8 research outputs found

    Assessment of Tax Compliance Procedures and Its Impact on Revenue Generation in Techiman Municipality

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    The study sought to determine the effect of tax compliance on revenue generation in the Bono East Region of Ghana. The research work was justified and significant because of the critical role of taxes in the accomplishment of GRA developmental goals and the satisfaction of the local people. This study was explanatory, employing quantitative methods of data collection. The study targeted employees of GRA-Techiman, GRA-Atebubu and GRA-Wenchi. A total sample size of 97 was chosen. Quota and simple random sampling were adopted in selecting the respondents. The regression analysis model was adopted as the model specification for this study. The study found that tax compliance was observed in Ghana Revenue Authority. However, not all components of the control principles were adequately followed. However, tax compliance principles had a positive and significant relationship with revenue generation. There was a positive relationship between tax monitoring and revenue generation, a positive relationship between information and communication and revenue generation, and tax control activities positively and significantly predicted revenue generation. Furthermore, there was a positive and significant relationship between tax risk assessment and revenue generation. It is recommended that activities such as customer complaint surveillance and feedback and audits performed periodically by internal auditors should be monitored and managed frequently. Keywords: Tax, Tax Compliance, Revenue Generation, Ghana Revenue Authority. DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/11-12-10 Publication date:June 30th 202

    Causality Analysis of Foreign Direct Investment, Exchange Rate and Interest Rate Volatility in Ghana

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    Increasingly, Foreign Direct Investment is assuming a prominent role in the development and growth strategies of developing and emerging countries. Using a Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model, this study demonstrates theoretically that exchange rate volatility have an impact on Foreign Direct Investment. It then provides an empirical illustration of the bias this endogeneity can cause when regressing measures of exchange rate volatility on foreign direct investment. It is a detailed study that uses pairwise granger causality test. The study also establishes that a stable exchange rate improves Foreign Direct Investment inflow into the country and likewise a high FDI inflow improves stability of exchange rate in the country. It also demonstrates that interest rate volatility directly affects exchange rate and market attractiveness which then affects Foreign Direct Investment in the long run. The paper therefore concludes that government should implement policies that will stabilize both the exchange rate and the interest. The study therefore suggests policies that will improve FDI inflows

    Assessing the Effects of Credit Risk Management on Financial Performance of Selected Banks in the Ghana Stock Exchange

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    The study explored the effect of credit risk management and its relationship to financial performance in the Ghanaian banking sector. This study adopted the explanatory research design. In this study, census sampling was used to select four (4) banks. These banks were Access Bank, Agricultural Development Bank, Ghana Commercial Bank, and Republic Bank. Data for the study constituted secondary data which were obtained from published audited annual report of the banks and the Ghana Banking Survey. The study adopted the regression analysis. The results indicated that credit risk has a negative relationship with performance in the banking sector. Specifically, credit risk related negatively with capital adequacy ratio, asset quality, management quality, earnings and profitability and liquidity. The concept is that increase in credit risk means bad credit risk management and vice versa. The implication therefore is that an increase in credit risk management give rise to increase in financial performance. The study recommended that training programmes be organized for credit officers on effective client monitoring. For the customers, there is the need to design and implement adequate credit management programmes to educate clients on proper management of loans. The policy and procedures should be living documents that reflect current and emerging credit practices. Keywords: Credit Risk Management, Financial Performance, Ghanaian Banking Sector. DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/11-12-08 Publication date:June 30th 202

    An Assessment of Loans and Advances, Business Advisory Services, and Their Effects on Rural Development Among Rural Banks in Wenchi Municipality

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    Ghana, like other Sub-Saharan African countries, has generally experienced low productivity, low-income levels, low local reserve funds, and unemployment. The entire rural population of Ghana is about 45.32 percent of the total population of Ghana. However, due to inadequate credit supply and lack of business consulting services, rural people face problems. Initially, sources of rural credit include institutional and non-institutional. The non-institutional credit is provided by money lenders, relatives, friends, traders, commission agents, and cooperatives, which attract very high-interest rates. This, therefore, brought about the idea of the rural bank in 1976 with the aim of channeling financial credit to rural dwellers for the promotion of local ventures and accelerated development in these areas in order to raise the standard of living of rural dwellers. This present study assessed the relationship between loans and advances and business advisory services of rural banks towards rural development in the Wenchi municipality. The descriptive research design was employed and questionnaires.was used for collecting data from respondents. The study used stratified random sampling and accidental/convenience sampling to select a sample size of 609, comprising of 9 staff and 600 customers of the banks. The study revealed that there was a strong but inverse relationship between loans and advances that were given to customers and the performance of the rural banks in rural development. The study also found out that there was a positive correlation between the status of business advisory services in rural banks and rural development. With respect to the challenges the rural banks face in granting loans and advances, it was revealed that high-interest rate, high default rate, and lack of collateral security were major challenges encountered by the banks in providing loans and advances to rural dwellers to improve on rural development. The study recommended that rural banks should place much emphasis on developing the facility of business advisory services to assist and support rural dwellers on how to manage their finances properly in order to translate into developing rural areas. Keywords: Loans and Advances, Business Advisory Services, Rural Development. DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/11-12-12 Publication date:June 30th 202

