22 research outputs found

    The renewable energy and energy efficiency potential of Waitakere City : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Technology in Energy Management at Massey University

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    Electricity restrictions and blackouts have occurred in Waitakere City in the past and are likely to occur again in the future unless the city can become more self reliant by meeting, at least in part, the increasing energy requirements for what is one of the fastest growing cities in New Zealand. In this study the potentials for energy conservation, energy efficiency and renewable energy resources have been broadly quantified and assessed using desktop analysis of publicly available data for stationary final use energy systems (i.e. excluding transportation) within the geographical area of Waitakere City and adjoining waters. It was found that energy efficiency and energy conservation measures can consistently and predictably achieve overall energy savings and reduce daily and seasonal peak demand. The best renewable energy resource potential exists with solar and geothermal for heating applications and wave, offshore and inshore wind and tidal currents for electricity generation. There is very limited potential for hydro and bioenergy systems beyond what already exists. PV solar and land based wind power generation are currently only feasible for limited off-grid applications. This scoping study confirms the achievability of the vision expressed in Waitakere City Council's "Long Term Council Community Plan" (LTCCP) that by 2020 " Waitakere City will be an energy cell, not an energy sink. Air quality supports good health". A range of flagship projects have been identified to progress the achievement of this vision. Waitakere City Council can use this report as part of the development of a comprehensive energy management plan

    Macrophage Depletion in Hypertensive Rats Accelerates Development of Cardiomyopathy

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    Inflammation contributes to the process of ventricular remodeling after acute myocardial injury. To investigate the role of macrophages in the chronic process of cardiac remodeling, they were selectively depleted by intravenous administration of liposomal clodronate in heart failure-prone hypertensive Ren-2 rats from the age of 7 until 13 weeks. plain liposomes were used for comparison. Liposomal clodronate treatment reduced the number of blood monocytes and decreased the number of macrophages in the myocardium. Compared to plain liposomes, liposomal clodronate treatment rapidly worsened left ventricular ejection function in hypertensive rats. Liposomal clodronate-treated Ren-2 rat hearts showed areas of myocyte loss with abundant inflammatory cell infiltration, predominantly comprising CD4 positive T lymphocytes. The current-study showed that lack of macrophages vas associated with earlier development of myocardial dysfunction in hypertensive rats. Modulation of macrophage function may be of value in the evolution of cardiomyopath

    Cohort profile:the 'Biomarkers of heterogeneity in type 1 diabetes' study-a national prospective cohort study of clinical and metabolic phenotyping of individuals with long-standing type 1 diabetes in the Netherlands

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    PURPOSE: The 'Biomarkers of heterogeneity in type 1 diabetes' study cohort was set up to identify genetic, physiological and psychosocial factors explaining the observed heterogeneity in disease progression and the development of complications in people with long-standing type 1 diabetes (T1D). PARTICIPANTS: Data and samples were collected in two subsets. A prospective cohort of 611 participants aged ≥16 years with ≥5 years T1D duration from four Dutch Diabetes clinics between 2016 and 2021 (median age 32 years; median diabetes duration 12 years; 59% female; mean glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) 61 mmol/mol (7.7%); 61% on insulin pump; 23% on continuous glucose monitoring (CGM)). Physical assessments were performed, blood and urine samples were collected, and participants completed questionnaires. A subgroup of participants underwent mixed-meal tolerance tests (MMTTs) at baseline (n=169) and at 1-year follow-up (n=104). Genetic data and linkage to medical and administrative records were also available. A second cross-sectional cohort included participants with ≥35 years of T1D duration (currently n=160; median age 64 years; median diabetes duration 45 years; 45% female; mean HbA1c 58 mmol/mol (7.4%); 51% on insulin pump; 83% on CGM), recruited from five centres and measurements, samples and 5-year retrospective data were collected. FINDINGS TO DATE: Stimulated residual C-peptide was detectable in an additional 10% of individuals compared with fasting residual C-peptide secretion. MMTT measurements at 90 min and 120 min showed good concordance with the MMTT total area under the curve. An overall decrease of C-peptide at 1-year follow-up was observed. Fasting residual C-peptide secretion is associated with a decreased risk of impaired awareness of hypoglycaemia. FUTURE PLANS:Research groups are invited to consider the use of these data and the sample collection. Future work will include additional hormones, beta-cell-directed autoimmunity, specific immune markers, microRNAs, metabolomics and gene expression data, combined with glucometrics, anthropometric and clinical data, and additional markers of residual beta-cell function. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT04977635.</p

    Abdominal fat mass is associated with adaptive immune activation: The CODAM study

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    Abdominal fat-related activation of the innate immune system and insulin resistance (IR) are implicated in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases. Recent data support an important role of the adaptive immune system as well. In this study, we investigate the association between waist circumference and markers of systemic adaptive immune activation, and the potential mediating role of innate immune activation and/or IR herein. The study population consisted of 477 (304 men) individuals (mean age: 59.4±7.0 years) in whom waist circumference, HOMA2-IR (IR derived from homeostasis model assessment), and markers of innate (C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin (IL)-6, serum amyloid A (SAA)) and adaptive (neopterin, soluble CD25 (sCD25)) immune activation were measured. These markers were compiled into an adaptive and innate immune activation score by averaging the respective z-scores. After adjustments for age, sex, glucose metabolism, smoking status, prior cardiovascular disease, and other risk factors, waist circumference was associated with the adaptive (standardized regression coefficient Β = 0.12 (95% confidence intervals: 0.04-0.20)) and the innate immune activation scores (Β = 0.24 (0.17-0.31)), and with HOMA2-IR (Β = 0.49 (0.42-0.56)). The innate immune activation score and HOMA2-IR were also positively associated with the adaptive immune activation score (Β = 0.31 (0.21-0.40) and Β = 0.11 (0.02-0.21), respectively). The association between waist circumference and the adaptive immune activation score was completely abolished when further adjusted for innate immune activation and HOMA2-IR (to Β = 0.01 (0.10-0.08)), and the specific mediation effects attributable to each of these variables were 58% and 42%, respectively. We conclude that abdominal obesity is associated with systemic adaptive immune activation and that innate immune activation and IR constitute independent and equally important pathways explaining this association. 2011 The Obesity Society

