63 research outputs found

    A CH-type Inequality For Real Experiments

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    We derive an efficient CH-type inequality. Quantum mechanics violates our proposed inequality independent of the detection-efficiency problem.Comment: 4 pages, no figure. To appear in Journal of Modern Optic

    On The Significance of Bell's Locality Condition

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    Reviewing the general representation of a stochastic local hidden variables theory in the context of an ideal Bohm's version of the EPR experiment, we show explicitly that the violation of Bell's locality condition is due to the assumption of ``outcome independence'' at the hidden variables level. Also, we show that if we introduce determinism, the assumption of outcome independence will be allowed.Comment: 10 pages, no figure, to appear in Annales de la Fondation Louis de Brogli

    Objective information in the empiricist view of von Weizs\"acker

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    We analyze von Weizs\"acker view regarding the concept of information in physics. In his view, information arises from the reduction of properties of a physical object to their logical descriptive propositions. The smallest element of a lattice of propositions is an atom of information which is considered as the essence of every physical identity including position space. von Weizs\"acker calls this element, ur. Moreover, Biological evolution is described in terms of enhancement of the variety of forms. Form could be also reduced to descriptive logical propositions, thus to atoms of information. Therefore, information is the fundamental basis in von Weizs\"acker plan for unifying all branches of Physics including Chemistry and Biology. Yet, there are inadequacies in his lines of reasoning, critically assessed in this paper

    Particle-Field Theory and Its Relativistic Generalization II ( Relativistic Generalization of Micro Harmonic Oscillator and Hydrogen Atom )

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    As a serious attempt for constructing a new foundation for describing micro-entities from a causal standpoint, it was explained before in [1, 2, 3] that by unifying the concepts of information, matter and energy, each micro-entity is assumed to be composed of a probability field joined to a particle called a particle-field or PF system. The relativistic generalization of this theory and its invariance under Lorentz transformation has been proved. In this essay, based on the relativistic generalization of Schrodinger equation derived in [4], we solve the relativistic Schrodinger equation for relativistic micro-harmonic oscillator to find its energy. Also we obtain the energy spectrum of Hydrogen atom that is the main purpose of this paper. We see that the result is completely consistent with the relativistic correction to the Hydrogen's energy in first-order perturbation theory

    Leggett-Garg Inequality for a Two-Level System under Decoherence: A Broader Range of Violation

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    We consider a macroscopic quantum system in a tilted double-well potential. By solving Hamiltonian equation, we obtain tunneling probabilities which contain oscillation effects. To show how one can decide between quantum mechanics and the implications of macrorealism assumption, a given form of Leggett-Garg inequality is used. The violation of this inequality occurs for a broader range of decoherence effects, compared to previous results obtained for two-level systems

    The Particle-Field Theory and Its Relativistic Generalization

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    As a serious attempt for constructing a new foundation for describing micro-entities from a causal standpoint, it was explained before in [1, 2, 3] that by unifying the concepts of information, matter and energy, each micro-entity is assumed to be composed of a probability field joined to a particle called a particle-field or PF system. In this essay, the relativistic generalization of the PF theory has been considered. The equation of motion for the PF system is derived in a form which is Lorentz-invariant. Moreover, based on constitutional similarities to classical equations of motion, a well-defined relativistic time-independent Schrodinger equation is derived, which is one of our main achievements in developing a micro-relativistic physics of PF theory. This relativistic Schrodinger equation is solved for a relativistic micro-particle in one-dimensional box to find its eigenstate and energy spectrum

    On The Significance of Which-Way Expositions: Propounding a New Possibility

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    In this article, we survey some controversial problems concerning the idea of erasing Which Way information proposed in recent years. A statistical examination of these proposals suggests that whenever the Bayesian rule is taken into account for two relevant events in two successive times, the probabilistic description of them is unavoidably time-symmetric. Consequently, it seems that they cannot fulfill the implications of a so-called delayed-choice experiment. As a possible alternative, however, we suggest a new experimental arrangement in which one can change the whole state of a given system at a proper time (without measurement) to accomplish an actual delayed-choice experiment with a time-asymmetric attribute. The peculiar features of this experiment are then discussed.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures, this is the second version which includes many amendments in exploring the issu

    A GHZ-type proof of Bell's Theorem for A Two-particle Singlet State

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    For the case of two spin-1/2 particles in the singlet state, we provide a GHZ-type proof of Bell's theorem by using the idea of postselected measurements. Furthermore, we show that in spite of the low efficiency of the detectors one can derive an inequality in the case of real experiments which is violated by quantum mechanics.Comment: This paper is withdraw

    The Possibility of Factorizable Contextual Hidden Variable Theories

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    Considering an extended type of Bohm's version of EPR thought experiment, we derive Bell's inequality for the case of factorizable contextual hidden variable theories which are consistent with the predictions of quantum theory. Usually factorizability is associated with non-contextuality. Here, we show that factorizability is consistent with contextuality, even for the ordinary Bohm's version of EPR thought experiment.Comment: 10 pages, no figur

    Position-Momentum Uncertainty Relation for an Open Macroscopic Quantum System

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    In this study, we explore the validity of the original Heisenberg position- momentum uncertainty relation for a macroscopic harmonic oscillator interacting with environmental micro particles. Our results show that, in the quasi-classical situation, the original uncertainty relation does not hold when the number of particles in the environment is small. Nonetheless, increasing the environmental degrees of freedom resolves the violation in the region of our investigation