2 research outputs found


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    The analysis of foreign trade in global trading of today requires the usage of macro-analytical activities which are based on contemporary and classical evaluation methods, trading measurements and macroeconomic indicators of economic stability and growth. This paper starts from the idea and the need to evaluate the influence of foreign trade between Bosnia and Herzegovina using the gravity model. The aim of this paper has been set based on this idea and is reflected in the advantages and disadvantages of using the gravity model in evaluating foreign trade between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro. The gravity method in foreign trade evaluates the potentials between some countries taking into consideration real trade value. It also takes into account the potential and costs of trading, as well as the distance of the analysed market. This paper starts accordingly from the assumption that the usage of the gravity model can evaluate the potential of import and export between two countries and in this way make assumptions about how to increase competitiveness among trading companies. The paper presents the potential for import and export from Bosnia and Herzegovina based on the results of the research. Sources of the data used in this paper are primarily the statistical publications of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro, as well as data available on the internet.Analiza vanjske trgovine u danaÅ”njoj globalnoj trgovini zahtijeva upotrebu makro analitičkih aktivnosti utemeljenih na suvremenim i klasičnim metodama procjene, mjerenju trgovine i makroekonomskim pokazateljima gospodarske stabilnosti i rasta. Ovaj rad polazi od ideje i potrebe za procjenom utjecaja vanjske trgovine Bosne i Hercegovine upotrebom modela gravitacije. Cilj rada temelji se na ovoj ideji i reflektira se u prednostima i nedostacima koriÅ”tenja modela gravitacije prilikom procjene vanjske trgovine između Bosne i Hercegovine i Crne Gore. Model gravitacije u vanjskoj trgovini procjenjuje potencijal među određenim zemljama uzimajući u obzir stvarnu vrijednost trgovanja. Također uzima u obzir potencijal i troÅ”kove trgovanja, kao i udaljenost analiziranog tržiÅ”ta. Ovaj rad polazi od pretpostavke da upotreba modela gravitacije može procijeniti potencijal uvoza i izvoza između dvije zemlje te je na taj način moguće dati pretpostavke o načinima povećanja konkurentnosti među trgovačkim druÅ”tvima. Rad predstavlja potencijal za uvoz u i izvoz iz Bosne i Hercegovine na temelju rezultata istraživanja. Izvori podataka koji su koriÅ”teni u ovom radu prvenstveno su statističke publikacije Bosne i Hercegovine i Crne Gore, kao i podaci dostupni na internetu

    Balneogynaecology in the 21st century: increasingly recommended primary and complementary treatment of chronic gynaecological diseases

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    Balneo-gynaecological treatment methods include external bath hydrotherapy, sedentary baths and topical dressings/cataplasm, and internal (intravaginal or intrarectal use of peloids and mineral water). Hyperosmolar thermal spas have been very popular in the treatment of infertility due to the improvement of symptoms of chronic pelvic pain, endometriosis, chronic vascular and inflammatory pelvic diseases. Acute pelvic inflammatory syndrome is a contraindication for balneo-hydrotherapy while hyperthermal hydrotherapy is contraindicated in endometriosis and neurovegetative dystonia due to the stimulation of hyperemia, which worsens the clinical picture. Balneo-hydrotherapy is not recommended in metrorrhagia and malignancies. Balneogynaecological treatment certainly has its own primary but also complementary role in the treatment of chronic gynaecological diseases and is increasingly recommended today