18 research outputs found
Pengembangan klon Sukun (Artocarpus altilis (Park.) Fosberg.) unggulan untuk mendukung ketahanan pangan
Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) is one of multipurpose tree species that their wood, bark, fruit and leaves can be utilized for human life. The main product of breadfruit is its fruit as one of the potential food sources that has a fairly high nutrient content and is widely consumed as an additional food and even traditional staple foods such as in some countries the Pacific region. The challenge in developing breadfruit as an alternative food source for the community is to prepare the plant material of superior breadfruit clones which have high fruit production and have enough nutrients and chemicals as a source of food and medicinal ingredients. Based on the clones selection at the clonal test plantation in Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta obtained 5 excellent breadfruit populations representing breadfruit cultivars in Indonesia, namely Cilacap, Yogyakarta, Bali island, Bone and Manokwari. To ensure the availability of seedlings of superior breadfruit clones, the development of planting stocks production techniques is carried out by root cuttings, shoot cuttings and stem cuttings in the nursery that showed better growth succeess (70-100%). Furthermore, information dissemination is carried out to increase efforts to develop breadfruit by the community / user. Breadfruit planting activities are carried out to increase the availability of food reserve forests in the future, both independently and collaboratively with stakeholders who interested in developing of breadfruit plantations.
Eksplorasi benih Jati Putih (Gmelina arborea Roxb) dari berbagai variasi habitat untuk populasi pemuliaan
White teak (Gmelina arborea Roxb) is one of the types developed for the development of plantations, this species is an exotic tree that grows quickly, the planting technique is not difficult and has a good economic value. The wood is used for various purposes, especially for the manufacture of construction materials, carpentry, plywood, matches, containers and other wood craft materials. One aspect that determines the success of plantation development is the availability of seeds, especially quality seeds that are superior genetically, physically and physiologically, available in sufficient quantities, on time and have the ability to adapt to the environment in which they grow. The development of this plant needs to be accompanied by a breeding program, one of the forest plant breeding activities is exploration. Exploration activities of a type of plant in its natural habitat are important to support research and development activities of an institution and to meet market needs for these seeds. The purpose of seed exploration is to get white Teak seeds that represent a variety of habitats to support breeding activities. Exploration of white teak seeds is carried out in Kalianda (South Lampung), Bondowoso (East Java), Bantul (Yogyakarta), Parung Panjang (West Java) and Lombok (West Nusa Tenggara). The results of the exploration obtained 108 mother trees from Kalianda 25 mother trees with seed size (18.32 mm; 10.25 mm), Bondowoso 30 mother trees (17.78 mm; 9.64 mm), Bantul 21 mother trees (19, 24 mm; 11.40 mm), Parung length 15 mother trees (19.41 mm; 9.42 mm) and Lombok 17 mother trees (18.58 mm; 10, 31 mm).
