10 research outputs found

    Measuring Research Productivity of LIS Departments in the Middle East

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    The present study measures research productivity of library and Information science departments in the Middle East. Data were collected from 16 countries whose LIS departments had at least one article indexed in Clarivate Analytics Web of Science between 2014 and 2018. Journals’ Citation Report was also used to collect further data. In measuring research productivity, the number of departments’ articles indexed in the Web of Science database and the size of each department (number of faculties) is considered as output and input, respectively. Findings indicated that Bar Ilan University had the highest research productivity (3.7), followed by Shiraz University (1.17) and Haceteppe University (1.04). With respect to LIS Department Research Productivity    Occupied Palestine, Turkey, Jordan, Kuwait and Iran ranked first to fifth respectively. The results of this research not only can contribute towards identifying highly productive and influential departments, but could also lay the groundworks for a well oriented scientific policy and cooperation.https://dorl.net/dor/20.1001.1.20088302.2022.20.2.3.

    Evaluation of the Organizational Structure Impact on the Organizational Learning and Innovation of Public University Librarians in Tabriz

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    Objective: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of organizational structure on the learning and organizational innovation of librarians in Tabriz Public universities. Methods: This research method is a descriptive-survey. The statistical population of this study is 63 librarians of public university libraries in Tabriz. The data gathering tools were three questionnaires. The validity of the questionnaires was approved by five experts in the field of knowledge and information science and their opinions were employed for the improvement of the final questionnaires. To confirm the reliability of the questionnaires, Cronbach's alpha was used. Data analysis was confirmed as descriptive and inferential statistics employing SPSS software. Results: The obtained value of the Pearson correlation test showed that there is a positive significant correlation between organizational structure and organizational learning of librarians (r=0.32, p= 0.011). In addition, there is a positive significant correlation between organizational learning and formalization (r = 0.34, p 0.05). The results also showed that there is a positive significant correlation between organizational structure and organizational innovation of librarians. Other results showed that there is a positive significant correlation between organizational innovation and organizational learning of librarians. Conclusions: It seems that the main challenge for educational organizations is to support innovation, which facilitates the process of adaptation to many environmental changes. Therefore, it can be argued that choosing the appropriate organizational structure is one of the essential conditions for successful adaptation to the changes, and this will be possible through the continuous design of the organizational structure

    Studying the Factors Related to the International Scientific Mobility of Faculty Members of the University of Tabriz

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    Purpose: The purpose of this research is to identify and determine the importance of factors related to the international scientific mobility of Tabriz University faculty members using exploratory factor analysis. Methodology: This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive survey in terms of the data collection method. The statistical population of the research included faculty members of Tabriz University. Research data was collected through library study and questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed using the exploratory factor analysis method, and related factors were extracted. Findings: After studying related texts, 25 indicators were identified and using the exploratory factor analysis method in six factors, including access to research resources and facilities, gaining a scientific reputation and CV, the environment and working conditions of universities, the cultural-geographic affinity, the development of scientific cooperation’s, Accommodation costs were categorized. The importance of each index was checked from the subjects' point of view. The credibility and reputation index of universities with an average of 4.5, professional development and advancement with an average of 4.4, to create a solid scientific and research resume with an average of 4.3, observing the activities and work methods of others with an average of 4.3 were the most important. Conclusion: The obtained results showed that the six factors of access to research resources and facilities, gaining a scientific reputation and CV, the environment and working conditions of universities, cultural-geographic affinity, the development of scientific cooperation, and accommodation costs are among the factors related to the international scientific mobility of Tabriz University faculty members. Value: This research is important because it has identified the factors related to the international scientific mobility of Tabriz University faculty members. These factors can be considered in policy making and facilitating and encouraging the international scientific mobility of researchers and the internationalization of universities

    Analysis of Educational Themes in Mobile Social Networks: A Case Study of Channels Related to the Education of Children and Adolescents in the Telegram Social Network

