7 research outputs found

    The effects of changing the start time of the light on carbohyrate levels on gallaria mellonella adults at different ages

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    Denemelerde büyük balmumu güvesi Galleria mellonella (Linnaeus,1758) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) kullanıldı. Çalışmalar, 28±2°C ve %65±5 nispi nem içeren laboratuvar koşullarında yapıldı. Çalışmada kullanılan böcekler, onsekiz saat aydınlık, altı saat karanlık (18A;6K); (1. Kademe) altı saat aydınlık, onsekiz saat karanlık (6A;18K); (1. Kademe),oniki saat aydınlık, oniki saat karanlık (12A;12K) (1. Kademe), onsekiz saat aydınlık, altı saat karanlık (18A;6K); (2. Kademe)altı saat aydınlık, onsekiz saat karanlık (6A;18K); (2. Kademe),oniki saat aydınlık, oniki saat karanlık (12A;12K) (2. Kademe) olmak üzere altı farklı fotoperiyot rejimi içeren ortamda yetiştirildi. Farklı fotoperiyot rejimlerinde, aydınlanma 40 W’lık floresan ampullerle sğlandı. Böceklerin beslenmesinde, balsız petekler kullanıldı. Analizler için karbonhidrat miktarının hesaplanmasında, van Handel’in (1985) Anthrone testi kullanıldı. İkinci kademe şartlarında tutulan erginlerdeki karbonhidrat miktarı, 1. kademedekilerden daha düşük bulunmuştur. Ayrıca her iki durumda, erginlerdeki karbonhidrat miktarının, yaş arttıkça artığı gözlendi. Bütün fotoperiyot şartlarında, karbohidrat miktarının yaşla birlikte artığı saptandı. Genel olarak, uzun gün fotoperiyotlarında karbonhidrat miktarının kısa gün fotoperiyotlarındakinden, fazla olduğu görüldü. Aynı fotoperiyot süreli, fakat aydınlanmanın başladığı zamanın farklı olduğu fotoperiyotlarda, bazı yaş gruplarında karbohidrat miktarı bakımından, istatistiksel olarak önemli farklar ortaya çıkarken, bazılarında fark önemsiz bulundu.Protein, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism plays role in many vital activities of insects. Adult insects need certain chemicals and energy in large quantities to maintain vital activities such as mating, food searching, oviposition and parasitism. Therefore, having basal nutrients such as carbohydrates, lipids and proteins in certain quantities is a necessity. Necessary nutrients can be stored in larva or pupa stages or adults can synthesize them by taking related precursor compounds. Some insects use carbohydrates as the primary source of energy and keep excess carbohydrate as lipid and protein. Generally Diptera and Hymenopera use carbohydrates as a main energy source. G. mellonella is a harmful species for combs and its larvae are known as causing serious damages in beekeeping. There are not many studies available regarding the effects of photoperiod, age and sex on carbohydrate levels of this insect. Since significant variations in carbohydrate levels can be observed in connection with age and sex. Purpose of this study is to determine the effects on carbohyrate levels on Gallaria mellonella adults at different age of changing the start time of the light Studies with effects on carbonhydrate levels of changing the start time of light is insufficient. Studies on this insect usually made with fixed fotoperiod

    Effects of different photoperiod regimes on total lipid amounts of Galleria mellonella (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) adults at different age

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    Effects of different photoperiod regimes on lipid amounts of Galleria mellonella (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) adults were investigated with relation to adult age. Studies were carried out at 28 ± 2 °C temperature and 65 ± 5 % relative humidity. Insects were reared at different photoperiod regimes [ (24L; 0D), (0L; 24D), (12L; 12D), (18L; 6D) and (6L; 18D)] and [ (18L; 6D), (6L; 18D) and (12L; 12D) ] for the first and second level experiments, respectively. Illumination was done with 40 W fluorescent bulbs in different photoperiod regimes. First level experiments have different light on times than second level ones. Insects were fed with honey free comb. In all photoperiod regimes, both females and males, the amounts of lipid in per 100 mg of weight decreased as the adult aging. There were different amounts of lipid on different photoperiod regimes of G. mellonella adults. Increase of dark period, caused decrease amounts of lipid. Under the same photoperiod regimes, there were increase amounts of lipid in the first level photoperiod. On the other hand, under all photoperiod regimes, there were more lipid in females than males

    Age and sex related varitions in protein and carbohydrate levels of Galleria mellonella (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera:Pyralidae) in constant lightness and darkness.

