8 research outputs found

    Emerging Learning Perspectives: Technology as the driving force

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    The great advances in information and communication technology (ICT) have made it possible for individuals to live, learn, work, communicate and undertake leisure activities in a different and better way. In addition, the current world order requires quality systems which are efficient, accurate, and fast for operation and service delivery. For this reason, technologies and especially the ICTs open up new horizons that provide avenues and strategies leading to the emergence of new perspectives and approaches. In education, some of the emerging perspectives considered in the paper include: the changing learning environments, learner profiles, and roles of the teacher; adoption and integration of educational technologies; emphasis on quality; and the institutional ranking systems. Technology isbeing used to enhance learning as well as facilitate teaching in the classroom and virtually at a distance across all disciplines and levels. The impact of technology on the quality of education delivery has been tremendous. The development of self -learning instructional materials and use of learner/content management systems through blended and e-learning have enhanced the quality, structure, delivery, monitoring, evaluation, flexibility and access to content. By levering into the multiple technological tools that are available for teaching and learning today, we are better equipped to enhance learning and teaching at the same time. However, despite the positive impact, there are issues and challenges which must be addressed, ranging from costs associated with development and maintenance of infrastructure, sustainability especially with the high rate of obsolescence and training of staff to acquire the appropriate skills, to changing the mind-set of those responsible for the provision of education to accommodate and appropriately invest in emerging trends. Examples used in the paper are drawn mainly from our experiences through interactions with colleagues from different institutions and within our work environments. Key words:Education technology, Quality, Emerging perspective

    Influence of Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision Communication Strategies on Risk Perception among Secondary School Students in Kenya

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    This paper analyses the influence of communication strategies on risk perception of circumcised male secondary school students in Kenya. Male  circumcision  is  a  surgical  removal  of  the  foreskin  and  can  be  done  as  a  traditional culture  or  medical  influence.  In this  regard,  we  are  talking  about  the  medically  influenced circumcision,  hence,  its  name  being  Voluntary  Medical  Male  Circumcision (VMMC). Research  has  shown  that  the  risk  of  a  medically  circumcised  male  contracting Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) during vaginal sex is reduced by up to 60%, compared to that of an uncircumcised man. However, there is increasing concern that communication of VMMC related messages continues to be done in a disorganized manner in secondary schools and thus circumcised boys may still embark on risky sexual choices despite information that VMMC only offers partial protection from HIV infection. The literature reviewed reveals that there is limited research that has assessed the influence of VMMC communication strategies on risky sexual choices. The study adopted a descriptive survey and was conducted in schools in Migori County in Kenya. It involved 306 male student participants. Data was generated through questionnaires and informant interviews. Quantitative data was presented percentages while qualitative data was analyzed thematically. Findings indicated that whereas circumcised male secondary school students recalled key VMMC messages obtained through informal interpersonal communication, negotiated decoding of VMMC messages still existed. Based on the findings, it is recommended that future VMMC communication efforts use trained peer educators who would accurately capture positive narratives that promote VMMC and at the same time emphasize that there is no cure for HIV/AIDS and that every person could become infected including medically circumcised males. Keywords: Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision, Communication strategy, Risk Compensatio

    Influence of Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision Communication Strategies on Risk Perception among Secondary School Students in Kenya

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    This paper analyses the influence of communication strategies on risk perception of circumcised male secondary school students in Kenya. Male circumcision is a surgical removal of the foreskin and can be done as a traditional culture or medical influence. In this regard, we are talking about the medically influenced circumcision, hence, its name being Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC). Research has shown that the risk of a medically circumcised male contracting Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) during vaginal sex is reduced by up to 60%, compared to that of an uncircumcised man. However, there is increasing concern that communication of VMMC related messages continues to be done in a disorganized manner in secondary schools and thus circumcised boys may still embark on risky sexual choices despite information that VMMC only offers partial protection from HIV infection. The literature reviewed reveals that there is limited research that has assessed the influence of VMMC communication strategies on risky sexual choices. The study adopted a descriptive survey and was conducted in schools in Migori County in Kenya. It involved 306 male student participants. Data was generated through questionnaires and informant interviews. Quantitative data was presented percentages while qualitative data was analyzed thematically. Findings indicated that whereas circumcised male secondary school students recalled key VMMC messages obtained through informal interpersonal communication, negotiated decoding of VMMC messages still existed. Based on the findings, it is recommended that future VMMC communication efforts use trained peer educators who would accurately capture positive narratives that promote VMMC and at the same time emphasize that there is no cure for HIV/AIDS and that every person could become infected including medically circumcised males. Keywords: Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision, Communication strategy, Risk Compensatio

