126 research outputs found
Evaluasi Kapasitas Produksi Sapi Perah Sampai Umur Produksi Optimum
Artikel dalam bentuk PD
The objective of this study was to estimate potential genetic of Friesian Holstein at Taurus Dairy Farm, Cicurug, Sukabumi. Data observed were secondary data of milk yield, calving interval, service per conception, age at first calving, and length of lactation records of cows that have been experiencing one or more lactation since year 2003 to 2009, then were standardized based on milk yield by using correction factor 305 days of lactation period and mature equivalent (ME). Production trait (milk yield), reproduction traits (CI, S/C, length of lactation, and age at first calving) were analyzed by descriptive statistic. Data were analyzed by paternal half-sib correlation and nested method to get heritability, while the repeatability value were obtained by interclass and intraclass correlation method. Heritability and repeatability value then was used to count most probable producing ability (MPPA) and estimated real producing ability value and estimated transmitting ability (ETA) and breeding value (NP) of dairy cows. Estimates of heritability of milk yield by using nested are 0.287±0.135 (h2s), 0.310±0.154 (h2d), and 0.299±0.103 (h2(d+s)), and paternal half-sib correlation method was 0.63±0.23. Estimates of CI heritability with paternal half-sib method was 0.46±0.23, and values obtained using nested were 0.038±0.106 (h2s), 0.733±0.231 (h2d), 0.385±0.117 (h2(d+s)). Estimated heritability of S/Cwith paternal half-sib method was 0.001±0.110 and using nested method are -0.022±0.043 (h2s), 0.098±0.133 (h2d), 0.038±0.072 (h2(d+s)). Estimated value of milk yield repeatability with interclass correlation was 0.43±0.1 and intraclass correlation was 0.15±0.05. CI repeatability value with interclass correlation method was 0.00±0.09 and intraclass correlation was 0.19±0.07. S/C repeatability value with interclass correlation method was 0.12±0.15 and intraclass correlation was 0.02±0.05. Based on the calculation, the highest five ranks on the estimated relative value of MPPA and ERPA from 147 holstein friesian dairy cows with interclass repeatability method and 279 Friesian Holsteindairycows with intraclass method were 1966, 1941, 2180, 2087, and 2248. Database, Kimball, Beam, Doeboy, Paul, Varlour and Cassela get the highest rank, based on the estimated value of ETA and NP for 40 bulls using paternal half-sib heritability method and 38 bulls using nested heritability method.(Keywords: Friesian Holstein dairy cows, Milk yield, Reproduction traits, Genetic parameter
Relationship Between Dairy Cattle Farming Motivation and Farmer’s Attitude Towards Portable Milking Machine
The research was a case study for dairy cattle farmers being the members of Sarono Makmur Cooperative at Cangkringan District, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta. The objectives of the research were (1) to explore dairy cattle farming motivation based on multidimensional approach, and (2) to analyze the relationship between the dimensions of dairy cattle farming motivation and the attitude of farmers towards the using of portable milking machine. 63 dairy cattle farmers, selected by purposive random sampling, participated in the research. Data were collected using survey method by interviewing the farmers based on the questionnaire already prepared. Spearman correlation was used to analyze the data. The results showed that most of farmers had high dairy cattle farming motivation including ease of farming management (95.24%), family labor utilization (93.65%), economic motives(92.06%),safety motives (92.06%), and land utilization (84.13%). As well as the attitudes, most of farmers (92.06%) had positive attitudes towards portable milking machine utilization. There were positive significant relationship between attitude and family labor utilization (P<0.05), safety in farming (P<0.05), economic motives (P<0.10), and land utilization (P<0.10). The conclusion of the research was that the high motives of family labor utilization, safety, economic, and land utilization to encourage the farmers raising dairy cattle, the high positive attitude of farmers towards the utilization of portable milking machine
Sebaran Populasi Sapi Friesian Holstein di Beberapa Kabupaten Provinsi Jawa Tengah dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (Population Distribution of Friesian Holstein Cows in Several Regencies in Middle Java and Yogyakarta Special Province).