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    Variations in protein and carbohydrate levels correlated with the age and sex of Galleria mellonella (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in constant lightness and darkness were investigated. Tests were conducted under laboratory conditions at 28 +/- 2 degrees C temperature and 65 +/- 5% relative humidity. Insects were fed on combs without honey. Protein level in 100 mg of adults increased in the first days of adult life of females in connection with their age and then decreased. No difference was observed in males. Carbohydrate level in 100 mg of adults increased in both sexes in connection with their age. In all tests carbohydrate and protein levels of females were found higher than males. Protein and carbohydrate levels of adult G. mellonella varied in connection with the photoperiod regimes implemented. Decrease in the nutrient levels was observed in constant darkness

    Effects of Different Temperatures on the Total Carbohydrate, Lipid and Protein Amounts of the Bean Beetle, Acanthoscelides obtectus Say (Coleoptera: Bruchidae).

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    This study investigates the effects of different temperatures on the total carbohydrate, lipid and protein amounts of Acanthoscelides obtectus Say, which is a common cereal pest. Studies have been carried out under laboratory conditions at 20 +/- 2 degrees C, 30 +/- 2 degrees C and 60 +/- 5% relative humidity. No specific photoperiodic regimen has been used throughout the study. Total carbohydrate, protein and lipid amounts for females at 20 degrees C were 61.74, 35.77 and 83.79 microg/individual, respectively, whereas the amounts for males were 34.94, 29.53 and 57.98 microg/individual, respectively. At 30 degrees C, total carbohydrate, protein and lipid amounts for females were 92.00, 42.18 and 83.26 microg/individual, respectively. The amounts at the same temperature for males were 43.34, 34.08 and 52.19 microg/individual, respectively. In both sexes, total carbohydrate and protein amounts at 30 degrees C were higher than those at 20 degrees C whereas this was not true for total lipid amounts

    Effects of Photoperiod and the Natural Food Quality on the Preadult Developmental Time, Adult Longevity, Feceundity adn Sex-Ratio of Drosophila melanogaster Meigen, 1830

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    Fotoperiyot ve doğal besin çeşidinin Drosophila melanogaster Meigen, 1830’un gelişim süresi, ömür uzunluğu, yumurta verimi ve eşey oranına etkileri incelendi. Denemeler 25±2°C sıcaklık ve % 60-70 Nisbi nem içeren laboratuvar şartlarında, kompozisyonları farklı iki doğal besin tipinde, dokuz farklı fotoperiyot rejiminde (0A;24K, 3A;21K, 6A;18K, 9A;15K, 12A;12K, 15A;9K, 18A;6K, 21A;3K, 24A;0K) yapıldı. Denenen besinlerden bir tipi, 100 cc üzüm sirkesi, 20 gr şeker ve 15 gr bira maya karışımından (sıvı besin), ikinci tipi, 74.2 cc su, 13.5 gr pekmez ve 10 gr mısır unundan (katı besin) hazırlandı. Aynı fotoperiyot şartlarında, iki farklı besin tipinde, D. melanogaster’ in yumurtadan ergine kadar olan gelişim süresi önemli derecede farklılık gösterdi. Tüm farklı fotoperiyot şartlarında gelişim sıvı besinde, katı besindekine göre daha hızlı oldu. Her iki besinde, karanlık periyot süresi arttıkça, gelişim süresi kısaldı. Devamlı aydınlık ve karanlıkta sıvı besindeki ergin öncesi gelişim süresi sırasıyla ortalama 10.9 ve 12.9 gün iken, katı besinde aynı şartlarda söz konusu süre, ortalama olarak sırasıyla 19.3 ve 21.3 gün oldu. Her iki besinde, aynı fotoperiyotta erkek ve dişilerin ergin hayat süresi farklı oldu. Genellikle tüm fotoperiyot şartlarında, erkekler dişilerden daha uzun yaşadı. Aydınlık sürenin artması, her iki eşeyde ergin hayat süresini kısalttı. Denenen iki besin tipinde, dişi başına düşen ortalama ergin birey sayısı farklı oldu. Her iki besin tipinde, aydınlık periyodun artması, dişi başına düşen verimi düşürdü. İki besin tipinde, aynı veya farklı fotoperiyot şartlarında, sonraki döldeki dişi yüzdeleri arasında önemli bir fark tespit edilmedi. Anahtar Kelimeler: D. melanogaster, fotoperiyot, eşey oranı, ömür uzunluğu, gelişim süresiEffects of photoperiod and the natural food quality on the preadult developmental time, adult longevity, fecundity and sex ratio of D. melanogaster Meigen, 1830 were investigated. Studies were carried out under the laboratory conditions of 25±2°C temperature and 60-70% relative humidity conditions, with two natural food types which have different compositions and with nine different photoperiod regimes ((0L;24D, 3L;21D, 6L;18D, 9L;15D, 12L;12D, 15L;9D, 18L;6D, 21L;3D, 24L;0D). The composition of the first food type( named as fluid food) consisted of grape vineger 100 cc., sugar 20 gr., yeast 15 gr and, composition of the second food one( named as solid food) consisted of water 74.2 cc., molases 13.5 gr., corn flour 10 gr. Under the same photoperiod regime, the developmental time from egg to adult of D. melanogaster showed significant differences at two different food types. Development in the fluid food were faster than the solid one under all different photoperiod regimes. In dark period (short day conditions) caused decrease in the developmental time, in both food conditions. In continues light and dark conditions the average preadult developmental time was 10.9 and 12.9 days in the first food, wheras 19.3 and 21.3 in the second one, respectively. Adult longevities of males and females in each food with the same photoperiod regime were significantly different, generally males were lived longer than females with all photoperiod regimes. Increase in light period decreased adult longevity. The average numbers of adults for each female were different in two different food type. In both food types an increase of the light period decreased the number of average adult induviduals for female. Under the same or the different photoperiod conditions, there were no significant difference between the female ratios in the offspring at two food types

