20 research outputs found

    Soliton propagation and polarisation mode-locking in birefringent optical fibres

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    Soliton propagation in polarization-preserving fibres is analysed. Based on the coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations we derive an analytical approximation for such type of soliton propagation. Exploitation of soliton polarization properties for passive mode-locking in fibre lasers is also considered

    Soliton interaction in the presence of a weak non-soliton component

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    We study both experimentally and theoretically soliton interaction in the presence of a weak non-soliton component and show that the existence of a frequency shifted cw wave results in a temporal shift of the soliton

    Amplification of femtosecond pulses in a passive, all-fibre soliton source

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    We report a theoretical and experimental study of the amplification of femtosecond soliton pulses generated by a passively mode-locked fiber laser in a high-gain erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA). Results on the spectral and temporal evolution of 450-fs soliton pulses propagating within an EDFA are presented. Power gains as high as 30 dB and the generation of sub-100-fs Raman colored solitons are observed. The results are found to be well described by the theoretical model presented

    Soliton compression in a nonlinear amplifying loop mirror

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    We have experimentally demonstrated the ability of the NALM to compress solitons with a low fraction of non-soliton component. The principle of operation of an all-fibre tunable source of femtosecond pulses has been shown

    Unlimited soliton propagation and noise suppression in a system with spectral filtering and saturable absorption

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    We show that soliton propagation is ultimately stable to both amplitude and frequency noise in a system employing spectral filtering and saturable absorption. In such a system, the amplification period may be increased to 3-5 dispersion lengths for 10 dB linear losses between amplifiers

    Increased amplifier spacing in a soliton system using quantum well saturable absorbers and spectral filtering

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    The spacing between optical amplifiers in a long-haul soliton system may be increased to 100 km by using only passive quantum-well saturable absorbers and narrow-band filters for soliton control. After transmission over 9000 km at 10 Gbits/s, the effects of soliton-soliton interaction and Gordon-Haus jitter in the proposed system yield bit error rates of better than 10-9

    Numerical study of passively mode-locked soliton fibre laser

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    We present the results of numerical modelling of the Figure-8 laser. By slowly changing of pump power we have observed development of the laser radiation and a process of transformation of noise-like temporal structure into clean solitons


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    The authors conducted a comparative clinical and laboratory analysis of patients suffering from hypogonadism and sialadenosis before and after endocri-nological and dental treatment. The results obtained allowed us to conclude that sialadenosis, which occurred in patients with a deficiency of steroid hormones, had no special symptoms and it was clinically hidden for both patients and General practitioners. The most typical symptoms of sialadenosis were: an increase in LF, decrease in the level of secretion and the increase in the viscosity of mixed saliva. The results of complex treatment of patients with sialadenosis on the background of Hypo-nadism were the best than only mono-dental treatment. The obtained data indicate the need for complex dental and endocrinological treatment of patients with sialadenosis on the background of hypogonadism.Авторы провели сравнительную клинико-лабораторную характеристику больных, страдавших гипогонадизмом и сиаладенозом до и после эндокринологического и стоматологического лечения. Полученные результаты позволили сделать вывод, что сиаладеноз, протекавший у больных на фоне дефицита стероидных гормонов, не имел особенной симптоматики и протекал клинически скрыто как для больных, так и для врачей общего звена. Наиболее характерными симптомами сиаладеноза являлись увеличение слюнных желез (СЖ), снижение уровня секреции и повышение вязкости смешанной слюны. Результаты комплексного лечения больных сиаладенозом на фоне гипогонадизма были наиболее наилучшими, чем только моно стоматологическое лечение. Полученные данные свидетельствуют о необходимости проведения больным сиаладенозом на фоне гипогонадизма комплексного стоматологического и эндокринологического лечения

    Soliton interaction in the presence of a weak cw component

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    We demonstrate both experimentally and theoretically that the presence of a weak coherent frequency-shifted cw component causes periodic variation in the soliton arrival time

    Generation of pairs of solitons in an all-fibre, femtosecond soliton source

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    We demonstrate both experimentally and theoretically the generation of single and pairs of sub-100 fs soliton pulses from a passively mode-locked, all-fibre module