28 research outputs found

    Modulation of systemic cytokine levels by implantation of alginate encapsulated cells

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    The availability of cell lines that are transfected with IL-4, IL-5 and IFN-γ cytokine genes permits the prolonged in vivo delivery of functional cytokines in relatively large doses for the modulation of specific immune responses. Oft

    Type 2 diabetes monocyte microrna and mrna expression

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    There is increasing evidence that inflammatory macrophages in adipose tissue are involved in insulin resistance of type 2 diabetes (T2D). Due to a relative paucity of data on circulating monocytes in T2D, it is unclear whether the inflammatory changes of adipose tissue macrophages are reflected in these easily accessible cells. Objective To study the expression pattern of microRNAs and mRNAs related to inflammation in T2D monocytes. Design A microRNA finding study on monocytes of T2D patients and controls using array profiling was followed by a quantitative Real Time PCR (qPCR) study on monocytes of an Ecuadorian validation cohort testing the top over/under-expressed microRNAs. In addition, monocytes of the validation cohort were tested for 24 inflammation-related mRNAs and 2 microRNAs previously found deregulated in (auto)-inflammatory monocytes. Results In the finding study, 142 significantly differentially expressed microRNAs were identified, 15 having the strongest power to discriminate T2D patients from controls (sensitivity 66%, specificity 90%). However, differences in expression of these microRNAs between patients and controls were small. On the basis of >1.4 or <0.6-fold change expression 5 microRNAs were selected for further validation. One microRNA (miR-34c-5p) was validated as significantly over-expressed in T2D monocytes. In addition, we found over expression of 3 mRNAs (CD9, DHRS3 and PTPN7) in the validation cohort. These mRNAs are important for cell morphology, adhesion, shape change, and cell differentiation. Classical inflammatory genes (e.g. TNFAIP3) were only over-expressed in monocytes of patients with normal serum lipids. Remarkably, in dyslipidemia, there was a reduction in the expression of inflammatory genes (e.g. ATF3, DUSP2 and PTGS2). Conclusions The expression profile of microRNAs/mRNAs in monocytes of T2D patients indicates an altered adhesion, differentiation, and shape change potential. Monocyte inflammatory activation was only found in patients with normal serum lipids. Abnormal lipid values coincided with a reduced monocyte inflammatory state. Copyright

    Study on inflammation-related genes and microRNAs, with special emphasis on the vascular repair factor HGF and miR-574-3p, in monocytes and serum of patients with T2D

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    Background: Recently, we reported signs of inflammation (raised IL-8, reduced miR-146a) and signs of vascular repair (raised HGF) in the serum of Ecuadorian patients with type 2 diabetes (T2

    MicroRNA-Mediated Down-Regulation of M-CSF Receptor Contributes to Maturation of Mouse Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cells

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    Dendritic cell (DC) maturation is a tightly regulated process that requires coordinated and timed developmental cues. Here we investigate whether microRNAs are involved in this process. We identify microRNAs in mouse GM-CSF-generated, monocyte-related DC (GM-DC) that are differentially expressed during both spontaneous and LPS-induced maturation and characterize M-CSF receptor (M-CSFR), encoded by the Csf1r gene, as a key target for microRNA-mediated regulation in the final step toward mature DC. MicroRNA-22, -34a, and -155 are up-regulated in mature MHCIIhi CD86hi DC and mediate Csf1r mRNA and protein down-regulation. Experimental inhibition of Csf1r-targeting microRNAs in vitro results not only in sustained high level M-CSFR protein expression but also in impaired DC maturation upon stimulation by LPS. Accordingly, over-expression of Csf1r in GM-DC inhibits terminal differentiation. Taken together, these results show that developmentally regulated microRNAs control Csf1r expression, supplementing previously identified mechanisms that regulate its transcription and protein surface expression. Furthermore, our data indicate a novel function for Csf1r in mouse monocyte-derived DC, showing that down-regulation of M-CSFR expression is essential for final DC maturation

    Kupffer cells express a unique combination of phenotypic and functional characteristics compared with splenic and peritoneal macrophages

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    The immunostimulatory role of Kupffer cells in various inflammatory liver diseases is still not fully understood. In this study, phenotypic and functional aspects of Kupffer cells from healthy C57BL/6 mice were analyzed and compared with those of splenic and peritoneal macrophages to generate a blueprint of the cells under steady-state conditions. In the mouse liver, only one population of Kupffer cells was identified as F4/ 80highCD11blow cells. We observed that freshy isolated Kupffer cells are endocytic and show a relatively high basal ROS content. Interestingly, despite expression of TLR mRNA on Kupffer cells, ligation of TLR4, TLR7/8, and TLR9 resulted in a weak induction of IL-10, low or undetectable levels of IL-12p40 and TNF, and up-regulation of CD40 on the surface. Kupffer cells and splenic macrophages show functional similarities, in comparison with peritoneal macrophages, as reflected by comparable levels of TLR4, TLR7/8, and TLR9 mRNA and low or undetectable levels of TNF and IL-12p40 produced upon TLR ligation. The unique, functional characteristics of Kupffer cells, demonstrated in this study, suggest that Kupffer cells under steady-state conditions are specialized as phagocytes to clear and degrade particulates and only play a limited immunoregulatory role via the release of soluble mediators