The research was conducted to evaluate the growth of teak clone (Tectona grandis L.f.) taken from land race population at Muna Island in South East Sulawesi. The trials were planted in 2002 – 2005 in 4 locations as follows: Kemampo (South Sumatera), Kotabaru (South Kalimantan), Gunung Kidul (Yogyakarta) and Wonogiri (Central Java). The growth of teak clones from Muna at 5 years old in 4 locations was as followed: the average of total height (9,98 m, 13,11 m, 7,46 m and 9,37m), diameter/DBH (11,09 cm, 12,80 cm, 7,87 cm and 13,24 cm) and tree volume estimation (0,0624 m3, 0,117 m3, 0,028 m3 and 0,099 m3). The growth performances of teak clone from Muna were stable at middle position in all locations. The best growth was gained in Kotabaru and the lowest in in Gunung Kidul.Keywords : Clonal Test, Muna teak, Tectona grandis L.f
Alstonia scholaris (L) R.Rr. is one of the fast growing species has a wide distribution in Indonesia and good prospect to be developed for forest plantation. This species could be propagated both generative and vegetative method. This study was conducted to identify the effect of shoot position and the cut type of cuttings. The experiment was arranged in Randomized Complete Design in two factors. The fisrt factor was shoot position (P1= < 50 cm, P2=50-100 cm, P3=100-150 cm and P4=150-180 cm above ground) and second was the cut type of cuttings (horizontal, diagonal 45o and “V” types). The result showed that shoot position significantly influenced rooting ability and the growth of cuttings. The best result of shoot cuttings was taken from P3 treatment (100-150 cm above ground) with survival percentage 87.50%, rooting percentage 85.42%, growth of height 4.02 cm, with 10 number of root, length of root 19.08 cm and 4 number of leaf . The cut type of cuttings and interaction between shoot position and type of cuttings were not significantly differences to the growth of shoot cuttings
Pertumbuhan Tunas Beberapa Klon Jati Terseleksi setelah Pemangkasan di Persemaian
Kebun pangkas jati dibangun dalam rangka memperbanyak klon-klon terseleksi di plot uji klon jati. Biasanya, kebun pangkas dibangun pada lahan dengan luasan tertentu. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kemampuan pertunasan beberapa klon jati pada kebun pangkas jati di tingkat persemaian. Penelitian ini disusun dengan menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan perlakuan 10 klon jati yang diulang sebanyak 3 kali dengan 10 tanaman pangkasan dalam setiap ulangan. Klon yang digunakan adalah hasil seleksi uji klon jati di Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta.Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan perlakuan klon berpengaruh nyata terhadap karakter jumlah tunas, panjang tunas, diameter tunas, jumlah ruas dan jumlah daun. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan untuk pertumbuhan tunas pada umur 6 minggu diperoleh rerata jumlah tunas 4,33; panjang tunas 9,09 cm; diameter tunas 5,91 mm; jumlah ruas tunas 2,38, dan jumlah daun 5,09 helai. Persentase hidup tanaman setelah pemangkasan bervariasi antar klon antara 86,67-96,67%. Hasil penaksiran nilai heritabilitas untuk pertumbuhan tunas termasuk kategori sedang sampai tinggi yaitu sebesar 0,41-0,73.The Shoot Growth of Several Selected Clones of Teak after Coppicing in the NurseryAbstractTeak hedge garden was established to multiply several selected clones of teak from clonal test trial. It was usually established on a certain arable land. This study was conducted to determine the ability of various teak clones in the sprouting hedge garden which was established in the nursery. The study was arranged in randomized complete block design with 10 clones, 3 replications, and 10 individual ramet per replication. The tested clones were selected from a teak clonal test in Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. The results showed that clones significantly affected the shoot growth: number, length, diameter, number of internode and number of leaf. At 6 weeks after hedging, the average of shoot number was 4.3, shoot length of 9.1 cm, shoot diameter of 5.9 mm, the number of internode of 2.4, and the average number of leaves was 5.1. The survival rate of plants after hedging treatment was varied from 86.7 to 96.7 %. Estimated heritability for shoot growth was categorized as moderate to high, varying from 0.41 to 0.73