The aim of this research was to study the tendency of population distribution of Friesian Holstein (FH) cows and to create a population distribution map of FH cattle in Banyumas, Semarang, Boyolali, and Sleman regencies. This
research was conducted from November 2007 to June 2008. Data collected were those of FH cows population from 2002 to 2006 in Banyumas, Semarang, Boyolali and Sleman Regencies and the production of crosscut grass, field grass
and straw from agriculture waste in 2006 in the respective regencies. The result was the model of map of population distribution FH cattle in Banyumas, Semarang, Boyolali and Sleman Regencies. Structure of population of FH cattle in
the year 2006 pursuant to percentage sum up the bull calf, heifer calf, young bull, heifer, bull, cow in Banyumas Regency were 8.25, 13.32, 0.00, 8.86, 0.00, and 69.57%, Semarang Regency were 8.99, 13.00, 7.01, 16.00, 11.00, and
44.00%, Boyolali was 9.00, 13.00, 7.00, 16.00, 11.00, and 44.00%, and Sleman Regency were 15.98, 1.58, 20.57, 0.72, and 47.39%. Population growth of FH cattle from 2002 to 2006 in Banyumas, Semarang, Boyolali and Sleman were –
4.76, 3.52, 0.93, and 8.99% respectively. The produce of crosscut grass, field grass and straw from agriculture waste pursuant to value of Dry Matter (DM), Crude Protein (CP) and Total Digestible Nutrients (TDN) to requirement of
pursuant to amount of herbivore livestock with Animal Unit (AU) base in 2006 only Banyumas Regency which was still over supply while Semarang, Boyolali, and Sleman Regencies were found insufficient. The dynamics of requirement
and availability of DM, CP and TDN from 2007 to 2011 in Banyumas Regency was over supply DM and TDN but insuffiency CP, Semarang Regency was insuffiency DM, CP and TDN, Boyolali Regency was over supply DM but insuffiency CP and TDN, Sleman was over supply DM but insuffiency CP and TDN from 2007 to 2008 and other years insuffiency DM, CP and TDN
Treatment of Paper Wastewater Using Combination of Coagulation Flocculation and Membrane Methods
The previous research has been conducted to find out the potential of non-wood fibers as an
alternative for paper-making raw material. The non-wood fibers used are combination of rice straw
and used paper. It was processed by using soda pulping method.The paper waste contains dissolved
lignin component and other organic compounds in high pH condition can produce wastewater with
high chemical oxygen demand(COD). In this research pulp or paper wastewater wast treated through
combination of coagulation flocculation and membrane method to achieve a permitted level of COD.
It was also determined the optimal condition which can reduce the COD value to fulfill the
requirement for water disposal.The initial conditions of paper wastewatear are pH: 14, COD in the
range of 3,000 - 11,000 ppm. The coagulation-flocculation process was conducted by using Poly
Aluminium Chloride( PAC) as coagulant and anionic flocculant. The experiment is conducted by two
steps. firstly determined the optimum coagulation flocculation (coagulant dose)for soluble organic
material removal and then followed by micro-or ultrafiltration process. To produce asymmetric asymmetric
membrane for filtration process. it was synthesized cellulose acetate membrane through phase
inversion technique. The pore size of the membrane was modified by varying the composition of
cellulose acetate in the range of 15-18 % w/w. The COD value of wastewater was analyzed before and
after treatment to find out the effectivity of coagulation and the membrane process by studying its flux
and rejection.The result showed that COD reduction less than 200 ppm can be reached through the
treatment of combination of coagulation - flocculation and micro-or ultrafiltration process. The result
also indicated that with initial COD 6,063 ppm. 10.000 ppm of coagulant, 1 ppm of flocculant and l8% w/w of cellulose acetate membrane. COD can be reduced up to 96.87
Analisis Ekonomi Usaha Sapi Perah serta Strategi Pengembangannya pada Peternakan Rakyat dan Perusahaan di Dataran Rendah
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor pakan dan tipe usaha yang berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas sapi perah, membandingkan profitabilitas usaha sapi perah rakyat dan perusahaan yang diukur berdasarkan produksi susu per ekor sapi laktasi, dan menduga pengaruh adanya perbaikan parameter produksi terhadap profitabilitas. Lokasi peternakan sapi perah rakyat di Yogyakarta, dan Perusahaan PT. Lembah Hijau Multifarm Sukoharjo, yang keduanya terletak di dataran rendah. Sampel sebanyak 30 ekor sapi perah laktasi diambil secara purposive dan proporsional dari setiap lokasi. Pengambilan data melalui survei yaitu wawancara kepada peternak dan pemantauan langsung terhadap sapi sampel, untuk mengetahui pengaruh faktor pakan dan tipe usaha terhadap produktivitas sapi perah digunakan analisis regresi model fungsi produksi Cobb Douglas dengan metode OLS. Hasil analisis regresi menunjukkan bahwa secara bersama – sama total digestible nutrient (TDN) pakan hijauan, pakan konsentrat, dan tipe usaha berpengaruh nyata terhadap produktivitas sapi perah (R2 = 0,47). Secara parsial, TDN pakan hijauan dan pakan konsentrat berpengaruh signifikan (P<0,01) dan tipe usaha (P<0,05) terhadap produktivitas sapi perah. Indeks gross margin pada peternak rakyat lebih besar dari perusahaan, sedangkan indeks profit margin sebaliknya. Perbaikan parameter teknis yaitu memperpendek jarak beranak sampai 12 bulan dapat memperbaiki profitabilitas usaha pada peternakan sapi perah rakyat sebesar 6,55% dan pada perusahaan sebesar 19,48%, memperkecil mortalitas anak 0% dapat memperbaiki profitabilitas usaha pada peternakan sapi perah rakyat sebesar 1,55%. Perbaikan parameter ekonomis berupa peningkatan harga susu Rp6.000,00/liter dapat memperbaiki profitabilitas usaha pada peternakan sapi perah rakyat sebesar 113,96% dan perusahaan sebesar 109,98%, peningkatan harga feses Rp350,00/kg dapat memperbaiki profitabilitas usaha pada peternakan sapi perah rakyat sebesar 48,96%.