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    Objective: The present research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the educational themes in the channels related to the education of children and adolescents in the Telegram social network. Providing a model for managers of virtual social network channels to post messages is one of the other goals of this research. Methods: This research was carried out using the method of quantitative and qualitative content analysis and cybermetrics, which was checked using a checklist made by the researcher. The statistical population of this research includes three popular channels in the field of child and adolescent education taken from the lifestyle section of the Telegramers site. The statistical sample was a six-month survey of these same channels. The data were entered in Excel using observation and review tools, then were analyzed using Excel and SPSS20 software. Results: The findings showed that there is a direct relationship between the number of messages posted in the channels and the number of members of that channel. Also, other results showed that the use of many different formats in Telegram social network channel messages, the use of intellectual references for the content, and the originality of the content were effective in attracting members of Telegram educational channels. Other findings of this research showed that if every channel post its messages on a topic that is the main focus of that channel, it will be more successful in attracting the audience. Among the other findings of this research, we can mention the superiori-ty of the clear and serious content posts (compared to humorous content) (This type of content has a higher penetration rate among users). In addition, based on the results of this research, no relationship was observed between the number of members and the penetration rate of these channels. Other results of this research showed that the advertisements posted in the studied Telegram channels are not completely related to the topic of the channel, and in these channels, there are more national and international occasions (such as historical events, such as Father's Day) than others. Also Social events (such as daily news) have been used. Conclusions: In this research, while presenting an accurate and well-founded view of the activities carried out on the level of the Telegram social networks in the field of education, some effective factors in attracting the audience and the detailed structure of the topic presented in this platform have been pointed out

    Quantitative Study and Structure Visualization of Scientific Publications in the Field of Information Management in Web of Science Database during 1988-2009

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    The present study endeavored to analysis the scientific publications that were indexed in the Web of Science database as the information management records and the visualization of science structure in this field during 1988-2009. The research method was scientometrics. During the study period, 1120 records in the field of information management have been published. These records were extracted in the form of plain text files and stored in a PC. Then they were analyzed by ISI.exe and HistCite softwares. Author's coefficient collaboration (CC) was grown from zero in 1988 to 0.33 in 2009. Average coefficient collaboration between the authors was 0.22 which confirmed low authors collaboration in this area. The records have been published in 63 languages. Among these records the English language with 93.8 % possessed the highest proportion. City University London and the University of Sheffield in England had the most common publications in information management field. Based on the number of published records, T.D. Wilson with 13 records and 13 citations ranked as the first. The average number of global citations to 112 documents has been equal to 8.78. Despite the participation of different countries in the production of documents, more than 28.9% of records have been produced in the United States. According to results, 10 countries have published more than 72.4 percent of the records. City University London and the University of Sheffield have had highest frequency in this area. 15 journals have published 564 records (50.4%) of the total productions. Finally, by implementation of scientific software HistCite map drawing clustered and authors, articles and four effective specific subjects were introduced.

    Content Analysis of LIS Undergraduate Curriculum Approved in 1375 and 1388

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    New information and communication technologies have changed the library and information science education, similar to other science education. Therefore, after 14 years, the Planning Council of Higher Education revised curriculum of undergraduate LIS (Library and Information Science) and approved new curriculum in the form of 111 basic, special compulsory and special optional units. The purpose of this study was to compare and analyze the curriculum of the undergraduate LIS approved in 1375 and 1388. This study was performed using the method of content analysis. Results showed that the percent of titles with share content at two curricula was only 25%, which represents the novelty of the new program. Curriculum approved in 1388 had more number of special and practical units. In the new curriculum, 75% of the total units have been changed in terms of creating new courses, renaming or merging of courses. Also, 44% of curriculum approved in 1388 was new and 22% related to application of information technologies in libraries. The consistent percent of new Iranian LIS curriculum with other countries curriculum was nearly 70%. Due to the created changes in the field title and LIS curriculum in various countries, and accordance of these changes with evolution of LIS curriculum in Iran, It seemed that the conditions were appropriate for renaming the title of LIS field

    Assessment of accepting rate of Electronic Information Resources (EIR) by Iranian Knowledge and Information Science faculty members

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    Electronic information resources (EIR) play an important role in the process of education and research. The aim of this study was to analyze the status of adoption of electronic information resources (EIR) by Iranian Knowledge and Information Science (KIS) faculty members. This applied- descriptive survey was carried out on Iranian KIS Faculty Members in 2012. The number of participants was determined based on the Cochran's sample size table. Of the 170 Faculty Members, 122 individuals were randomly selected. Data collection tool was an Electronic questionnaire, and its validity was confirmed by professionals. The reliability of the questionnaire was verified after a pilot study. By using IBM SPSS 20 software and through exploratory factor analysis, descriptive statistics, and inferential tests the data were analyzed. Results showed that, there is significant difference between the mean of adoption rate of electronic information resources (EIR) by people with different levels of education. In addition, the Pearson correlation coefficient showed a significant relationship between mean of adoption rate and the faculty’s teaching experience and age. The results of Kolmogorov-Smirnoff test showed that the curve of adoption rate of electronic information resources among the sample is normal, and thus, the adoption rate of resources over time, is S-shaped. Ultimately, this study confirmed The Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovation Theory (2003) in context of Adaptor categories of electronic information resources (EIR), and S-shaped curve, among faculty members in departments of knowledge and Information science in Iran

