4 research outputs found

    Potential Biosurfactant-producing Bacteria from Pharmaceutical Wastewater using Simple Screening Methods in South-West, Nigeria

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    Emerging multiple opportunities for industrial production and environmental applications have focused increasing research attention on biosurfactants in recent years. Hydrocarbon-polluted soils have proved a major source of biosurfactant-producing bacteria. In this study an alternative method of producing biosurfactants was established, based on pharmaceutical effluents. Pharmaceutical effluents are a rich source of complex organic compounds with potential as a substrate for microbial biosurfactant production. A successful biosurfactant screening assay is achieved when a combination of different methods are employed. Biosurfactant producing bacteria were isolated from pharmaceutical effluent and identified by biochemical methods. The best biosurfactant producer was identified by a molecular method. The biosurfactant screening techniques employed were drop collapse assay, haemolytic assay, oil spreading assay, bacteria adhesion to hydrocarbon assay and emulsification assay. Analysis of haemolytic activity indicated that 35 isolates (44.30 %) produced beta-haemolysis, 12 isolates (15.19 %) produced gamma-haemolysis, while 32 isolates (40.51 %) produced alpha-haemolysis. The highest zone of clearance was 42.0±1.73 by isolate DF7 and lowest zone of clearance was obtained from isolate GC5 of 12.0±0.73. Screening of the 35 isolates using the oil spreading test showed that 28 isolates (80.0 %) were positive, while 7 isolates (20.0 %) were negative. The highest zone of clearance for the oil in water was 19.0±0.1 by DF1 while the lowest zone was 4.3±0.33 by MB3. The drop collapse test revealed that 22 isolates (78.57 %) were positive and 6 isolates (21.43 %) were negative. At 0 h, the highest emulsification percentage was 74.4 % by Bacillus licheniformis and the lowest was 42.5 % by Arthrobacter globiformis. After 24h, the highest emulsification value (69.23 %) was obtained for Bacillus clausis, while the lowest value (30.84 %) was obtained for Arthrobacter globiformis. The findings demonstrated the ability of the isolates to produce biosurfactant, and confirmed the capacity of Bacillus clausis isolated from pharmaceutical effluents as a potential bacteria for biosurfactant production

    Microbial Dynamics and Biogas Production during Single and Co-digestion of Cow Dung and Rice Husk

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    Anaerobic digestion is achieved by the combined effort of hydrolytic, acetogenic and methanogenic bacteria. Microbial dynamics and biogas production during anaerobic digestion of cow dung and rice husk were studied in this research. The experiment lasted for 30 days using a 10 L scale bio-digester. All proximate parameters reduced significantly after digestion for CD (cow dung), RH (rice husk), and CD:RH (cow dung and rice husk) except moisture content, which increased for all substrates. Ash content (1.08-1.67 mg) and crude fibre (1.27-1.96 mg) increased in CD only. The pH ranges for the substrates were CD (7.0-7.5), RH (6.1-7.6), and CD:RH (6.1-7.8). Temperature ranges were CD (27.4 oC-33.5 oC), RH (27.2 oC-33.3 oC) and CD:RH (27.3 oC-33.4 oC). The total biogas production of the substrates and components of each gas produced were, CD (4327.65 cm3 : 62.4 % CH4, 37.4 % CO2, 0.2 % H2S), RH (150 cm3 : 100 % CO2), and CD:RH (4730.55 cm3 : 73.8  % CH4, 25.8 % CO2, 0.4 % H2S). Percentage distribution of the digester’s microflora include aerobes (40.75 %), anaerobes (31.25 %), fungi (25 %) and methanogenic bacteria (3 %). Hydrolytic bacteria and fungi isolated were Bacillus spp, Enterobacter spp, Pseudomonas spp, Proteus spp, Micrococcus spp, Aspergillus spp, Penicillium spp and Streptococcus spp. Acetogens isolated were Clostridium spp, Streptococcus spp and Pseudomonas spp. Methanococcus spp and Methanobacterium spp were the only isolated methanogens. Rice husk produced the least amount of biogas

    Biosurfactant Production by Rhizospheric Bacteria Isolated from Biochar Amended Soil Using Different Extraction Solvents

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    Microbial-derived surface-active compounds (biosurfactants) have attracted attention due to their low toxicity, cost-effectiveness, biodegradable nature and environment compatibility. Due to paucity of knowledge in the production of biosurfactant by microorganisms from other sources such as biochar-amended soil, the present study investigates the potential of rhizospheric bacteria isolated from biochar amended soil of okra plant in the production of biosurfactants using different recovery techniques. Rhizospheric bacteria were screened for biosurfactant production using Haemolytic, Oil spreading, Drop collapse, Methylene blue method, Bacterial adhesion to hydrocarbon and Emulsification activity. The biosurfactant was extracted using different extraction solvents (acid precipitation, ethyl acetate, acetone, dichloromethane and chloroform/methanol). Degradation of hydrocarbon (diesel) was determined spectrophotometrically. A total of twenty-three rhizospheric bacteria were isolated from the soil of Abelmoschus esculentus (okra plant).  Nine isolates were positive for haemolysis with values between 1.1±0.2 mm by Enterobacter cloaca and 23.0±0.6 mm by Alcaligenes faecalis. Two isolates were positive for the drop collapse test. Only one isolate was positive for the methylene blue method. In the oil spreading test, ten isolates were positive and five isolates had the ability to adhere to hydrocarbons. Six isolates exhibited emulsification potential after 24 h, with the highest and lowest (65.9%) and (40.7%) recorded by Alcaligenes faecalis and Citrobacter sp, respectively. The biosurfactant produced by Alcaligenes faecalis using different recovery solvents showed that chloroform and methanol are the best extraction solvents and Alcaligenes faecalis was also able to degrade diesel oil over a period of 10 d. Conclusively, Alcaligenes faecalis recovered from soil amended sawdust biochar of okra plant is both a potent biosurfactant producer and an agent for remediating hydrocarbon-contaminated soil environments

    Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals using Selected Organisms Isolated from Electronic Waste Dumpsite of two South-Western States in Nigeria

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    Heavy metals from electronic wastes can accumulate to alarming concentrations in soils, causing significant detrimental impacts on human life and the environment. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals by bacteria and fungi has been a major focus of most bioremediation studies owing to the excellent metal-binding properties. The current study was conducted to isolate the most promising Zn, Cu and Pb tolerant microorganisms from contaminated soils, and to assess their metal accumulating abilities. Bacillus licheniformis, B. polymyxa, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Micrococcus roseus, Aspergillus niger and A. flavus were selected for the bioaccumulation study, based on their known tolerance to heavy metals. Bacillus licheniformis was most efficient in the removal of Cu (71.3 %) and Pb (70.1 %). Pb accumulation for Aspergillus flavus was 65.76 %. Zn accumulation for Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Aspergillus niger were 74.1 % and 78.3 %, respectively. This study concluded that all these microorganisms have potential for bioremediating soil environments contaminated with heavy metals