5 research outputs found

    Suplementação da dieta de bovinos de corte como estratégia do manejo das pastagens

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    O manejo do pastejo permite que sistema com base na utilização de pastagem propicie altos rendimentos por animal e por área. Para isto, devem-se utilizar critérios de manejo com intuito de controlar, simultaneamente a qualidade e a quantidade de forragem e manter a sustentabilidade do sistema. A intensidade de pastejo é dinâmica, jamais permanece a mesma, mudando com a taxa de consumo pelos animais e também pelo crescimento das plantas, variando de hora a hora e dia a dia, por isso deve ser controla sistematicamente. Neste cenário, o consumo de forragem parece ser o fator que mais explica as variações no desempenho animal em relação a qualidade da forragem. A suplementação da dieta dos animais em pastejo com concentrado permite aumentar o desempenho de animais, reduzindo a idade de abate ou a da primeira cria. Contudo, as características nutricionais do suplemento devem variar em função da quantidade e da qualidade da forragem ofertada. Ao suplementar a dieta dos animais em pastejo com energia e proteína, pode-se manejar pastos mais baixos em relação a suplementação apenas com sal mineral, sem que ocorra redução da densidade populacional de perfilhos. Estas estratégias de manejo podem reduzir a probabilidade de degradação do pasto. Desta forma, a suplementação da dieta de animais permite aumento na capacidade suporte do pasto.The grazing management system based on the intensive pasture utilization result in a high animal and area yield. In order to that to be possible, it should be used a management criteria aiming to control, simultaneously the quality and the amount of forage, maintaining the sustainability of the system. The grazing intensity is dynamic, it never keeps the same status, it can be changed with the animals rate intake, and also by the plants growth, changing every hour and day, due to that, it should be controlled systematically. In this scenery, the forage intake is the main factor which explains the variations in the animal performance in relation to the forage quality. Energy and protein supplementations of the grazing animals increase performance, reducing slaughter and the first birth age. However, the nutritional characteristics of the supplement should vary in function of the amount and quality of the forage allowed. Pastures grazed by supplemented animals can be managed at a lower height, compared to those grazed by animals supplemented with only mineral salt, without reducing the tillers population density. These management strategies can reduce the probability of future pasture degradation. Thus, supplementation of the diet of the grazing animals can increase the pasture carrying capacity.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Indicators of land use by cattle: associations among methods and role of environmental factors

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    The objectives of this study were to investigate the associations among direct and indirect indicators of land use by cattle and to understand the role of some environmental factors on the definition of these indicators. The study was carried out in two areas, Nature Reserve (63.6 ha) and Private Area (30.4 ha), with 53 Hereford animals in each area. Daytime observations of animals’ location were used as direct indicator of land use; while cattle track and dung pat distributions throughout the areas were used as indirect indicators. Environmental characteristics recorded were: terrain slope, prevalence of woody vegetation cover (forests, isolated tress and open grasslands), as well as the position of fences, water sources and salt blocks. Spatial correlations among the three indicators of land use were low (r < 0.30). The environmental factors had lower predictive power of animals’ sightings distribution, followed by cattle tracks, and the highest predictive power occurred for dung pat distribution. We concluded that each one of the methods evaluated in this study addresses a different aspect of land use by cattle. The environmental factors assessed were useful to predict the dung pat distribution, but less valuable to predict the cattle tracks and animals’ sightings distributions.

    Assessing land use by cattle in heterogeneous environments

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    The aim of this note is to describe preliminary results on assessment of land use by cattle, obtained in a pilot study using Geographic Information System (GIS). The research was carried out on a semi-natural pasture in Sweden, where the geographic positions of one cow were recorded during 25 consecutive days during summer. The cow, wearing a GPS collar, was integrated in a herd of 53 Hereford cattle. Each location point registered for the animal was considered as a sampling unit (N=3,097). The spatial distribution of ground declivity, water sources, cattle tracks, and classes of woody vegetation cover (forest, grassland with trees and open grassland) were recorded. The storage, processing and data analysis were carried out using the Idrisi and GS+ softwares. Three occupation zones were identified in function of the variation in the space used by the animal, which were occupied in a cyclical pattern; with the animal moving from one zone to another in cycles of five days. It was also clear that the cattle distribution in the area was neither random nor uniform, and it was affected by environmental characteristics that act as conditioners on its distribution. These preliminary results suggest that definition of zones of occupation and the environmental conditioners are promising tools to understand the land use by cattleO objetivo desta nota é apresentar resultados preliminares sobre a avaliação do uso do espaço por bovinos, obtidos em um estudo piloto com o uso de Sistema de Informação Geográfico. O trabalho foi realizado em uma pastagem seminatural na Suécia, onde as posições geográficas de uma vaca foram registradas durante 25 dias consecutivos no verão. O animal, equipado com colar GPS, fazia parte de um rebanho de 53 bovinos da raça Hereford. Cada ponto de localização registrado foi considerado como uma unidade amostral (N=3.097). As distribuições espaciais do bovino, da declividade do terreno, das fontes de água, das trilhas formadas pelo gado e das classes de cobertura vegetal (floresta, pastagem com árvores e pastagem aberta) foram registradas. O processamento e análise de dados foram feitos com uso dos softwares Idrisi e GS+. Três zonas de ocupação foram identificadas em função da variação no uso do espaço pelo animal, caracterizando um padrão cíclico de ocupação, com deslocamento de uma zona para outra a cada cinco dias. Ficou claro também que a distribuição do bovino na área não foi aleatória nem uniforme, sendo influenciada por características ambientais, que atuaram como condicionadores do uso do espaço. Estes resultados preliminares sugerem que a definição de zonas de ocupação e de condicionadores ambientais são ferramentas promissoras para esclarecer o uso do espaço pelo gad