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    Minuman berenergi merupakan minuman ringan yang dapat meningkatkan energi, dan mengurangi kelelahan. Kebiasaan mengonsumsi minuman berenergi secara berlebihan dapat meningkatkan resiko kerusakan organ, terutama hepar. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji efek minuman berenergi dalam level dosis berbeda terhadap histopatologi hepar tikus wistar. Kandungan kafein, niasin, dan aspartam dalam minuman berenergi merupakan pemicu terjadinya kerusakan pada hepar. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan 20 ekor tikus putih jantan dengan bobot ±200 gram, yang dibagi dalam 5 perlakuan dengan 4 kali ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri atas P0, P1, P2, P3 dan P4, yang secara berurutan adalah kontrol, tikus putih diberikan minuman berenergi 76 mg/ 200 g BB/ hari, 152 mg/ 200 g BB/ hari, 228 mg/ 200 g BB/ hari, dan 304 mg/ 200 g BB/ hari. Variabel penelitian yang diukur, meliputi bobot hepar, bobot badan, konsumsi pakan, konsumsi minum, hepatosomatik index (HI index), dan diameter hepatosit. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan uji Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan pada taraf signifikansi 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa minuman berenergi memberi efek nyata (P<0,05) terhadap diameter sel hepatosit, bobot badan, dan hepatosomatic indeks, namun tidak berbeda nyata terhadap bobot hepar, konsumsi pakan, dan konsumsi minum. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah, minuman berenergi dapat merusak histologi hepar tikus wistar. Histologi hepar tikus mulai mengalami kerusakan saat diberikan perlakuan minuman berenergi dengan dosis 76 mg/200 g BB/hari yang ditandai oleh adanya kongesti dan inklusi Mallory Body pada jaringan hepa

    Morphology and Particle Size of a Synthesized NMC 811 Cathode Precursor with Mixed Hydroxide Precipitate and Nickel Sulfate as Nickel Sources and Comparison of Their Electrochemical Performances in an NMC 811 Lithium-Ion Battery

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    Cathode precursors of lithium-NMC 811 were synthesized by the coprecipitation method using two different nickel sources, namely mixed nickel&ndash;cobalt hydroxide precipitate (MHP) and nickel sulfate. The characteristics of the synthesized precursors were compared with the characteristics of the commercial NMC 811 cathode precursor obtained from the international market. The XRD analyses identified that the diffraction peaks of the three precursor materials were in close agreement to that of Li0.05Ni0.75Co0.1Mn0.1O2, with the figure(s) of merit (FoM) of 0.81, 0.88, and 0.9, respectively, for the synthesized precursor that used MHP as the source of nickel (SM-LNMCO-811), nickel sulfate as the source of nickel (SX-LNMCO-811), and the commercial precursor (K-NMC-811). The elemental analysis of the synthesized precursors revealed the Ni:Mn:Co mol ratios of 0.8:0.08:0.12 and 0.76:0.11:0.13 for SM-LNMCO-811 and SX-LNMCO-811, respectively. The SEM analysis revealed that SX-LNMCO-811 and K-NMC-811 showed a similar particle morphology with a spherical shape; the SM-LNMCO-811 exhibited an irregular particle morphology. The particle size analysis showed that SM-LNMCO-811 had the largest average particle size (285.2 &mu;m) while K-NMC-811 and SX-LNMCO-811 samples had almost the same average values (i.e., 18.28 and 17.16 &micro;m, respectively). The results of the charge&ndash;discharge measurement of the fabricated battery cylindrical cells with SM-LNMCO-811, SX-LNMCO-811, and K-NMC-811 as cathode materials showed the best discharge value of the SX-LNMCO-811 sample at 178.93 mAh/g with an initial efficiency of 94.32%, which is in line with the electrochemical impedance measurement results that showed the largest ion conductivity and lithium ion diffusion coefficient value of the SX-LNMCO-811 sample that utilized the synthesized nickel sulfate as the source of the nickel

    5th International Symposium on Focused Ultrasound

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