zagadnieniem zdrowia publicznego.Chronic diseases (ChDs) pose an essential problem from an individual, social and economic point of view. It is estimated that they account for 60% of all deaths worldwide, and this share is expected to rise to 72% by 2020. The most prevalent are cardiovascular diseases (30%), cancers (13%), respiratory diseases (7%), and diabetes (2%). Their major risk factors include unhealthy diet, the lack of physical activity, and tobacco smoking. Of significance are also occupational and environmental hazards. Among teachers, the factor with the highest impact is noise, reported by 25% of male and 38% of female teachers. In Poland, there are no databases on ChDs or risk factors in teachers; only voice disorders are well-recognized as an occupational disease. Only a few studies of health and lifestyle were conducted among teachers in Poland, but they cannot be generalized because they were carried out with different methods, in small groups of people and in various regions in the country. A representative study carried out by Statistics Poland (GUS) among education employees (with no separate data for teachers) revealed that the most prevalent were musculoskeletal disorders, including back-pain (21.9%), as well as painfulness of the neck, shoulder, hand, hip and leg (10% in each case). Headaches and eye fatigue were found in 14.6%; stress, anxiety and depression in 7.3%; and cardiovascular disorders in 4.6% of the study population. Defining health problems in this professional group is an important public health issue which should enable reducing the prevalence and adverse health effects of ChDs

    Subjective complaints of people living near mobile phone base stations in Poland

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    Objectives: The aim of our study was to assess the health conditions and subjective symptoms of the inhabitants living in the base stations vicinity and to analyse the relationship between the complaints and level of exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF). Materials and Methods: Our study was performed in housing estates located in five regions of Łódź. The electric field measurements were performed in the buildings located closest to the azimuth of the antennas. Respondents were selected by trained interviewers using an uniform procedure. The number of the households to be examined was set at a minimum of 420. The questionnaire contained: demographic data, occupational and environmental exposure to EMF, health condition, subjective complaints. Results were adjusted for confounders (age, gender, EMF at the workplace and EMF emitted by household equipment) using multiple regression model. Results: 181 men and 319 women from 500 households were examined. Electric field above 0.8 V/m was recorded in 12% of flats. There was no significant correlation between electric field strength and the distance of examined flats from the base stations. To make possible comparison with relevant literature, we analysed also the frequency of the reported symptoms vs. the distance. Headache was declared by 57% people, most frequently (36.4%) living 100–150 m away from the base station compared to people living at longer distances (p = 0.013). 24.4% subjects, mostly living at a distance above 150 m, declared impaired memory. Difference was statistically significant in comparison with people living at other distances (p = 0.004). Conclusions: The explanation why we did not find any correlation between the electric field strength and frequency of subjective symptoms but found a correlation between subjective symptoms and distance from base station needs further studies. Maybe new metrics of exposure assessment should be adopted for this purpose

    Prevention of cardiovascular diseases – Prophylactic program in a selected enterprise

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    Background: In Poland cardiovascular diseases (CVD), classified as work-related diseases, are responsible for 25% of disability and cause 50% of all deaths, including 26.9% of deaths in people aged under 65 years. The aim of the study was to analyze employee expectations regarding CVD- oriented prophylactic activities in the selected enterprise. Material and Methods: A questionnaire, developed for this study, consists of: socio-demographic data, job characteristics, occupational factors, and questions about the respondents’ expectations concerning the prevention program. The study group comprised 407 multi-profile company employees aged (mean) 46.7 years (standard deviation (SD) = 9.1), including 330 men (81.1%), mean age = 46.9 (SD = 9.2) and 77 women (18.9%), mean age = 45.9 (SD = 8.2) The study was performed using the method of auditorium survey. Results: Employees declared the need for actions related to physical activity: use of gym, swimming pool, tennis (56.5%), smoking habits – education sessions on quitting smoking (24.6%). A few people were interested in activities related to healthy diet. According to the majority of the study group, the scope of preventive examinations should be expanded. Based on our own findings and literature data CVD- oriented preventive program, addressed to the analyzed enterprise was prepared. The program will be presented in another paper. Conclusions: The results showed significant quantitative and qualitative differences in the classic and occupational CVD risk factors between men and women, as well as in preferences for participation in prevention programs. Therefore, gender differences should be taken into account when planning prevention programs. Med Pr 2017;68(6):757–76