Evaluasi Pertumbuhan Sambungan Eucalyptus Pellita F. Muell Dengan Teknik Veneer Grafting
Eucalyptus pellita F. Muell is one of the promising species for pulp production in Indonesia. Tree breeding activities of this species have been developed to investigate a high productivity of Eucalypt through the selection of genetically improved individual trees. Vegetative propagation technique is an important tool needed to multiple the trees. Veneer Grafting is one of the recommended propagation techniques. The objective of the research is to study the compatibility of several E. Pellita clones that are produced from plus trees. Implemented by Completely Randomized Design (CRD), the research was used 36 E. pellita families and 6 hibryds of E. pellita x E. brassiana as the treatment with 4 replications. The result showed that the clone of E. pellita was significantly different effecting growth variation of clone adaptability, shoot number, shoot length, and shoot diameter. Clone adaptability was range from 0 - 100%. Shoot number was around 1-3 stems. Shoot length was range 0.17 cm – 17.82 cm and the shoot diameter was 0.10 mm – 2.27 mm in range. The clone (number 19) from Keru To Nata WP Papua New Guinea was invented as the best in adaptability (100%) during the observation period, while clone (number 33) was the best growth performance in shoot number, shoot diameter and shoot length.Key words : Growth, Eucalyptus pellita, veneer graftin
Variasi Morfologi Empat Spesies Jati ( Tectona Sp) di Asia Tenggara: Potensi Pemuliaan Pohon dan Bioteknologinya
Jati (Tectona grandis Linn.f) dikembangkan secara intensif di Indonesia terutama di Pulau Jawa dengan luas pengelolaan hutan tanaman ± 1 juta Ha. Di Asia Tenggara jenis ini ditanam pula oleh negara Philipina, Thailand, Malaysia, Laos, Vietnam bagian Selatan dan Myanmar dengan luas bervariasi. Namun demikian pengetahauan mengenai variasi morfologi dan pemanfaatan untuk kegiatan bioteknologi dan pemuliaan masih berkisar pada satu spesies saja yaitu Tectona grandis. Sedangkan spesies lain seperti Tectona abludens, Tectona hamiltoniana dan Tectona philiphinensis belum banyak diketahui.Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengambil sampel daun di 3 pengembangan jati di Pulau Jawa yaitu Cepu dan Randublatung Jawa Tengah, Nglambangan Bojonegoro Jawa Timur dan Ciamis Jawa Barat. Untuk Spesies Tectona abludens sampel daun diambil di daerah Dlingo, Bantul DIY dan Selang, Gunungkidul. Sedangkan untuk jenis Tectona philiphinensis lebih dalam dipelajari berdasarkan informasi yang diperoleh dari Kementrian Kehutanan Philipina dan untuk jenis Tectona hamiltoniana dilengkapi dengan data dan informasi dari Kementrian Kehutanan Myanmar. Sampel daun dari tiap jenis diambil 2 daun (daun muda dan daun tua) masing-masing 5 ulangan. Pengamatan terhadap bentuk duduk daun, jumlah tulang daun primer dan sekunder serta pola tulang daun didiskripsikan dan dibandingkan antara keempat spesies tersebut. Morfologi bunga, kulit batang, kayu, biji dan bentuk percabangan digunakan juga untuk melengkapi variasi morfologi masing-masing spesies. Variasi morfologi yang ada dipergunakan untuk mengetahui variasi empat spesies Tectona sp tersebut sehingga diketahui karakter-karakter tiap jenis yang berpeluang untuk dimanfaatkan dalam kegiatan pemuliaan pohon baik melalui pemuliaan konvensional atau bioteknologi.Tectona grandis memiliki morfologi yang lebih dekat dengan Tectona abludens, sedangkan Tectona hamiltoniana dan Tectona phillipinensis memiliki morfologi khas yang berbeda dengan lainnya. Beberapa karakter morfologi diantara keempat spesies tersebut berpeluang diamanfaatkan untuk kegiatan pemuliaan jati antara lain kelurusan batang, kemampuan adaptasi di lahan kering dan ketahanan terhadap penyakit
Keragaman Fenotipik Buah dan Daya Perkecambahan Benih Swietenia macrophylla King. dari Beberapa Populasi di Indonesia
