13 research outputs found

    The Contact Phase in Vehicle–Pedestrian Accident Reconstruction

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    The need for continuous research to refine the models used in forensic accident reconstruction appears with the development of new car models that satisfy consumer complaints. This paper analyzed a sub-sequence of car and pedestrian accidents from the perspective of the distance traveled by them in the contact phase with the aim of improving the information regarding the reconstruction of road accidents. This research included the analysis of some real tests with pedestrian dummies, as well as simulations of the impact between different classes of vehicles and pedestrians in two different walking positions. Specialized software was used with complex multibody models of pedestrians, modifying the speed and deceleration parameters of the car at the time of the collision. For pedestrian characteristics, the friction coefficients of the ground, car and its mass were modified. The research results highlight the differences between the bilinear models used in accident reconstruction and the proposed study. They can also be used to determine the distance traveled by the vehicle in the first phase of a collision with pedestrians


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    This paper presents a study regarding the emissions produced at the engine could start. Also, the paper presents a brief survey of current extra emissions estimation methods. The main goal of this work is to describe the relative cold start extra emissions as a function of exhaust gas temperature. Experimental research has been done for several light vehicles. There were been made six tests, in different temperature conditions. For measurements was used a GA- 21 portable analyzer. The parameters measured are CO, NO, NO2, NOx, and SO2. In order to accomplish a mathematical approximation of CO, NO, NO2 and SO2 in function of exhaust gas temperature, logarithmic approximations, and polynomial regressions were used. The curves resulted from the mathematical model can be used to approximate the level of CO, NO, NO2 and SO2, for similar vehicles


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    Study of Social Presence While Interacting in Metaverse with an Augmented Avatar during Autonomous Driving

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    In this paper, we studied the effects of using Microsoft HoloLens 2 in a Metaverse-based collaborative mixed reality environment on the driver’s social presence while using an autonomous driving system. In (semi-) autonomous vehicles the driver is the system’s monitor, and the driving process becomes a secondary task. Our approach is motivated by the advent of Microsoft Mesh XR technology that enables immersion in multi-person, shared mixed reality environments. We conducted a user study comparing the effects on social presence in two scenarios: baseline and mixed reality collaboration. During the baseline condition, participants communicated and interacted with another person using Skype/Meet which was installed on a mobile tablet. In the second scenario the participants used the Microsoft Mesh application installed on HoloLens 2 to collaborate in a mixed reality environment where each user is represented by an augmented 3D avatar. During the experiment, the participant had to perform a social interaction tell-a-lie task and a remote collaborative tic-tac-toe game, while also monitoring the vehicle’s behavior. The social presence was measured using the Harms and Biocca questionnaire, one of the most widely used tools for evaluating the user’s experience. We found that there are significant statistical differences for Co-presence, Perceived Emotional Interdependence, and Perceived Behavioral Interdependence, and participants were able to easily interact with the avatar in the mixed reality scenario. The proposed study procedure could be taken further to assess the driver’s performance during handover procedures, especially when the autonomous driving system encounters a critical situation