9 research outputs found
A Survey of Online Learning during Pandemic Covid-19 by Teacher of English of Junior High School in Malang
Abstract: Online learning is one method in the learning process without meeting or face to face, so the student can learn from home or everywhere. Moreover, nowadays, many sectors use English like industry, education, and medical and so on. Since there is a coronavirus the activities should be done at home to avoid the virus. Meanwhile, doing online learning is not easy because there are some factors faced by teachers such as facilities, technology literacy, and learning methods. Those factors indicated that the teacher has problems in using media in teaching English to their students. This project is a quantitative study using a survey research design. Finally, this study aims to find out the teacher's perception of online learning during pandemic COVID-19. The second one is to investigate the factors affecting online learning, and the last is to know the teacher's competency in using media for online learning. The subjects of this study were English teachers of junior high school in Malang. The researcher took the subject from a group of MGMP (Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran) of Malang. The total number of the English teachers of junior high school was 45 from school around Malang. The data collected using a questionnaire. The data analysis was done by calculating.The result of this research showed that the teachers have positive perception about online learning during pandemic Covid-19, they also think that media learning is effective for students and teachers to keep them healthy from the virus. However, lack of teacher’s competence, internet data, and personal characteristics are the factor that can affect online learning. The teachers can use the media of learning online.keywords: covid-19, online laearning, and english teache
Analysis of Ecobiology of Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas) and its Threatening factors in Citirem and Hujungan Coasts, Cikepuh Wildlife Reserve, Sukabumi, Indonesia
Penyu hijau (Chelonia mydas) adalah spesies yang terancam, termasuk dalam daftar IUCN dengan kategori spesies yang terancam punah, dan termasuk dalam Appendix I dalam CITES yang berarti dilarang diperdagangkan secara internasional. Suaka Margasatwa Cikepuh yang terletak di Kabupaten Sukabumi, Jawa Barat, adalah salah satu tempat konservasi di mana penyu hijau seringkali bertelur. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memberikan data dasar yang berguna tentang ekobiologi penyu hijau dan memeriksa faktor-faktor lebih lanjut yang mengancam populasi mereka. Pengamatan temporal dilakukan setiap tahun sejak 2014 hingga 2018 dengan mengukur kondisi fisik pantai dan kondisi morfologi penyu hijau. Hasil yang diperoleh dari pengamatan di setiap tahun menunjukkan perbedaan dalam total penyu bersarang di kedua pantai. Pada tahun 2014, rasio penyu yang mendarat baik di Citirem - Hujungan diperoleh sebanyak 15:1 (111,5 ± 1,64: 117 CCL / 97 ± 0,36: 101CCW) , sedangkan pada 2018 adalah 4:0 (103.75 ± 2.32: - CL / 93.75 ± 3.92: - CCW). Pantai Citirem ditumbuhi banyak jenis tanaman pantai seperti Pandanaceae, sedangkan di pantai Hujungan, tanaman ini tidak tumbuh luas. Faktor-faktor pengancam penyu hijau yang berada di Suaka Margasatwa Cikepuh sebagian besar adalah aktivitas antropogenik dan factor predasi. Ini perlu menjadi sorotan penting bahwa konservasi penyu perlu dilakukan oleh para pemangku kepentingan yang terintegrasi untuk membentuk manajemen yang baik.Green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) is threatened species, included in the IUCN list with the endangered species category, and included in Appendix I in CITES which means that they are prohibited from being traded internationally. Cikepuh Wildlife Reserve located in Sukabumi Regency, West Java, is one of the conservation places where green sea turtles oftentimes lay their eggs. The objective of this study was providing useful baseline data of green sea turtle ecobiology and examine further factors that threaten their population. Serial observations were conducted annually since 2014 until 2018 by measuring the physical condition of coast and the morphological condition of green sea turtles. Results obtained from observations in each year showed the differences in total turtle nesting on both coast. In 2014, the nesting turtle ratio either in Citirem - Hujungan obtained as much as 15:1(111.5±1.64: 117 CCL / 97±0.36: 101CCW), while in 2018 is 4:0 (103.75±2.32:- CL / 93.75±3.92:- CCW). Citirem coast is overgrown with many kinds of beach crops such as Pandanaceae, while at Hujungan coast, this plant does not grow widely. The threatened factors of green sea turtle occurring in Cikepuh Wildlife Reserve is mostly anthropogenic activities and predation. This needs to be an important highlight that turtle conservation needs to be carried out by integrated stakeholders that to form good management
ECR Enterprise : economic car rental / Muhammad Fakruddin Latif ...[et al.]
Company that rents vehicles to people in need, especially tourists who want to visit tourist places in Malaysia. Our business is located at Pekan Pandak Mayah, Kuah, Langkawi. We would rent a shop there for our office.
As there are many companies that provide car rental service, we want to start a company that can attract tourists to rent a car in our company.
Moreover, we believe that we can compete with other companies in the past few years. This is because the present-day tourists are always moving from one place to another using public transport. This is because they do not get info about their service or car rental they prefer to use public transport. We will make them so interested in using our services. we also want them to feel comfortable when using our services.
Opportunity that this business has the potential of success provide that it is handled efficiently. The people have always needed vehicle to move from one place to another. This is because vehicle is one of the important things in our lives
Troll Brothers Enterprise / Muhammad Afif Firdaus Mohd Ali...[et al.]
While there are many cement company like us, TROLL BROTHERS will excel due to the customer service provided. Customer satisfaction is our main priority. In order to ensure our customers satisfy with our service, we provide free delivery for the cement and it does not require much time to deliver the cement to them. We also treat our client nicely and they will feel comfortable when negotiating with us since we provided a convenient office.
