17 research outputs found

    Između izvedbe i istraživanja: razmišljanja o prinosima Istočnoeuropskog ansambla na Sveučilištu u Pittsburgu

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    Taking as an example the Carpathian Music Ensemble at the University of Pittsburgh, this article acknowledges the central role that performance practice plays in research. It attempts to fill a gap in ethnomusicological literature regarding the role of the world music ensemble in the undergraduate curriculum, particularly as it influences and shapes undergraduate research. The world music ensemble has moved far beyond its original goal to offer experience and insights into the practice of foreign musical traditions. Rather, the ensemble today is the jumping off point for broader engagement with music readily available on the Internet and offers confidence to students wishing to engage with a region that is of scholarly interest for them. This interest is fostered through undergraduate publications, research presentations, and other activities that help deepen student relationships to the topics at hand. Thus, performance and research co-exist on a continuum. And the success of this co-existence relies fully on the student’s willingness to move between these points with open-mindedness and ease.Uzimajući za primjer Karpatski glazbeni ansambl (Carpathian Music Ensemble) na Sveučilištu u Pittsburghu, članak pokazuje kako izvedbena praksa igra središnju ulogu u istraživanju. Pokušava nadomjestiti manjak etnomuzikološke literature o ulozi ansambala posvećenih glazbama svijeta u dodiplomskoj nastavi, posebice s obzirom na to kako oblikuju i utječu na dodiplomsko istraživanje. Takvi su se ansambli uvelike odmakli od izvornog svog cilja da pruže iskustvo i uvid u praksu stranih glazbenih tradicija. Radije, danas su odskočnom točkom za angažiranje oko glazbe koja je lako dostupna na internetu, i pružaju uporište studentima koji se žele angažirati u vezi s regijom koja je predmetom njihova znanstvenog interesa. Taj se interes dalje njeguje putem dodiplomskih publikacija, predstavljanja istraživanja i drugih aktivnosti koje pomažu produbljivanju povezanosti studenata s odabranim temama. Time izvedba i istraživanje koegzistiraju u kontinuumu, a uspjeh koegzistencije ovisi o spremnosti studenata da se među tim dvjema sferama kreću s otvorenošću i lakoćom

    Između izvedbe i istraživanja: razmišljanja o prinosima Istočnoeuropskog ansambla na Sveučilištu u Pittsburgu

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    Taking as an example the Carpathian Music Ensemble at the University of Pittsburgh, this article acknowledges the central role that performance practice plays in research. It attempts to fill a gap in ethnomusicological literature regarding the role of the world music ensemble in the undergraduate curriculum, particularly as it influences and shapes undergraduate research. The world music ensemble has moved far beyond its original goal to offer experience and insights into the practice of foreign musical traditions. Rather, the ensemble today is the jumping off point for broader engagement with music readily available on the Internet and offers confidence to students wishing to engage with a region that is of scholarly interest for them. This interest is fostered through undergraduate publications, research presentations, and other activities that help deepen student relationships to the topics at hand. Thus, performance and research co-exist on a continuum. And the success of this co-existence relies fully on the student’s willingness to move between these points with open-mindedness and ease.Uzimajući za primjer Karpatski glazbeni ansambl (Carpathian Music Ensemble) na Sveučilištu u Pittsburghu, članak pokazuje kako izvedbena praksa igra središnju ulogu u istraživanju. Pokušava nadomjestiti manjak etnomuzikološke literature o ulozi ansambala posvećenih glazbama svijeta u dodiplomskoj nastavi, posebice s obzirom na to kako oblikuju i utječu na dodiplomsko istraživanje. Takvi su se ansambli uvelike odmakli od izvornog svog cilja da pruže iskustvo i uvid u praksu stranih glazbenih tradicija. Radije, danas su odskočnom točkom za angažiranje oko glazbe koja je lako dostupna na internetu, i pružaju uporište studentima koji se žele angažirati u vezi s regijom koja je predmetom njihova znanstvenog interesa. Taj se interes dalje njeguje putem dodiplomskih publikacija, predstavljanja istraživanja i drugih aktivnosti koje pomažu produbljivanju povezanosti studenata s odabranim temama. Time izvedba i istraživanje koegzistiraju u kontinuumu, a uspjeh koegzistencije ovisi o spremnosti studenata da se među tim dvjema sferama kreću s otvorenošću i lakoćom