Mahoni daun lebar (Swietenia macrophylla King) merupakan salah satu jenis yang banyak dikembangkan pada hutan tanaman maupun hutan rakyat. Meskipun jenis ini bukan jenis asli Indonesia tapi dilaporkan memiliki keragaman genetik yang tinggi. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui variasi morfologi buah dan benih S. macrophylla serta daya perkecambahannya dari beberapa populasi di Jawa dan Nusa Tenggara Barat. Penelitian disusun menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan asal populasi dan pohon induk sebagai perlakuan. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan adanya variasi antar populasi dan pohon induk pada karakter berat buah, panjang buah, diameter buah, jumlah biji dalam satu buah serta daya berkecambahnya kecuali jumlah benih per kilogram. Rerata berat buah setiap populasi berkisar antara 275-385 g, panjang buah 12-15 cm, diameter buah 7-9 cm, jumlah biji per buah 59-64 butir, dan daya berkecambah 44-96%. Rerata berat buah per pohon induk berkisar antara 153-490 g, panjang buah 10-20 cm, diameter buah 6-10 cm, dan jumlah biji per buah 52-69 butir. Fenotipik buah S. macrophylla beragam antar populasi dengan daya erkecambah benih terbaik ditunjukkan oleh populasi Lombok Tengah dan Banjar sebesar 86-96%.Kata kunci: daya berkecambah; keragaman fenotipik; morfologi buah; Swietenia macrophylla Variation of Fruits Phenotipic and Seeds Germination of Swietenia macrophylla King. Taken from Several Populations in IndonesiaAbstractBroad leaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King.) is one of popular species developed in the state forest plantations and smallholder forest. Although it is not native in Indonesia, but the species has high genetic diversity. This study was conducted to determine the morphological variation of fruits, seeds, and also seeds germination of broad leaf mahogany from several populations in Java and West Nusa Tenggara. The research was arranged in completely randomized design with native populations and parent trees as treatments. The results showed significant variations between the populations and parent trees on fruit weight, fruit length, fruit diameter, number of seeds in the fruit, and seeds germination rate except the number of seeds per kilogram. The average per population of fruit weight ranged from 275 to 385 g, fruit lengths from 12 to 15 cm, fruit diameter from 7 to 9 cm, the number of seeds per fruit 59 to 64 grains and 44 - 96 % of seeds germination rate. The average per parent trees of fruit weight ranged from 153 to 490 g, fruit lengths from 10 to 20 cm, fruit diameter from 6 to 10 cm, and the number of seeds per fruit 52 to 69 grains. Fruit phenotipic of S. macrophylla varies between populations with the best seed germination indicated by the populations of Central Lombok, Bantul and Banjar amounted to 86-96%
Optimalisasi produksi bibit jenis sukun (Artocarpus altilis [Parkinson] Fosberg) dengan kombinasi teknik stek akar dan stek pucuk
Bread fruit (Artocarpus altilis [ Parkinson.] Fosberg) is one of the multipurpose tree species which has an economic value because it produces fruits as an alternative staple food for people. It is propagated by vegetative ways such as root cuttings method, but there are problems in provid ing root materials in adequate number and the lack of information about its propagation technology, so the growth success has not optimal yet. The main objective of this research is to obtain an optimal number of planting stock of bread fruit and increas ing in quality by combining root cuttings and shoot cuttings methods simultaneously. The research also conducted to identify some factors that influenc es the rooting success as follow : (1) growth rate of root cuttings from 10 populations. (2) growth success of root cuttings from 4 parent tree age classes ( 5, 6-10, 11-15 and 15-20 years). (3) the effect of 8 root cuttings media, (4) the effect of shoots age at 3 and 4 months. (5) the effect of shoot cuttings media (6) the effect of height of felling level ( 25, 50, 75 and 100 cm) above ground