3 research outputs found
Penelitian dilakukan untuk menghasilkan desain tahapan pembelajaran kegiatan laboratorium bermuatan authentic science pada topik bambu sebagai sustainable material dan menguatkan identitas sains siswa. Penelitian ini menggunaan metode campuran dengan desain penelitian Exploratory Sequential Design. Desain penelitian tersebut dipandu oleh kerangka Model of Educational Reconstruction (MER) yang terdiri dari tiga komponen utama, yaitu: (1) klarifikasi dan analisis pada konten sains, (2) penelitian tentang pra-konsepsi siswa pada konten sains tertentu, (3) desain dan evaluasi pembelajaran. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah lembar analisis teks, pedoman wawancara, lembar validasi desain tahapan pembelajaran, angket identitas sains siswa, dan angket persepsi diri siswa. Data penelitian yang diperoleh berupa konsepsi ilmuwan terkait topik bambu sebagai sustainable material; pra-konsepsi siswa sekolah menengah pertama terhadap topik bambu sebagai sustainable material; rancangan desain tahapan pembelajaran kegiatan laboratorium bermuatan authentic science pada topik bambu sebagai sustainable material; identitas sains siswa pada saat sebelum dan sesudah mengikuti pembelajaran; dan persepsi siswa terhadap pembelajaran pada saat sebelum dan sesudah mengikuti pembelajaran. Konsepsi ilmuwan dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode analisis kualitatif konten dengan hasil akhir berupa peta konsep bermuatan sistem. Hasil analisis deskriptif dan analisis tematik pra-konsepsi siswa menunjukkan bahwa topik bambu sebagai sustainable material merupakan hal yang baru bagi siswa dan berkaitan dengan materi pembelajaran IPA. Persentase identitas sains siswa meningkat dari 65% menjadi 69% setelah menerapkan kegiatan laboratorium. Persentase kemampuan persepsi diri siswa juga meningkat dari 70% menjadi 71%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan laboratorium bermuatan authentic science dapat menguatkan identitas sains siswa.
Kata Kunci: Desain Tahapan Pembelajaran, Sustainable Material, Authentic Science, Identitas Sains Siswa
The research was conducted to produce design learning stages for laboratory activities containing authentic science on bamboo as a sustainable material, strengthening students' scientific identity. This study used mixed methods with an Exploratory Sequential Design research design. The research design is guided by the Model of Educational Reconstruction (MER) framework, which consists of three main components, namely: (1) clarification and analysis of science content, (2) research on students' pre-conceptions on certain science content, (3) learning design and evaluation. The instruments used were text analysis sheets, interview guidelines, learning stage design validation sheets, student science identity questionnaires, and student self-perception questionnaires. The research data obtained is in the form of scientific conceptions related to the topic of bamboo as a sustainable material; junior high school students' pre-conceptions on the topic of bamboo as a sustainable material; the design of the learning stages for laboratory activities with authentic science content on the topic of bamboo as a sustainable material; students' scientific identity before and after participating in learning; and students' perceptions of learning at the time before and after participating in learning. Scientists' conceptions were analyzed using a qualitative content analysis method, with the final result being a system-laden concept map. The results of the descriptive analysis and thematic analysis of students' pre-conceptions show that bamboo as a sustainable material is new to students and related to science learning material. The percentage of students' scientific identity increased from 65% to 69% after implementing laboratory activities. The rate of students' self-perceptual abilities also rose from 70% to 71%. This shows that laboratory activities filled with authentic science can strengthen students' scientific identity.
Keywords: Teaching Learning Sequences, Sustainable Materials, Authentic Science, Student Science Identit
Pendekatan ACIM (Action, Communication, And Islamic Moral) dalam Pembelajaran Pencemaran Lingkungan
Latar belakang penelitian ini sekolah lebih fokus pada pemahaman konsep, teori dan rumus. Mata pelajaran juga didominasi oleh ilmu umum, sedangkan agama masih langka diterapkan sehingga pembelajaran moral masih jarang dalam praktik pendidikan di Indonesia. Dalam dunia pendidikan, sekolah saat ini hanya mengedepankan kecerdasan intelektual pada pengembangan kognitif. Ilmu agama diharapkan mampu mendorong peserta didik untuk memahami ilmu spiritual. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan inovasi dengan pendekatan kontekstual. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, dengan jenis pendekatan studi literatur. Sumber data berasal dari jurnal dan penelitian yang sudah dilakukan. Hasil analisis data dijelaskan secara deduktif dan induktif. Hasil kajian inovasi pendekatan adalah pendekatan ACIM (Action, Communication and Islamic Moral). Dengan pendekatan ini diharapkan peserta didik tidak hanya menggali ilmunya sendiri berdasarkan lingkungan sendiri tetapi juga memahami keterkaitan ilmu pengetahuan tersebut dengan nilai-nilai islam sehingga tidak hanya meningkatkan intelektual peserta didik tetapi juga meningkatkan spiritual mereka serta mendorong siswa untuk berkreasi dan bertanggung jawab terhadap lingkungan
Sustainability Literacy to Vocational Students through Distance Learning with Experimental Demonstration: Ionic Liquid Experiment and Its Application as Fire Retardant
The purpose of this study is to introduce sustainability literacy to vocational students through distance learning with experimental demonstration as well as show the production process of ionic liquid and its application as a fire-retardant agent. The method was the implementation of distance learning with an experimental demonstration method to 40 vocational students through three stages, namely given a pre-test; given an instructional video, and given a post-test. The learning process carried out was assisted by a learning video containing basic theory, experiments, and the application of ionic liquids. In this case, we taught the concept of manufacturing ionic liquid and its application in the industrial world that will be useful for vocational students when they graduate. The results showed that the experimental demonstration method succeeded in improving student learning outcomes because of an increase in the score between the pre-test and post-test scores. This success is because students are taught through unique learning media such as a learning video. This learning video succeeded in increasing students' understanding because the information in the video was presented attractively to stimulate students' curiosity and interest in the subject. In addition, students' responses to the learning video were that they became more enthusiastic about learning because the content delivered relates to the vocational training that they are learning, the video display is attractive, and the videos are easily accessible. Furthermore, the impact of the learning video on industrial applications is that the information conveyed in the video can be an alternative to making environmentally friendly solvents and solutions to improve the quality of bamboo as one of the materials used in industry. The addition of an experimental demonstration using commercially available materials also attracts students more because it motivates them to try it themselves. This study shows that experimental demonstration is effectively used in learning and fosters sustainability values in students