(Kata kunci: Peternakan sapi perah rakyat, Perusahaan, Produktivitas, Indeks profitabilitas
Stratifikasi Risiko, Cost-Analysis dan Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional di Bidang Kardiovaskular
Mulai berlakunya sistem kesehatan nasional di Indonesia menandai era baru di bidang pembiayaan kesehatan nasional, dimana pembiayaan kesehatan yang sebelumnya didominasi oleh pembayaran tunai secara pribadi kini secara perlahan tapi pasti telah bergeser pada sistem asuransi, dimana keikutsertaan seluruh warga negara merupakan salah kunci sukses terselenggaranya sistem pembiayaan ini dengan baik. Berkaca pada pendapat para ahli di bidang pembiayaan kesehatan dan pengalaman negara-negara maju, tidak disangsikan lagi, ketika telah berjalan dengan sempurna sistem ini merupakan sistem pembiayaan terbaik. Tentu saja pada tahap awal pelaksanaan sistem jaminan ini masih terdapat beberapa kekurangan mendasar yang perlu mendapat perhatian serius untuk dapat segera diperbaiki.Seperti mengkonfirmasi data statistik yang telah ada tentang mortalitas dan morbiditas, BPJS kesehatan baru-baru ini me release data penyakit dengan pembiayaan kesehatan tertinggi dimana penyakit jantung dan pembuluh darah, keganasan (kanker) dan penyakit ginjal kronik merupakan 3 penyakit yang memuncaki tabel pengeluaran keuangan BPJS kesehatan.1 Penyakit jantung dan pembuluh darah berada di urutan pertama dengan jumlah pengeluara
Of All Antioxidants, Would One Finally Be Used Clinically For Atherosclerotic Disease?
Oxidation of LDL by oxygen free radicals results in unregulated uptake of modified LDL by macrophages in arterial wall. This is considered a key initiating factor for development and progression of atherosclerotic process. It is then logical to hypothesize that anti-oxidants, which can directly scavenge free radicals, can be useful in preventing atherosclerotic process. Initial support for this hypothesis accumulated rapidly from numerous in-vitro studies
Catheter Directed Thrombolysis pada Trombosis Vena Dalam Iliofemoral
Background Iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis (IFDVT) is associated with more severe outflow obstruction which results in more severe DVT symptoms and late clinical sequelae. Despite anticoagulation therapy, IFDVT patients is still at risk to develop postthrombotic syndrome (PTS). Recent studies found that additional catheter-directed thrombolytic therapy may offer advantages in reducing PTS and maintaining venous patency. Several ongoing multi-center randomized controlled trials are expected to evaluate safety and efficacy of CDT in IFDVT patients, and define who will benefit most.Case Illustration A 59-year-old male was presented with numbness, pain, and movement limitation in the left leg that were preceded by left leg swelling. Peripheral edema was found in both patient’s leg but more prominent on the left side. Dupplex sonography revealed extensive soft thrombus from left iliac vein to left tibialis vein. Initial anticoagulation therapy took no effect to the thrombus. Catheter-directed thrombolysis was performed and provided satisfactory symptoms resolution as well as thrombus dissolution.Summary A case of iliofemoral DVT has been reported. The present therapeutic strategy of anticoagulation therapy has not been proven to prevent PTS. CDT is an effective way in achieving clot lysis in acute thrombosis, and this may help to prevent PTS and subsequent ulceration. The potential benefits of therapy must be weighed carefully against the risk of bleeding. There are several ongoing RCTs that are awaited to help provide evidence on functional outcome after CDT and define who will benefit most.Latar Belakang : Trombosis vena dalam iliofemoral berhubungan dengan obstruksi aliran vena berat yang mengakibatkan gejala dan sekuele yang lebih berat. Pasien dengan kondisi ini memiliki risiko tinggi terjadinya sindrom pasca trombosis walaupun sudah mendapat terapi antikoagulan. Studi terkini menunjukkan bahwa terapi trombolisis dengan bantuan kateter memberikan manfaat dalam mengurangi sindrom pasca trombosis dan menjaga patensi vena. Beberapa