28 research outputs found

    Colonia Claudia ara Agrippinensium

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    The colony Colonia Claudia ara Agrippinensium, located in modern day Köln, was a major center for control of Grermania Minor during the Roman Empire and a very strong military base. It was founded in 30 BCE by the Ubii, a Gaulic tribe, for their loyalty to the Romans during the Gaulic Wars of Caesar. I am planning on examining the interaction of the culture between the solders who got stationed there and the locals who originally founded the town. I believe that the interaction was a positive one with little tension and I plan to express this by showing and explaining the mixing of cultures that happened between them. I am examining this though the lens of archeological remains from the city and primary sources text on the region. I want to try to use the techniques Foucault used in The Order of Things to interpret the evidence that is left in the region

    Synchronized Data Objects

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    Synchronized Data Objects (SDOs) are presented as a method of encapsulating, in the datatype definition, synchronization protocols that are used to control information exchange. SDOs are presented in the context of I/O abstraction, a programming model that seeks to separate communication from computation in order to support dynamic end-user configuration of distributed applications. SDOs can be used to implement a variety of synchronization paradigms, including remote invalidation, demand-driven data streams, remote procedure call, and promises. An implementation of SDOs is described in the context of The Programmers' Playground, a distributed application development environment that supports the I/O abstraction programming model. Examples of SDOs for pairwise synchronization are presented, and generalization to other application development environments is discussed. Keywords: distributed systems, synchronization, promises, futures, RPC Synchronized Data Objects 1 1. Introduction ..

    Content analysis of Coursera, edX, and Udacity course platforms

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    Purpose of the Study This study aims to provide a deeper understanding of the types of courses being offered by MOOCs, and the course presentation used on each platform as found during the period of study. Deeper understanding of the structure and content of each course may give insight to university leadership in how to include MOOCs within programs, and help explain the potential benefits. This study may provide a benchmark to be compared in the future in order to map the trends in online course content. This study might also serve as a broad guide to understanding the state of the art of MOOCs at a particular point in time