4 research outputs found

    Agricultural restructuring in Turkmenistan

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    Данный отчет представляет основные моменты земельной реформы и аграрной реструктуризации в Туркменистане. В первой части отчета основное внимание уделяется описанию хода аграрной реформы с представлением хронологии основных осуществленных мер аграрной политики, а также рассмотрена организация поставки материалов и ресурсов в сельскохозяйственное производство. Центральная часть отчета отведена на описание изменений в структуре посевов, а также динамики развития различных категорий сельскохозяйственных производителей и их вклад в развитие аграрного сектора и продовольственной безопасности страны. Как показывает исследование, земельная реформа и аграрная реструктуризация в стране в целом проводились со значительными функциями государства в регулировании этих процессов. На основе реформирования сельского хозяйства за период с 1992-2013 гг. общая посевная площадь в стране возросла на 25 %, в то время как, крестьянские объединения остаются основной категорией в сфере производства сельскохозяйственной продукции, базирующейся на арендной системе земледелие с целью выполнения государственного заказа стратегических культур.This report presents the main issues of land reform and agricultural restructuring in Turkmenistan. The first part of the report focuses on the progress of agrarian reform by providing a chronicle of the main agricultural policies, before presenting an overview of the organizational structure of input and resource supply in agriculture. The main body describes the changes in cropping pattern, and the development of different types of agricultural producers by highlighting their contribution to sectoral development and food security. The study shows that land reforms and agricultural restructuring in Turkmenistan were carried out under the central role of the state. As a result of the progress of agricultural reforms, the total sown area in Turkmenistan expanded by 25 %. However, peasant associations based on the land lease system, remain the main farm category in agricultural production and are assigned the primary task of fulfilling the state order in strategic crops

    Hydraulic models in Turkmenistan

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    Presented at the 2002 USCID/EWRI conference, Energy, climate, environment and water - issues and opportunities for irrigation and drainage on July 9-12 in San Luis Obispo, California.In 1998 irrigated area of Turkmenistan was 1750 thousand ha and total water intake was 22.8 km3 which was enough to meet total agricultural water requirements. Pursuant to the programs of the President of Turkmenistan, the irrigated area must be brought to 2250 thousand ha by 2010, but the volume of water taken from the Amudarya river must be kept as 22 km3. Thus in the future irrigation water requirements including the necessity of irrigated area extension can be met only under specific conditions. The given situation demands much from the justification and quality of the projects. In this connection, at present, in the course of designing and renovation of major water projects (reservoirs, main canals and drainage systems) of Turkmenistan, hydrological models and engineering calculation schemes are being used. Sources of initial hydrological data and methods of their processing (depending upon the sphere of their utilization, results of hydrological studies and the problems which solution they will be used for) are under consideration in the Report