    Differential ultraviolet-B-induced immunomodulation in XPA, XPC, and CSB DNA repair-deficient mice

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    Ultraviolet B irradiation has serious consequences for cellular immunity and can suppress the rejection of skin tumors and the resistance to infectious diseases. DNA damage plays a crucial role in these immunomodulatory effects of ultraviolet B, as impaired repair of ultraviolet-B-induced DNA damage has been shown to cause suppression of cellular immunity. Ultraviolet-B-induced DNA damage is repaired by the nucleotide excision repair mechanism very efficiently. Nucleotide excision repair comprises two subpathways: transcription-coupled and global genome repair. In this study the immunologic consequences of specific nucleotide excision repair defects in three mouse models, XPA, XPC, and CSB mutant mice, were investigated. XPA mice carry a total nucleotide excision repair defect, whereas XPC and CSB mice only lack global genome and transcription-coupled nucleotide excision repair, respectively. Our data demonstrate that cellular immune parameters in XPA, XPC, and CSB mice are normal compared with their wild-type (control) littermates. This may indicate that the reported altered cellular responses in xeroderma pigmentosum patients are not constitutive but could be due to external factors, such as ultraviolet B. Upon exposure to ultraviolet B, only XPA mice are very sensitive to ultraviolet-B-induced inhibition of Th1-mediated contact hypersensitivity responses and interferon-γ production in skin draining lymph nodes. Lipopolysaccharide-stimulated tumor necrosis factor α and interleukin-10 production are significantly augmented in both XPA and CSB mice after ultraviolet B exposure. Lymph node cell numbers were increased very significantly in XPA, mildly increased in CSB, and not in XPC mice. In general XPC mice do not exhibit any indication of enhanced ultraviolet B susceptibility with regard to the immune parameters analyzed. These data suggest that both global genome repair and transcription-coupled repair are needed to prevent immunomodulation by ultraviolet B, whereas transcription-coupled repair is the major DNA repair subpathway of nucleotide excision repair that prevents the acute ultraviolet-B-induced effects such as erythema

    Type 2 Diabetes Monocyte MicroRNA and mRNA Expression: Dyslipidemia Associates with Increased Differentiation-Related Genes but Not Inflammatory Activation a11111

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    Abstract There is increasing evidence that inflammatory macrophages in adipose tissue are involved in insulin resistance of type 2 diabetes (T2D). Due to a relative paucity of data on circulating monocytes in T2D, it is unclear whether the inflammatory changes of adipose tissue macrophages are reflected in these easily accessible cells. Objective To study the expression pattern of microRNAs and mRNAs related to inflammation in T2D monocytes. Design A microRNA finding study on monocytes of T2D patients and controls using array profiling was followed by a quantitative Real Time PCR (qPCR) study on monocytes of an Ecuadorian validation cohort testing the top over/under-expressed microRNAs. In addition, monocytes of the validation cohort were tested for 24 inflammation-related mRNAs and 2 microRNAs previously found deregulated in (auto)-inflammatory monocytes. Results In the finding study, 142 significantly differentially expressed microRNAs were identified, 15 having the strongest power to discriminate T2D patients from controls (sensitivity 66%, specificity 90%). However, differences in expression of these microRNAs between patients and controls were small. On the basis of &gt;1.4 or &lt;0.6-fold change expression 5 microRNAs were selected for further validation. One microRNA (miR-34c-5p) was validated as significantly over-expressed in T2D monocytes. In addition, we found over expression of 3 mRNAs (CD9, DHRS3 and PTPN7) in the validation cohort. These mRNAs are important for cell morphology, adhesion, shape change, and cell differentiation. Classical inflammatory genes (e.g. TNFAIP3) were only over-expressed in monocytes of patients with normal serum lipids. Remarkably, in dyslipidemia, there was a reduction in the expression of inflammatory genes (e.g. ATF3, DUSP2 and PTGS2). Conclusions The expression profile of microRNAs/mRNAs in monocytes of T2D patients indicates an altered adhesion, differentiation, and shape change potential. Monocyte inflammatory activation was only found in patients with normal serum lipids. Abnormal lipid values coincided with a reduced monocyte inflammatory state