12 research outputs found

    Effective Cross -Cultural Communication

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    When we speak about communication it is imperative to consider it as being cultural — it draws on ways we have learned to speak and give nonverbal messages. We do not always communicate the same way from day to day, since there are factors like context, individual personality, and mood interact usually with the variety of cultural influences we have internalized that influence our choices. Communication is meant to be interactive, so an important influence on its effectiveness is the relationship we have with others. Do they hear and understand what we are trying to say? Are they listening well? Are we listening well in response? Do their responses show that they understand the words and the meanings behind the words we have chosen? Is the mood positive and receptive? Is there trust between them and us? Are there differences that relate to ineffective communication, divergent goals or interests, or fundamentally different ways of seeing the world? The answers to these questions will give us some clues about the effectiveness of our communication and the ease with which we may be able to move through conflict.communication, culture


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    At the core of all our activities is the continuous striving to fulfill ourselves, to build and maintain a deeper satisfaction, consistent with our often unsaid wishes and hopes; there will always be a goal and this must represent an appropriate challenge. In everything we do as we are all worthy of great investment in ourselves. Reward will come sooner or later.


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    Our ideas must be conveyed in a strategic manner by catching the attention of the listeners. So, words become very important and their power is enhanced by their denotation and connotation. Denotation or the explicit meaning, the dictionary definition helps for a better understanding of words which have to be chosen carefully for what they imply or suggest. In the business area we must be very precise in the explanation in a dynamic, positive and action oriented language.communication, word, language, information, success

    Communicating with Negative People

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    We all must have been negative at work at one time or another and most of us didn't like to be that way. For some people it is a way of being. Some people seem to flourish in a negative atmosphere. Often people defend their right to be nasty as their legitimate duty. Do Emergency Communications Centers have an over-abundance of negativists? If you study why a person becomes a lifelong card-carrying cynic, you will understand - if we don't have a disproportionate number of them - we should have.

    Non Verbal Communication in Business Life

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    Everybody communicates on two levels, namely verbally and non-verbally. Verbal communication, or the spoken words we use, represent a very small portion (less than 10%) of our overall message. People can lie, misrepresent or mislead you with their words. Non-verbal language represents over 50% of our total message. Mastering the language of non verbal communication becomes more and more an art and has an impact on our outcomes. The non-verbal message will always be more a more accurate representation of the person's feelings, attitudes or beliefs.


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    competitiveness, communication, european cultural capital


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    This article presents the results of an experiment conducted on two distinct groups of students attending our ESP classes in the academic year 2009-2010. The first group was formed of second year students majoring in business and the second group first year students majoring in computer science. The experiment involved presenting the students with a list of traditional dictionaries as compulsory course bibliography and a list of free electronic and internet dictionaries as additional resources in an attempt to prove that, irrespective of their major subject, most students prefer freeware dictionaries for their usefulness, currentness and user-friendliness; that is why they should be taught how to use such resources appropriately. The students were asked to build personal glossaries of technical terms (in business and computer science, respectively) and indicate two dictionaries they had used and found most useful. 85% of the Business students and 99% of the computer science students declared their preference for free electronic resources and dictionaries. Our conclusion was that students should be encouraged to use free electronic and internet dictionaries as well as participate in terminology-related discussions in forums and linguistic communities to improve their English.dictionary, reference tools, electronic dictionaries, printed dictionaries, ESP


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    Visual vocabulary or visual language is a set of symbols used to describe a system or a process; it refers to all graphical representations that supplement a brand image, a logo, and build a brand identity that is bound to remain invariable even when the sign undergoes fundamental changes. The article is a presentation of the concept of visual vocabulary/language and of its relevance to branding and marketing. We argue that these symbols are culturally dependent and a key element in brand design.brands, visual vocabulary, visual language, marketing

    Non Verbal Communication in Business Life

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    Everybody communicates on two levels, namely verbally and non-verbally. Verbal communication, or the spoken words we use, represent a very small portion (less than 10%) of our overall message. People can lie, misrepresent or mislead you with their words. Non-verbal language represents over 50% of our total message. Mastering the language of non verbal communication becomes more and more an art and has an impact on our outcomes. The non-verbal message will always be more a more accurate representation of the person's feelings, attitudes or beliefs

    Communicating with Negative People

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    We all must have been negative at work at one time or another and most of us didn't like to be that way. For some people it is a way of being. Some people seem to flourish in a negative atmosphere. Often people defend their right to be nasty as their legitimate duty. Do Emergency Communications Centers have an over-abundance of negativists? If you study why a person becomes a lifelong card-carrying cynic, you will understand - if we don't have a disproportionate number of them - we should have