and on shoot production and (7) the growth of shoot cutting from hedge orchard. The results indicated that bread fruit species had a good ability to be multiplied by root cuttings and shoot cuttings technique, although the success rate showed any variations. Root cuttings from Yogyakarta showed the best rooting percentage (90%). Root cuttings from 6 years up of bread fruit parent tree showed better survival rate (79,2-85,2%) and shoots percentage (73,8-81,6%) than the 5 years of age. Rooting success in sand and top soil media showed the best survival rate (90%) and rooting rate 74-80%. But later, the growth of stock plants were effected by the addition of organic material such as compost and rice husk charcoal into the media. Shoot from root cuttings has a good ability to be planted as shoot cutting which showed survival rate 90-100% after 2 months planted into the media. Kinds of shoot cutting media which showed the best survival percentage (98%) was the mixture of sand and rice husk charcoal. Height of felling caused various ability of plant to produce new lateral shoots with the best number of shoot was obtained at 100 cm above ground (17 shoots). The rooting success of shoot cuttings from hedge orchard was 11,9-47,1% which the best from 50 cm above ground. The combination of root cutting and shoot cutting technique can be applied to increase the number of bread fruit planting stock. Keyword : Artocarpus altilis, planting stock production, root cutting s, shoot cuttings
INTISARI : Sukun (Artocarpus altilis [Park.] Fosberg) merupakan salah satu jenis tanaman serbaguna yang bernilai ekonomi karena menghasilkan buah sebagai sumber bahan makanan pokok alternatif bagi masyarakat. Pembibitan sukun dilakukan secara vegetatif, umumnya dengan teknik stek akar, namun sering menghadapi masalah dalam menyediakan akar serta kurangnya informasi mengenai teknologi pembibitannya sehingga produksi bibit belum optimal. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengoptimalkan jumlah produksi bibit sukun dan kualitasnya dengan kombinasi teknik stek akar dan stek pucuk serta mengidentifikasi faktorfaktor yang berpengaruh terhadap tingkat keberhasilannya. Penelitian dilakukan dalam 6 percobaan. (1) evaluasi pertumbuhan stek akar dari 10 populasi, (2) pengujian stek akar dari 4 kelas umur pohon induk (5, 6-10, 11-15 dan 15-20 tahun). (3) pengujian stek akar pada 8 jenis media stek akar, (4) pengujian asal tunas dan umur tunas stek pucuk (3 dan 4 bulan). (5) pengujian stek pucuk pada 6 jenis media stek pucuk (6) pengujian tinggi pangkasan tanaman (25, 50, 75 dan 100 cm) yang dilanjutkan dengan penanaman stek pucuk dari tunas yang dihasilkan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa jenis sukun memiliki kemampuan yang baik untuk diperbanyak dengan teknik stek akar dan stek pucuk walaupun tingkat keberhasilannya cukup bervariasi. Stek akar dari Yogyakarta memiliki kemampuan tumbuh yang sangat baik dengan rata-rata persen hidup 90%. Stek akar dari pohon induk yang berumur lebih dari 6 tahun (KU 2-4) menunjukkan kemampuan hidup yang lebih baik dari pada pohon induk 5 tahun (KU-1) dengan persen hidup stek 79,2-85,2% dan persentase bertunas 73,8-81,6%. Stek akar pada media pasir (M1) dan tanah (M2) menunjukkan hasil terbaik yaitu persen hidup 90%, persen ber tunas 86% dan persen berakar 74-80%. Pertumbuhan tunas selanjutnya dipengaruhi oleh penambahan arang sekam dan kompos pada media tersebut. Tunas-tunas baru pada stek akar dapat tumbuh sebagai stek pucuk dengan persen hidup stek pucuk pada umur 2 bulan mencapai 90-100%. Jenis media stek pucuk yang menunjukkan hasil terbaik adalah campuran pasir + arang sekam dengan persen hidup stek mencapai 98%. Tinggi pangkasan tanaman menyebabkan kemampuan bertunas yang bervariasi dengan j umlah tunas terbanyak dipero leh pada pangkasan 100 cm (17 tunas). Persentase hidup stek pucuk tunas dari kebun pangkas hanya mencapai rata-rata 11,9-47,1% dan terbaik diperoleh pada tinggi pangkasan 50 cm. Dalam rangka meningkatkan produksi bibit sukun dapat dilakukan usaha memadukan kedua teknik pembibitan tersebut secara simultan