The TROLL BROTHERS ENTERPRISE saw the opportunity that this business has the potential of success if it is handled efficiently. There will be a high demand for cement from many companies since Malaysia is a fast growing country. TROLL BROTHERS ENTERPRISE sees this as a way to prosper in this market, by taking advantage of all these people's need
Secondary Productivity of Crambidae Family in Cigambreng River, Tapos Village, Bogor: Produktivitas Sekunder Famili Crambidae di Sungai Cigambreng, Desa Tapos, Bogor
Secondary productivity is the formation of biomass of heterotrophic organisms in units of time including biomass that is lost in a certain time unit. The Crambidae family is an insect that has aquatic larvae and will become an air insect after the larval phase. This species has the potential to become a pest for agriculture. The study was conducted in October 2019 for one month. The Crambidae family species found consists of two species, Petrophila sp. and Elophila sp. The abundance of Crambidae during the study ranged from 100 ind/m2 to 422 ind/m2. Secondary productivity was analyzed by the size frequency method. The secondary productivity of the Crambidae family in Cigambreng river waters for one month was 47.7915 g/m2/month, the biomass formed was 14.9669 g/m2 and the P/B ratio was 3.1931.Produktivitas sekunder adalah pembentukan biomasa organisme heterotrof dalam satu satuan waktu termasuk biomassa yang hilang dalam satuan waktu tertentu. Famili Crambidae adalah serangga yang memiliki fase larva akuatik. Jenis ini berpotensi menjadi hama bagi kegiatan pertanian. Penelitian ini dilakukan di bulan Oktober 2019 selama satu bulan. Famili Crambidae yang ditemukan terdiri dari dua genus yaitu Petrophila sp. dan Elophila sp. Kelimpahan Famili Crambidae selama penelitian berkisar antara 100 ind/m2 hingga 422 ind/m2. Produktivitas sekunder famili Crambidae di sungai Cigambreng, Desa Tapos, Bogor selama satu bulan adalah 47.7915 g/m2/bulan, biomassa yang terbentuk adalah 14.9669 g/m2 dan P/B ratio sebesar 3,1931
Produktivitas Sekunder Organisme Bentik (Ordo Diptera) di Sungai Cigambreng, Desa Tapos, Kecamatan Tenjolaya, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat
Insekta memiliki biodiversitas dengan penyebaran yang luas diseluruh dunia. Sampling dilakukan sekali dalam seminggu selama bulan Oktober 2019. Ditemukan total 717 spesimen Ordo Diptera yang melingkupi dua famili di Sungai Cigambreng. Tiap famili yang diperoleh melingkupi satu jenis yakni Antocha sp. (Famili Tipulidae.) dan Krenopelopia sp. (Chironomidae). Kehadiran jenis chironomid mengindikasikan adanya beban masukan berlebihan (Polutan) ke dalam perairan sungai Cigambreng. Secara umum, kelimpahan tertinggi diperoleh pada pengamatan ke empat yakni 284 ind/m2, sedangkan kelimpahan terendah diperoleh pada pengamatan ke dua yakni 60 ind/m2. Produktivitas sekunder melingkupi P/B Rasio sebesar 3.034/bulan dengan kecepatan produksi 14.2458 (g/m2/bln) dan biomassa (4.6954 g/m2).Insekta has biodiversity with a wide distribution throughout the world. Sampling was carried out once a week during October 2019. A total of 717 specimens of Order Diptera were found which covered two families in the Cigambreng River. Each family obtained includes one type, Antocha sp. (Family Tipulidae.) and Krenopelopia sp. (Chironomidae). The presence of a chironomid has indicates an excessive input load (pollutant) into the waters of the Cigambreng River. In general, the highest abundance was obtained at the fourth observation, 284 ind/m2, while the lowest abundance was obtained at the second observation, which was 60 ind/m2. Secondary productivity covers P/B ratio of 3.034 /month with a production speed of 14.2458 (g/m2/month) and biomass (4.6954 g/m2)
Faktor Risiko Terjadinya Hipertensi pada Pasien Nefritis Lupus Anak
Nefritis lupus merupakan penyakit yang menyerang organ ginjal yang
membentuk ikatan antara kompleks imun dan jaringan sehingga menyebabkan
organ mengalami kerusakan. Nefritis lupus adalah salah satu komplikasi dari
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Didapatkan pada beberapa penelitian, 74%
pasien SLE mengalami hipertensi dengan rata-rata usia 24 tahun dan akhir-akhir
ini mengalami peningkatan juga pada anak-anak. Lalu, 30-50% pasien SLE yang
mengalami nefritis lupus memiliki hubungan erat dengan hipertensi. Namun, masih
sedikit penelitian yang menghubungkan faktor risiko hipertensi dengan nefritis
lupus anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor risiko terjadinya
hipertensi pada pasien nefritis lupus anak. Jenis penelitian ini adalah observasi
analitik dengan rancangan case control study. Sampel terdiri dari 12 pasien nefritis
lupus anak dengan hipertensi dan 12 pasien nefritis lupus anak tanpa hipertensi.
Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara systemic random sampling. Tiap variabel
analisis dengan menggunakan uji chi-square untuk mengetahui hubungan dengan
terjadinya hipertensi pada pasien nefritis lupus anak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan
bahwa variabel riwayat penggunaan steroid (p=0,013, OR=10,00 dan 95%
Cl=1.444-69.262) dan laju filtrasi glomerulus (p=0,041, OR=6,00 dan 95%
Cl=1,018-35,374) memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan terjadinya hipertensi
pada pasien nefritis lupus anak sedangkan usia, jenis kelamin, proteinuria, dan
hematuria tidak memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan terjadinya hipertensi
pada pasien nefritis lupus anak