    Phosphorus Sorption and Lime Requirements of Maize Growing Acid Soils of Kenya

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    In Kenya, maize (Zea mays L.) is mainly grown on acid soils in high rainfall areas. These soils are known for low available phosphorus (P), partly due to its sorption by aluminium (Al) and iron oxides. The study determined soil P sorption, lime requirements and the effects of lime on soil pH, Al levels and available P on the main maize growing acids soils in the highlands east and west of Rift Valley (RV), Kenya. Burnt lime containing 21% calcium oxide was used. The soils were strongly to extremely acid (pH 4.85-4.07), had high exchangeable Al3+ (> 2 cmol Al kg-1) and Al saturation (> 20% Al), which most maize germplasm grown in Kenya are sensitive to. The base cations, cation exchange capacity and available P (< 10 mg P kg-1 bicarbonate extractable P) were low, except at one site in the highlands east of RV indicative with history of high fertilizer applications. Highlands east of RV soils had higher P sorption (343-402 mg P kg-1) than the west (107-258 mg P kg-1), probably because of their high Al3+ ions and also the energies of bonding between the soil colloids and phosphate ions. Highlands east of RV also had higher lime requirements (11.4-21.9 tons lime ha-1) than the west (5.3-9.8 tons lime ha-1). Due to differences in soil acidity, Al levels and P sorption capacities within and between highlands east and west of RV, blanket P fertilizer and lime recommendations may not serve all soils equally well. Keywords: acid soils, phosphorus sorption, lime requirement

    Enhancing Maize Grain Yield in Acid Soils of Western Kenya Using Aluminium Tolerant Germplasm

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    Abstract: Maize (Zea mays L.) is one of the world’s most important cereals and is a staple food for many people in developing countries. However, in acid soils (pH < 5.5), its productivity is limited by aluminium (Al) toxicity, besides other factors. The objectives of this study were to: develop Al tolerant maize inbred lines for a maize breeding program in Kenya, develop single cross hybrids (SCHs) from some of the tolerant inbred lines and determine Al tolerance levels of the SCHs. One hundred and seventy five inbreds and 49 SCHs were developed and screened in nutrient culture containing 0 or 222 μM using Relative Net Root Growth (RNRG), hematoxylin staining (HS) and under Al saturated field conditions (44%-45.6%) at Sega and Chepkoilel. Seedling root growth was inhibited in 95% of the inbreds. F1 hybrids obtained from inbreds varying in Al tolerance, exhibited tolerance equal to or greater than that of the more tolerant parent indicating a positive transgressive inheritance to Al toxicity. Fifty eight percent of the F1 SCHs were heterotic for tolerance to Al toxicity. Al tolerance estimated by RNRG was well correlated to that of HS (r2 = 0.88, P < 0.005) but minimally correlated with the field estimates (r2 = 0.24-0.35), implying that RNRG can predict field selection under Al toxic soils by between 24% and 35%. Plant breeders should therefore employ both approaches in selecting cultivars under Al stress. This study has developed and identified Al tolerant inbreds and SCHs for use in the acid soils of Kenya and similar regions

    Development of maize single cross hybrids for tolerance to low phosphorus

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    Low available phosphorus (P) is one of the major hindrances to maize (Zea mays L.) productivity in acid soils. The objectives of this study were to: (1) develop P-efficient maize inbred lines, (2) develop single cross hybrids from the P-efficient inbred lines, and (3) determine their response to P application in the P-deficient acid soils of western Kenya. Ninety-eight inbred lines and 49 single crosses were developed and screened at P-deficient (2.0 to 2.2 mg P/kg soil) soils of Sega and Bumala. Mean grain yield (GY) for the hybrids was 75.3% higher with P-fertilizer than without P for the same hybrids. Thirty-three percent (33%) of these hybrids were inefficient but responsive to P application, 27% were efficient and none responsive, only 13% were efficient and responsive, while the rest were inefficient and non-responsive. GY was positively correlated (r = 0.57**) with plant height (PH) and ear height (EH) (r = 0.60**) and PH was correlated with EH (r = 0.86***). This study has developed and identified P-efficient maize germplasm that can be utilized directly or in developing other hybrids for use in acid soils of western Kenya and in other acid soils where P is limiting