    A new animal model for delayed osseous union secondary to osteitis

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    Background: The treatment of infection-related delayed bone unions is still very challenging for the orthopedic surgeon. The prevalence of such infection-related types of osteitis is high in complex fractures, particularly in open fractures with extensive soft-tissue damage. The aim of this study was to develop a new animal model for delayed union due to osteitis. Methods. After randomization to infected or non-infected groups 20 Sprague–Dawley rats underwent a transverse fracture of the midshaft tibia. After intramedullary inoculation with staphylococcus aureus (103 CFU) fracture stabilization was done by intramedullary titanium K-wires. After 5 weeks all rats were euthanized and underwent biomechanical testing to evaluate bone consolidation or delayed union, respectively. Micro-CT scans were additionally used to quantitatively evaluate the callus formation by the score of Lane and Sandhu. Blood samples were taken to analyze infectious disease markers (day 1, 14 and 35). Results: Biomechanical testing showed a significant higher maximum torque in the non-infected group 5 weeks postoperatively compared with the infected group (p < 0.001). According to the Lane and Sandhu score a significantly higher callus formation was found in the non-infected group (p < 0.001). Similarly, the leucocyte count in the infected group was significantly higher than in the non-infected group (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Here we have established a new animal model for delayed osseous union secondary to osteitis. The animal model appears to be appropriate for future experimental studies to test new therapeutic strategies in these difficult to treat bone healing complications

    Bone morphogenetic proteins − 7 and − 2 in the treatment of delayed osseous union secondary to bacterial osteitis in a rat model

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    Background: Bone infections due to trauma and subsequent delayed or impaired fracture healing represent a great challenge in orthopedics and trauma surgery. The prevalence of such bacterial infection-related types of delayed non-union is high in complex fractures, particularly in open fractures with additional extensive soft-tissue damage. The aim of this study was to establish a rat model of delayed osseous union secondary to bacterial osteitis and investigate the impact of rhBMP-7 and rhBMP-2 on fracture healing in the situation of an ongoing infection. Methods: After randomization to four groups 72 Sprague-Dawley rats underwent a transverse fracture of the midshaft tibia stabilized by intramedullary titanium K-wires. Three groups received an intramedullary inoculation with Staphylococcus aureus (103 colony-forming units) before stabilization and the group without bacteria inoculation served as healing control. After 5 weeks, a second surgery was performed with irrigation of the medullary canal and local rhBMP-7 and rhBMP-2 treatment whereas control group and infected control group received sterile saline. After further 5 weeks rats were sacrificed and underwent biomechanical testing to assess the mechanical stability of the fractured bone. Additional micro-CT analysis, histological, and histomorphometric analysis were done to evaluate bone consolidation or delayed union, respectively, and to quantify callus formation and the mineralized area of the callus. Results: Biomechanical testing showed a significantly higher fracture torque in the non-infected control group and the infected rhBMP-7- and rhBMP-2 group compared with the infected control group (p &lt; 0.001). RhBMP-7 and rhBMP-2 groups did not show statistically significant differences (p = 0.57). Histological findings supported improved bone-healing after rhBMP treatment but quantitative micro-CT and histomorphometric results still showed significantly more hypertrophic callus tissue in all three infected groups compared to the non-infected group. Results from a semiquantitative bone-healing-score revealed best bone-healing in the non-infected control group. The expected chronic infection was confirmed in all infected groups. Conclusions: In delayed bone healing secondary to infection rhBMP treatment promotes bone healing with no significant differences in the healing efficacy of rhBMP-2 and rhBMP-7 being noted. Further new therapeutic bone substitutes should be analyzed with the present rat model for delayed osseous union secondary to bacterial osteitis

    Pathogenic SPTBN1 variants cause an autosomal dominant neurodevelopmental syndrome

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    SPTBN1 mutations cause a neurodevelopmental syndrome characterized by intellectual disability, language and motor delays, autism, seizures and other features. The variants disrupt beta II-spectrin function and disturb cytoskeletal organization and dynamics. SPTBN1 encodes beta II-spectrin, the ubiquitously expressed beta-spectrin that forms micrometer-scale networks associated with plasma membranes. Mice deficient in neuronal beta II-spectrin have defects in cortical organization, developmental delay and behavioral deficiencies. These phenotypes, while less severe, are observed in haploinsufficient animals, suggesting that individuals carrying heterozygous SPTBN1 variants may also show measurable compromise of neural development and function. Here we identify heterozygous SPTBN1 variants in 29 individuals with developmental, language and motor delays;mild to severe intellectual disability;autistic features;seizures;behavioral and movement abnormalities;hypotonia;and variable dysmorphic facial features. We show that these SPTBN1 variants lead to effects that affect beta II-spectrin stability, disrupt binding to key molecular partners, and disturb cytoskeleton organization and dynamics. Our studies define SPTBN1 variants as the genetic basis of a neurodevelopmental syndrome, expand the set of spectrinopathies affecting the brain and underscore the critical role of beta II-spectrin in the central nervous system