38 research outputs found

    On backward errors of structured polynomial eigenproblems solved by structure preserving linearizations

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    First, we derive explicit computable expressions of structured backward errors of approximate eigenelements of structured matrix polynomials including symmetric, skew-symmetric, Hermitian, skew-Hermitian, even and odd polynomials. We also determine minimal structured perturbations for which approximate eigenelements are exact eigenelements of the perturbed polynomials. Next, we analyze the effect of structure preserving linearizations of structured matrix polynomials on the structured backward errors of approximate eigenelements. We identify structure preserving linearizations which have almost no adverse effect on the structured backward errors of approximate eigenelements of the polynomials. Finally, we analyze structured pseudospectra of a structured matrix polynomial and establish a partial equality between unstructured and structured pseudospectra.Comment: 27 pages, submitte

    Structured mapping problems for linearly structured matrices

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    Given an appropriate class of structured matrices S; we characterize matrices X and B for which there exists a matrix A \in S such that AX = B and determine all matrices in S mapping X to B. We also determine all matrices in S mapping X to B and having the smallest norm. We use these results to investigate structured backward errors of approximate eigenpairs and approximate invariant subspaces, and structured pseudospectra of structured matrices.Comment: 15 page

    Structured inverse least-squares problem for structured matrices

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    Given a pair of matrices X and B and an appropriate class of structured matrices S, we provide a complete solution of the structured inverse least-squares problem minA∈Sβˆ₯AXβˆ’Bβˆ₯Fmin_{A\in_S} \|AX-B\|_F. Indeed, we determine all solutions of the structured inverse least squares problem as well as those solutions which have the smallest norm. We show that there are infinitely many smallest norm solutions of the least squares problem for the spectral norm whereas the smallest norm solution is unique for the Frobenius norm.Comment: 10 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1309.252

    Self-Coordinated Corona Graphs: a model for complex networks

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    Recently, real world networks having constant/shrinking diameter along with power-law degree distribution are observed and investigated in literature. Taking an inspiration from these findings, we propose a deterministic complex network model, which we call Self-Coordinated Corona Graphs (SCCG), based on the corona product of graphs. As it has also been established that self coordination/organization of nodes gives rise to emergence of power law in degree distributions of several real networks, the networks in the proposed model are generated by the virtue of self coordination of nodes in corona graphs. Alike real networks, the SCCG inherit motifs which act as the seed graphs for the generation of SCCG. We also analytically prove that the power law exponent of SCCG is approximately 22 and the diameter of SCCG produced by a class of motifs is constant. Finally, we compare different properties of the proposed model with that of the BA and Pseudofractal scale-free models for complex networks.Comment: 21 pages, 31 figure

    Context dependent preferential attachment model for complex networks

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    In this paper, we propose a growing random complex network model, which we call context dependent preferential attachment model (CDPAM), when the preference of a new node to get attached to old nodes is determined by the local and global property of the old nodes. We consider that local and global properties of a node as the degree and relative average degree of the node respectively. We prove that the degree distribution of complex networks generated by CDPAM follow power law with exponent lies in the interval [2, 3] and the expected diameter grows logarithmically with the size of new nodes added in the initial small network. Numerical results show that the expected diameter stabilizes when alike weights to the local and global properties are assigned by the new nodes. Computing various measures including clustering coefficient, assortativity, number of triangles, algebraic connectivity, spectral radius, we show that the proposed model replicates properties of real networks better than BA model for all these measures when alike weights are given to local and global property. Finally, we observe that the BA model is a limiting case of CDPAM when new nodes tend to give large weight to the local property compared to the weight given to the global property during link formation.Comment: 07 page

    Laplacian matrices of weighted digraphs represented as quantum states

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    Representing graphs as quantum states is becoming an increasingly important approach to study entanglement of mixed states, alternate to the standard linear algebraic density matrix-based approach of study. In this paper, we propose a general weighted directed graph framework for investigating properties of a large class of quantum states which are defined by three types of Laplacian matrices associated with such graphs. We generalize the standard framework of defining density matrices from simple connected graphs to density matrices using both combinatorial and signless Laplacian matrices associated with weighted directed graphs with complex edge weights and with/without self-loops. We also introduce a new notion of Laplacian matrix, which we call signed Laplacian matrix associated with such graphs. We produce necessary and/or sufficient conditions for such graphs to correspond to pure and mixed quantum states. Using these criteria, we finally determine the graphs whose corresponding density matrices represent entangled pure states which are well known and important for quantum computation applications. We observe that all these entangled pure states share a common combinatorial structure.Comment: 19 pages, Modified version of quant-ph/1205.2747, title and abstract has been changed, One author has been adde

    Backward errors and linearizations for palindromic matrix polynomials

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    We derive computable expressions of structured backward errors of approximate eigenelements of *-palindromic and *-anti-palindromic matrix polynomials. We also characterize minimal structured perturbations such that approximate eigenelements are exact eigenelements of the perturbed polynomials. We detect structure preserving linearizations which have almost no adverse effect on the structured backward errors of approximate eigenelements of the *-palindromic and *-anti-palindromic polynomials.Comment: 19 pages, submitte

    Structural and Spectral properties of Corona Graphs

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    Product graphs have been gainfully used in literature to generate mathematical models of complex networks which inherit properties of real networks. Realizing the duplication phenomena imbibed in the definition of corona product of two graphs, we define Corona graphs. Given a small simple connected graph which we call seed graph, Corona graphs are defined by taking corona product of a seed graph iteratively. We show that the cumulative degree distribution of Corona graphs decay exponentially when the seed graph is regular and cumulative betweenness distribution follows power law when seed graph is a clique. We determine explicit formulae of eigenvalues, Laplacian eigenvalues and signless Laplacian eigenvalues of Corona graphs when the seed graph is regular. Computable expressions of eigenvalues and signless Laplacian eigenvalues of Corona graphs are also obtained when the seed graph is a star graph.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figure

    A graph theoretical approach to states and unitary operations

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    Building upon our previous work, on graphical representation of a quantum state by signless Laplacian matrix, we pose the following question. If a local unitary operation is applied to a quantum state, represented by a signless Laplacian matrix, what would be the corresponding graph and how does one implement local unitary transformations graphically? We answer this question by developing the notion of local unitary equivalent graphs. We illustrate our method by a few, well known, local unitary transformations implemented by single-qubit Pauli and Hadamard gates. We also show how graph switching can be used to implement the action of the CNOT gate, resulting in a graphical description of Bell state generation.Comment: 20 pages, version very similar to the one published in quantum information processin

    Condition for zero and non-zero discord in graph Laplacian quantum states

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    This work is at the interface of graph theory and quantum mechanics. Quantum correlations epitomize the usefulness of quantum mechanics. Quantum discord is an interesting facet of bipartite quantum correlations. Earlier, it was shown that every combinatorial graph corresponds to quantum states whose characteristics are reflected in the structure of the underlined graph. A number of combinatorial relations between quantum discord and simple graphs were studied. To extend the scope of these studies, we need to generalize the earlier concepts applicable to simple graphs to weighted graphs, corresponding to a diverse class of quantum states. To this effect, we determine the class of quantum states whose density matrix representation can be derived from graph Laplacian matrices associated with a weighted directed graph and call them graph Laplacian quantum states. We find the graph-theoretic conditions for zero and non-zero quantum discord for these states. We apply these results on some important pure two qubit states, as well as a number of mixed quantum states, such as the Werner, Isotropic, and XX-states. We also consider graph Laplacian states corresponding to simple graphs as a special case.Comment: 24 pages, this version is very similar to the one published in the International Journal of Quantum Informatio