    Investigating the factors affecting the willingness to continue using Instagram pages of public libraries in West Azerbaijan province during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Purpose: Instagram pages of public libraries were a suitable platform to establish and maintain communication with users and provide services and information they needed, especially during the epidemic of diseases such as COVID-19. The aim of the present study is to identify the factors affecting the willingness of users to continue using the Instagram pages of public libraries in West Azerbaijan province during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: The current research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey of correlation type in terms of the data collection method. The research was carried out in 1399-1400. The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire, whose face validity was confirmed by experts in this field, and its reliability was calculated using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient at 72%. The statistical population of the research included all the followers of the Instagram pages of public libraries in West Azerbaijan province during the COVID-19 pandemic, from which 20 active pages were selected, and the questionnaire was provided to them privately by the managers of the pages, and finally 212 questionnaires were returned. Descriptive statistics were used to determine frequency, frequency percentage, standard deviation and mean in SPSS software, and the structural equation modeling by partial least squares method in SmartPLS software was used to investigate the relationships between variables and test hypotheses. Findings: The findings of the analysis of path coefficients showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between perceived usefulness, responsiveness, social benefits and satisfaction with the desire to continuously use Instagram pages of public libraries in West Azerbaijan province. Satisfaction with the path coefficient (0.446) was the strongest factor in predicting the continued use of Instagram pages of public libraries in West Azerbaijan province during the COVID-19 pandemic. After satisfaction, responsiveness, usefulness, and social benefits, respectively, had the greatest impact on the desire to continuously use these pages. Interestingly, no significant relationship was observed between the variables of ease of use, expectations, perceived enjoyment, type of post uploaded, post upload time, content, social influence, and correlation with the tendency to continuously use Instagram pages of public libraries. The results related to the path coefficients of the factors of type of uploaded post, time of uploading post, ease of use and content on the perceived usefulness of users from the Instagram pages of public libraries in West Azerbaijan province showed that there is a positive and significant relationship and the type of uploaded post with the path coefficient (0/290) was the strongest predictor of perceived usefulness. Furthermore, the analysis of path coefficients showed that the relationship between perceived enjoyment and perceived usefulness on user satisfaction is not significant, but the coefficients of the effect of ease of use and expectations on user satisfaction from Instagram pages of public libraries in West Azerbaijan Province is positive and significant. In general, the value of the goodness of fit was 0/641, which indicates the appropriateness of the overall fit of the model. Originality/value: Considering that the desire and intention to continue using social media sites is an act after their admission and so far, few studies have identified the factors influencing the desire to continue using social media, especially Instagram pages in public libraries, the results of this study can have valuable scientific and practical implications for managers and policy makers in this field

    Analysis of Attitude, Motivations, and Barriers to Knowledge Sharing Behavior Among Postgraduate Students at Tabriz University

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    Objective: The current study aims to explore the attitudes, motivations, and obstacles to knowledge sharing among postgraduate students at the University of Tabriz. Methods: The research method employed is a descriptive survey. The statistical population of the present study is 6,223 postgraduate students from the University of Tabriz, with a sample of 374 individuals selected based on the relative stratified sampling method according to the Krejci-Morgan table. Data were collected using a researcher-developed questionnaire. Its validity was confirmed by experts in Library and Information Science, and its reliability was determined to be 82.9% using Cronbach’s alpha. Data analysis was performed using SPSS version 24, employing descriptive and inferential statistics, independent t-tests, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, and linear regression. Results: The research findings indicated that the respondents’ age, gender, and major academic groups of the respondents had an effect on their knowledge sharing behavior, but their level of education did not. Pearson’s correlation coefficient results revealed a significant relationship between the extent of knowledge sharing and the components of attitude, motivation, barriers, resources, types of information, and knowledge sharing channels. Furthermore, the multiple regression analysis results showed that among all the independent variables, ‘attitude towards knowledge sharing’, ‘types of shared information and knowledge’, and ‘motivation to share knowledge’ were included in the equation. These three components explain 19% of the changes related to knowledge sharing. Conclusion: Knowledge sharing can facilitate the exchange of ideas, experiences, and knowledge among students, leading to an expansion of knowledge and a deeper understanding of their subjects. In general, the implementation of knowledge sharing among postgraduate students at the University of Tabriz could help achieve the university’s educational and research objectives

    An Analysis of the Retraction Trend of Scientific Documents Indexed on the Web of Science during the Years 2000-2020

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    Familiarity and attention to the reasons for the retraction of publications can prevent the rapid growth of these documents in the future. The ascending trend in the retraction of publications in the 10 countries is worrying, requiring the serious attention of scientific authors and policymakers