    The IgM Response to Modified LDL in Experimental Atherosclerosis Hypochlorite-modified LDL IgM Antibodies versus Classical Natural T15 IgM Antibodies

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    Introduction: It is hypothesized that IgM antibodies to oxidized LDL are anti-atherogenic. Myeloperoxidase from plaque-infiltrating neutrophils catalyzes the production of hypochlorite (HOCl), which oxidizes LDL. Here we study the IgM response to HOCl-modified LDL in comparison to titers of T15 clonotypic natural antibodies. Methods: Plasma of LDLR-/- mice fed a normal chow or high-fat diet was obtained after 6 and 16 weeks. The IgM responses to HOCl-modified LDL and T15 clonotypic natural IgM antibodies were measured by ELISA. Results: The IgM levels in response to HOCl-modified LDL increased dramatically in the atherosclerotic group after introduction of the high-fat diet, but not in mice on normal chow. The natural IgM T15 clonotypic antibody titers revealed a more moderate increase during atherogenesis. Conclusion: Our results show that during atherogenesis there is a strong induction of IgM antibodies to HOCl-modified LDL particles. Whether these induced IgM antibodies are pro- or anti-atherogenic remains to be established

    Accumulation of myeloperoxidase-positive neutrophils in atherosclerotic lesions in LDLR-/- mice

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    Objective-Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease in which the immune system plays an important role. Neutrophils have not been thoroughly studied in the context of atherogenesis. Here, we investigated neutrophils in the development of murine atherosclerotic lesions. Methods and Results-LDLR-/- mice were given a high-fat diet for different time periods and subsequently atherosclerotic lesions were studied by immunohistochemistry. Staining with anti-Ly-6G monoclonal antibody, a specific marker for neutrophils, revealed a marked accumulation of neutrophils during atherosclerosis development. Neutrophils were observed in the lesion, attached to the cap, and in the arterial adventitia. In addition, at some sites, neutrophil accumulation colocalized with endothelial E-selectin expression. Immunofluorescence double staining with anti-myeloperoxidase and anti-Ly-6G antibodies demonstrated the presence of myeloperoxidase in atherosclerotic lesions and its colocalization with neutrophils. After introducing the high-fat diet, levels of circulating myeloperoxidase in plasma strongly increased, with a peak at 6 weeks and a subsequent decrease to almost normal levels after 16 weeks of diet. Conclusions-We here demonstrate for the first time the presence of neutrophils and myeloperoxidase in murine atherosclerotic lesions. As a major cell type in inflammatory responses the neutrophil may also be an important mediator in the development of atherosclerosis

    CD40L Deficiency Protects Against Aneurysm Formation

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    Objective The mechanisms underlying formation of arterial aneurysms remain incompletely understood. Because inflammation is a common feature during the progressive degeneration of the aortic wall, we studied the role of the costimulatory molecule CD40L, a major driver of inflammation, in aneurysm formation. Approach and Results Transcriptomics data obtained from human abdominal aortic aneurysms and normal aortas revealed increased abundance of both CD40L and CD40 in media of thrombus-free and thrombus-covered human abdominal aortic aneurysms samples. To further unravel the role of CD40L in aneurysm formation, apolipoprotein E-deficient (Apoe(-/-)) and Cd40l(-/-)Apoe(-/-) mice were infused with angiotensin II for 7 and 28 days. Only a minority of Cd40l(-/-)Apoe(-/-) mice (33% and 17%) developed (dissecting) aneurysms compared with 75% and 67% of Apoe(-/-) littermates after 7 and 28 days of infusion, respectively. Total vessel area of the aorta at the suprarenal level was 52% smaller in angiotensin II-infused Cd40l(-/-)Apoe(-/-) mice compared with that in angiotensin II-infused Apoe(-/-) mice. Chimeric Apoe(-/-) mice repopulated with Cd40l(-/-)Apoe(-/-) bone marrow afforded a similar protection against dissecting aneurysm formation. Moreover, lack of CD40L protected mice from fatal aneurysm rupture. T helper cell and macrophage accumulation in aneurysmal tissue was reduced in Cd40l(-/-)Apoe(-/-) mice with a concomitant decrease in expression of proinflammatory chemo- and cytokines. In addition, aneurysms of Cd40l(-/-)Apoe(-/-) mice displayed reduced abundance of matrix metalloproteinase-13 and an increase in tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-3 while activity of matrix metalloproteinase-2 and matrix metalloproteinase-9 was diminished. Conclusions Deficiency of (hematopoietic) CD40L protects against dissecting aneurysm formation and reduces the incidence of fatal rupture. This is associated with a decreased accumulation and activation of inflammatory cells and a dampened protease activity in the arterial wall