    The Role of Branding and Packaging in Creating Customer Loyalty in the Toothpaste Market: The Case of Ghana

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    Branding and packaging are communicable marketing tools that marketers use through their efforts to disseminate information to the general public. It can be inferred that branding and packaging play a vital role in the consumer’s decision to purchase a particular product of their choice, since they are able to identify the products through its branding and packaging. This paper sought to investigate into how branding and packaging influences consumers’ decision and how it influences them to be loyal to a particular brand of product (toothpaste). Data was collected by administering questionnaires to a sample size of 130 out of which 100 were consumers of the various tooth paste and 30 were toothpaste retailers in the Techiman Municipality. Accidental or convenient sampling method, under the non-random sampling technique was used. The study revealed that branding and packaging is an essential tool that influences consumers purchasing behavior in their decision to purchase a particular brand of toothpaste. It was also realized that toothpaste manufacturers use branding and packaging to differentiate their products from that of their competitors. Keywords: Branding, Innovation, Packaging, Loyalt

    The Effect of Work Attitudes on Turnover Intentions in the Hotel Industry: The Case of Cape Coast and Elmina (Ghana)

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    Employee turnover is a problem for organizations and is one of the challenges facing human resource managers. Considering the risk factors that can influence healthy work practices, this paper sought to find out the relationship between work attitudes and intention to quit in the hotel industry in Cape Coast and Elmina. Chi square statistic was used to assess the relationship between work attitude variables, and intention to quit. The results revealed that satisfaction, motivation and alternative job opportunities were significant predictors of intention to quit. However, organisational commitment and job-hopping were not significant variables to explain one’s intention to leave the present job. This finding has important implications with regard to motivational strategies. Thus, it is critical that hotel management put in place effective compensation policies and motivational strategies to obtain and retain the best talent. Keywords: Employee turnover, Intention to quit, Satisfactio

    The Role of Branding and Packaging in Creating Customer Loyalty in the Toothpaste Market: The Case of Ghana

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    Branding and packaging are communicable marketing tools that marketers use through their efforts to disseminate information to the general public. It can be inferred that branding and packaging play a vital role in the consumer’s decision to purchase a particular product of their choice, since they are able to identify the products through its branding and packaging. This paper sought to investigate into how branding and packaging influences consumers’ decision and how it influences them to be loyal to a particular brand of product (toothpaste). Data was collected by administering questionnaires to a sample size of 130 out of which 100 were consumers of the various tooth paste and 30 were toothpaste retailers in the Techiman Municipality. Accidental or convenient sampling method, under the non-random sampling technique was used. The study revealed that branding and packaging is an essential tool that influences consumers purchasing behavior in their decision to purchase a particular brand of toothpaste. It was also realized that toothpaste manufacturers use branding and packaging to differentiate their products from that of their competitors. Keywords: Branding, Innovation, Packaging, Loyalt

    Predicting Household Standard of Living in Techiman North District: The Role of Income

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    In fact, there are marked inequalities in the standards of living of the people in different countries of the world.  The extent of differences in the levels of living between two countries can be known from the comparison of per capita income in both countries, because, it is the per capita income on which the standard of living of a people primarily depends.  Households in relation to the standard of living of people form an integral part of most economies. Ghanaian households can be classified into the compound housing type, with common dwelling types in all regions being detached houses, the semi-detached houses and block of flats or apartments. In view of that the study sought to find out the role of income in predicting household standard of living.  The study used a sample size of 400 respondents across the inhabitants of Techiman North District. The study sampled only marriage couples with a family size (i.e. with children).  The study adopted both descriptive (i.e. bar and pie charts as well as scatter plot correlational analysis) and quantitative methods (i.e. Logit regression and spearman’s rank correlation test e.t.c) to analyzed the data. A random sampling method was used to solicit for information from married couples with children in the study area. The study find out that larger family size is a threat to a good standard of living. The further find out that the income, age and gender had a positive effect on all the standard of living factors (i.e. savings, ability to meet all basic needs e.t.c). In relation to the various findings, for every household to save, build a house, meet their basic needs and able to buy a car all depends on the household income or available resources. In view of this, the study further recommends that, before any marriage license or certificate is issued, stakeholders should make sure that the partners are all working in order to earn income for the future and the living condition of their family members to be enhanced. Keywords: Standard of Living, Savings, Basic needs, Household and Incom