1 research outputs found

    Predicting the fisheries potentials of inland reservoirs and lakes: a case study of Kubanni Reservoir, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria

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    The depth, alkalinity, total dissolved solids and conductivity of Kubanni Reservoir were monitored biweekly between December 2003 and April 2004. The range values and their means were 0.8-4.64m, 42-67mg/l, 52-71mg/l and 104-142 mhos/cm; 2.8m, 42.6mg/l, 59.8mg/l and 119.6 mhos/cm respectively. Total Dissolved solids correlated significantly (P<0.05) with depth and conductivity while alkalinity correlated highly and significantly(P<0.05) with conductivity, total dissolved solids but negatively correlated with depth. The electrical conductivity was positively and highly correlated with depth while Morpho-Edaphic Index (MEI) which increased with depth decrease correlated positively with conductivity. Based on the average value of the MEI the potential fish catch of the reservoir was estimated to be 38kg/ha. This estimate was compared with other values obtained from other African reservoirs/lakes and management considerations under "private liability company" are proffere