randomized controlled trials besar sedang berjalan dan diharapkan dapat mengevaluasi keamanan dan efikasi tatalaksana ini pada pasien dengan trombosis vena dalam iliofemoral, dan juga menjelaskan siapa saja yang paling mendapat manfaat.Ilustrasi Kasus : Seorang laki-laki 59 tahun datang dengan keluhan baal, nyeri, dan sulit menggerakan tungkai kiri yang didahului dengan kaki bengkak. Edema perifer ditemukan pada kedua tungkai pasien namun lebih berat pada tungkai kiri. Duplex sonografi menunjukkan trombus yang ekstensif dari vena iliaka hingga tibialis kiri. Terapi antikoagulan saja tidak memberi efek terhadap trombus. Trombolisis dengan bantuan kateter dilakukan dan memberikan perbaikan gejala dan pengurangan trombus yang bermakna.Kesimpulan : Dilaporkan sebuah kasus trombosis vena dalam iliofemoral. Strategi tatalaksana terkini dengan antikoagulan tidak terbukti dalam hal mencegah sindrom pasca trombosis. Trombolisis dengan bantuan kateter adalah cara yang efektif dalam mencapai lisis bekuan darah pada trombosis akut, dan dapat membantu mencegah kejadian sindrom pasca trombosis. Potensi keuntungan dari terapi ini harus ditimbang baik-baik mengingat risiko perdarahan yang dapat terjadi. Saat ini terdapat beberapa randomized controlled trials besar yang sedang berjalan dan diharapkan dapat menyediakan basis bukti atas tatalaksana ini
Pengaruh Pembelajaran Metakognisi Melalui Metode Inkuiri Terhadap Peningkatan Pemahaman Konsep IPS dan Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Peserta Didik
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh permasalahan pembelajaran IPS yang masih berpusat pada guru sehingga menyebabkan pasifnya peserta didik dalam pembelajaran yang mengakibatkankan rendahnya pemahaman konsep IPS dan keterampilan berpikir kritis peserta didik. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan pembelajaran metakognisis melalui metode inkuiri terhadap peningkatan pemahaman konsep IPS dan keterampilan berpikir kritis peserta didik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatakan kuantitatif dengan metode eksperimen kuasi dan desain Non Equivalent Control Group Design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh peserta didik kelas VII SMPN 2 Menes yang terdiri dari empat kelas dengan jumlah seluruh peserta didik sebanyak 100 orang. Penarikan sampel dilakukan secara purposive sampling yang menghasilkna dua kelas sampel. Kelas VII B sebagai kelas eksperimen yang menerapkan pembelajaran metakognisi melalui metode inkuiri sedangkan Kelas VII A dijadikan sebagai kelas kontrol yang menerapkan metode pembelajaran berbasis masalah. Data penelitian diperoleh dengan menggunakan instrumen soal-soal tes pemahaman konsep IPS yang berupa soal pilihan ganda dan soal-soal tes keterampilan berpikir kritis berupa soal essay yang selanjutnya dianalisis secara kuantitatif. Data angket dan lembar observasi dianalisis secara kuantitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dengan pembelajaran metakognisi melalui metode inkuiri dapat meningkatkan pemahaman konsep IPS dan keterampilan berpikir kritis peserta didik. Namun berdasarkan perhitungan statistik dengan uji independent t-test menunjukan bahwa antara kelas eksperimen dengan kelas kontrol tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan. Hal ini ditandai dengan kedua metode sama-sama menerapkan paradigma kontruktivisme dalam kegiatan pembelajaran, peerta didik ditempatkan sebagai subyek belajar, peserta didik memanfaatkan berbagai sumber dan media dalam pembelajaran. Tanggapan peserta didik terhadap penerapan pembelajaran metakognisi melalui metode inkuiri menunjukan respon yang baik dengan ditunjukan oleh hasil angket bahwa sebagian besar peserta didik menyukai pembelajaran metakognisi melalui inkuiri, lebih antusias dan aktif dalam kegiatan belajar, merasa tertantang dalam mempelajari materi IPS . Sedangkan tanggapan guru terhadap pembelajaran menunjukan sikap yang baik dengan dicirikan oleh pembelajaran berlangsung sesuai dengan rencana dan mampu meningkatkan aktifitas peserta didik dalam pembelajaran
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