134 research outputs found

    Money Supply, Food Prices and Manufactured Product Prices: A Causality Analysis for Pakistan Economy

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    This pioneer research for Pakistan uses monthly time series data for the period of 1997-1 to 2008-4 to determine the causal relationship between the money supply, food prices and manufactured product prices in developing country like Pakistan. Empirical analysis is performed by using the ARDL and Toda Yamamoto causality test. The results show that the bidirectional causality between the food prices and money supply and unidirectional causality from money supply to manufactured product prices. On the other hand there is no causal relationship between the food prices and manufactured product prices. The important finding of this study is that food prices response faster then the manufactured product prices to a change in money supply in the Pakistan.

    Spontaneous recovery of chylothorax caused by lymphoma

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    Chylothorax is a rare complication with both traumatic and non-traumatic causes. the most common non-traumatic cause is malignancy, especially lymphoma. Lymph discharges into the pleural space, causing nutritional, metabolic, immunologic and respiratory complications. We evaluated the case of a patient suffering from a low-grade lymphoma who developed chylothorax that did not respond to chemotherapy and conservative treatment. this patient recovered spontaneously

    Noether Symmetries of the Area-Minimizing Lagrangian

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    It is shown that the Lie algebra of Noether symmetries for the Lagrangian minimizing an (n-1)-area enclosing a constant n-volume in a Euclidean space is so(n)⊕sℝn and in a space of constant curvature the Lie algebra is so(n). Furthermore, if the space has one section of constant curvature of dimension n1, another of n2, and so on to nk and one of zero curvature of dimension m, with n≄∑j=1knj+m (as some of the sections may have no symmetry), then the Lie algebra of Noether symmetries is ⊕j=1kso(nj+1)⊕(so(m)⊕sℝm)

    Study of Embedded Class-I Fluid Spheres in f(R,T)f(R,T) Gravity with Karmarkar Condition

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    In this article, we explore some emerging properties of the stellar objects in the frame of the f(R,T)f(R,T) gravity by employing the well-known Karmarkar condition, where RR and TT represent Ricci scalar and trace of energy momentum tensor respectively. It is worthy to highlight here that we assume the exponential type model of f(R,T)f(R,T) theory of gravity f(R,T)=R+α(e−ÎČR−1)+ÎłTf(R,T)=R+\alpha(e^{-\beta R}-1)+\gamma T along with the matter Lagrangian Lm=−13(pr+2pt)\mathcal{L}_{m}=-\frac{1}{3}(p_{r}+2 p_{t}) to classify the complete set of modified field equations. We demonstrate the embedded class-I technique by using the static spherically symmetric line element along with anisotropic fluid matter distribution. Further, to achieve our goal, we consider a specific expression of metric potential grrg_{rr}, already presented in literature, and proceed by using the Karmarkar condition to obtain the second metric potential. In particular, we use four different compact stars, namely LMC X−4,LMC~X-4, EXO 1785−248,EXO~1785-248, Cen X−3Cen~X-3 and 4U 1820−304U~1820-30 and compute the corresponding values of the unknown parameters appearing in metric potentials. Moreover, we conduct various physical evolutions such as graphical nature of energy density and pressure progression, energy constraints, mass function, adiabatic index, stability and equilibrium conditions to ensure the viability and consistency of our proposed model. Our analysis indicates that the obtained anisotropic outcomes are physically acceptable with the finest degree of accuracy.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, Accepted for publication in Chinese Journal of Physic

    Diversity of News Sources in Climate Change Reporting in Pakistani Press

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    This study examines the diversity of news sources in climate change reporting in the Pakistani press. A longitudinal quantitative content analysis of climate change reporting of five significant climate change-related events such as Earth Summit ((1992), Rio de Janeiro, Kyoto Protocol (1997), Ratification of Kyoto Protocol Globally (2005), COP15 (2009) Copenhagen and COP21 (2015) Paris is conducted. The samples were selected through systematic random sampling technique by choosing every alternate day of newspapers’ publications. A total of 1498 diverse news sources were found in 324 climate change-related stories during the five events mentioned above. The findings of this study revealed that elite sources dominated the marginalized sources collectively in coverage of the three newspapers during the five events. However, the climate change-related event/ incidents represented highly in the reporting of Pakistani press. Further, a thin proportion of mentions of media-related sources such as News agencies and Journalists also found. Thus, this study recommends that similar studies should be conducted on news content of other soft and hard issues in Pakistani press to examine the diversity of sources

    Experimentation on Optimal Configuration and Size of Thin Cylinders in Natural Convection