    Effects of lime, phosphorus and rhizobia on Sesbania sesban performance in a Western Kenyan acid soil

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    Aluminium (Al) toxicity, phosphorus (P) deficiency and low rhizobia populations limit Sesbania (Sesbania sesban) performance in tropical acid soils. The study determined the i) indigenous rhizobia populations that nodulate sesbania and ii) effects of lime (0 and 4 t/ha), P-fertilizer (0 and 60 kg/ha) and acid tolerant rhizobia (0 and inoculation) on soil and selected sesbania accessions performance in Western Kenya acid soil. Study site had acid soil, low available P, nitrogen (N) and rhizobia populations that nodulate Sesbania (146 cells/g soil). Lime increased soil pH, while both lime and P-fertilizer increased available P. Aluminium toxicity tolerant and P-efficient accessions (SSBSA004, SSUG3, SSUG4 and SSUG5) had faster growth, higher nodulation, shoot P, and shoot N and response to treatments than the sensitive one (SSBSA203). After 7 months of growth, SSUG3 had highest shoot length (306 cm) and dry matter (5.64 tons/ha), hence, most suitable for building poles and fuel wood. SSUG5 accumulated the highest shoot N (222 kg N/ha) and was therefore, most suitable soil N replenishment. Thus, in acid P deficient and low rhizobial population soils of Western Kenya, the use of lime, P-fertilizer, rhizobia inoculation and Al toxicity tolerant Sesbania are important for Sesbania establishment and growth. Key words: Rhizobia, Sesbania, soil acidity, aluminum toxicity, lime, phosphorus

    Immediate and residual effects of lime and phosphorus fertilizer on soil acidity and maize production in western Kenya

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    Soil acidity and phosphorus (P) deficiency are some of the major causes of low maize yields in Kenya. This study determined the immediate and residual effects of lime and P fertilizer on soil pH, exchangeable aluminium (Al), available P, maize grain yield, agronomic P use and P fertilizer recovery efficiencies on a western Kenya acid soil. The treatments were: P fertilizer (0, 26 and 52 kg P ha−1 as triple super phosphate) and lime (0, 2, 4 and 6 tons lime ha−1 ) applied once at the beginning of the study. A burnt liming material with 92.5% calcium carbonate equivalent was used. Soil samples were analysed prior to and after treatment application. The site had low soil pH–H2 O (4.9), available P (2.3 mg kg−1 ), total N (0.17%), high Al (2.0 cmol kg−1 exchangeable Al and 29% Al saturation). Lime reduced soil pH and exchangeable Al, leading to increased soil available P. Lime at 2, 4 and 6 tons ha−1 maintained soil pH ≥ 5.5 for 2, 3 and 4 years, respectively. The study observed that the recommended P fertilizer rate (26 kg P ha−1 ) for maize production in Kenya was inadequate to raise soil available P to the critical level (≥10 mg P kg−1 soil bicarbonate extractable P) required for healthy maize growth. To maintain soil available P at the critical level where 52 kg P ha−1 and combined 52 kg P ha−1 + 4 tons lime ha−1 were applied, it would be necessary to reapply the same P fertilizer rate after every one and two cropping seasons, respectively. The 4-year mean grain yield increments were 0.17, 0.34, 0.50, 0.58 and 1.17 tons ha−1 due to 2, 4, 6 tons lime ha−1 , 26 kg P and 52 kg P ha−1 , respectively. Both agronomic P use and P fertilizer recovery efficiencies increased with increasing rates of lime and decreased with increasing rates of P fertilizer. Therefore, combined applications of both lime and P fertilizer are important for enhancing maize production on P-deficient acid soils in western Kenya