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    In this paper, an experimental study of laminar, steady state natural convection heat transfer from heated thin cylinders in an infinite air medium has been reported. Two electrically heated cylinders having the same slenderness ratio (L/D) i.e. 6.1 but different diameters i.e. 3.8 cm and 5.08 cm were used. 105 experiments were carried out to study the effect of diameter and inclination angle of thin cylinder on natural convection heat transfer. After mandatory corrections of radiation and endcap heat losses, convective heat transfer results were presented in the form of local and average dimensionless numbers. For vertical configuration of thin cylinder, Nusselt number was varied from 52.99 to 95.10 corresponding to 1.28×108≀Ra*L≀1.08×1010. While for horizontal configuration,Nusselt number was varied from 10.74 to 17.78 corresponding to 9.42×104≀Ra*D≀8.17×106. Results were compared with the published data and found satisfactory as the maximum percentage difference was only 3.09%. The essence of research is that the heat transfer coefficient increases with decrease in diameter and increase in inclination angle. Smoke flow visualization was done to capture patterns of fluid flow. Finally, comparison was made to quantify increase in Nusselt number from slender cylinder as compared to the flat plate

    US Presidential Elections 2016: A Comparative Study of Media Coverage of CNN and FOX News

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    The Presidential Elections in the United States have always remained the focus of attention for public and media. By playing the role of watchdog in the American society, mass media looks keenly and deeply on the policies, personal life, and character of Presidential Candidates during Presidential Elections of the country. The study examines and compares news coverage of the United States of America’s (USA) Presidential Elections-2016 of two most Papular cable news television networks, i.e., FOX and CNN. This quantitative content analysis study purposively selected ninety news stories which were aired during the USA Presidential Elections-2016 from August 7, 2016, to November 7, 2016. The chosen news stories were analyzed according to the Framing theory’s episodic and thematic frames. The findings reveal that the CNN, a leading supporter of Hillary Clinton, frames her more episodically and more thematically to Donald Trump in its stories. On the other hand, the FOX News stories presented Donald Trump more in the episodic frames and Hillary Clinton in more the thematic frames. The study concludes that both news channels, FOX and CNN have mostly framed both USA Presidential Elections’ candidates; Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton episodically by focusing more on their scandals and controversies related to their personal lives or character rather than on their policies and debates

    Knowledge, attitude and perceptions of Muslim cancer patients regarding cancer treatment during Ramadan: Results from a tertiary care hospital Karachi

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    Objective: To assess the knowledge and attitude of Muslim cancer patients regarding cancer treatment during Ramadan.Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted at the Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, from July to August 2015, and comprised cancer patients. .Adult Muslim cancer patients receiving active oncological treatment or on surveillance were included. Patients on only supportive treatment were excluded. SPSS 19 was used for data analysis.Results: Of the 265 patients, 87(32.8%) were males and 178(67.2%) were females. The overall mean age was 49±13.87 years. Besides, 184(70.9%) patients belonged to the middle class. Breast cancer was the most common cancer 106(40.6%). Overall, 153(57.9%) patients had stage II disease. Further, 201(80%) patients had 0-1 performance status. Moreover, 180(72%) patients were receiving different forms of chemotherapeutic agents. It was found that 113(54.3%) patients sought advice regarding fasting. Most of the patients who observed fast, i.e. 214(81%), had an early stage disease and 19(7.1%) were on hormonal therapy. Patients who did not fast mostly attributed this to fatigue 69(26.3%). Conclusion: Only half of the patients sought advice on fasting and those having early disease more.Conclusions: Only half of the patients sought advice on fasting and those having early disease more frequently observed fast

    Structural analysis of Kirthar Fold Belt, Lower Indus Basin, Balochistan, Pakistan; implications from compression and inversion tectonics

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    The current research work mainly focuses on tectonic evolution of the Central Kirthar Fold Belt. It also deals with the structural impact of the Late Cretaceous/Paleocene, Indian-Eurasian collision on the Central Kirthar Fold Belt which is situated in the western shear zone of Indian Plate. The Kirthar Fold Belt is different from the rest of western shear zone because it is mainly deformed by compressional tectonics which has created wide anticlines, narrow synclines and overturned folds as shown by geological mapping. It has been observed that thin-skinned deformation has played a major role in structural disharmony which is mainly seen in the Early Eocene Ghazij and Oligocene Nari formations. Seismic data shows thick-skinned deformation because the faults seem to penetrate deeper stratigraphic levels. Involvement of the basal decollement and the penetration of the interpreted faults to the level of basement rocks is also evident from the exposure of Jurassic/Cretaceous rocks at surface on the western part of the mapped area. Cross sections data shows that Kirthar Thrust Fault has a structural throw around 3-4 km in the Kirthar Folded Zone featuring deformational front while the seismic data and well data shows that this intensity decreases in the Kirthar Foredeep Zone towards east where the structural throw is about 2-3 km. Restoration of cross sections show an overall 17.3% shortening which shows that the area is under influence of compressional stresses