    Effects of different photoperiod regimes on total lipid amounts of Galleria mellonella (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) adults at different age

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    Farklı fotoperiyot rejimlerinin değişik yaştaki Galleria mellonella (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) erginlerinin total lipit miktarına etkisi incelendi. Denemeler, 28 2C ve % 65 5 nisbi nem içeren laboratuar şartlarında yapıldı. Böcekler, birinci kademe denemeler için beş farklı fotoperiyot rejiminde [(24A;0 K), (0A; 24K), (18A; 6K) ,(6A:18K) ve(12A:12K)], aydınlık başlama zamanı farklı olan ikinci kademe denemeler için de üç farklı fotoperiyot rejiminde [(12A:12K),(18A :6K) ve (6A:18K)] yetiştirildi. Farklı fotoperiyot rejimlerinde, aydınlanma 40 W lık floresan ampullerle sağlandı. Böceklerin beslenmesinde, balsız petekler kullanıldı. Tüm fotoperiyot rejimlerinde, 100 mg ergindeki lipit miktarı her iki eşeyde de yaşla birlikte azaldı. G. mellonella erginlerinin lipit miktarlarında, uygulanan fotoperiyot rejimlerine göre değişiklik gözlendi. Karanlık süresi arttıkça, lipit miktarlarında azalma gözlendi. Aynı fotoperiyot rejimlerinde birinci kademedeki lipit miktarları, ikinci kademedekilerden yüksek bulundu. Tüm fotoperiyot rejimlerinde, dişilerin total olarak erkeklerden daha fazla lipit içerdiği tespit edildi.Effects of different photoperiod regimes on lipid amounts of Galleria mellonella (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) adults were investigated with relation to adult age. Studies were carried out at 28 ± 2 °C temperature and 65 ± 5 % relative humidity. Insects were reared at different photoperiod regimes [ (24L; 0D), (0L; 24D), (12L; 12D), (18L; 6D) and (6L; 18D)] and [ (18L; 6D), (6L; 18D) and (12L; 12D) ] for the first and second level experiments, respectively. Illumination was done with 40 W fluorescent bulbs in different photoperiod regimes. First level experiments have different light on times than second level ones. Insects were fed with honey free comb. In all photoperiod regimes, both females and males, the amounts of lipid in per 100 mg of weight decreased as the adult aging. There were different amounts of lipid on different photoperiod regimes of G. mellonella adults. Increase of dark period, caused decrease amounts of lipid. Under the same photoperiod regimes, there were increase amounts of lipid in the first level photoperiod. On the other hand, under all photoperiod regimes, there were more lipid in females than males

    The effects of host species on some biological characteristics of solitary endoparasitoid (Venturia canescens Grav.)

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    In this study, the effects of three host species on development time, fecundity and adult longevity of parasitoid Venturia canescens Grav. (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) were investigated. Cadra cautella (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), Plodia interpunctella (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and Ephestia kuehniella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) were used as hosts for V. canescens. Host species had a significant effect on preadult development period of parasitoid. Development time was shortest on P. interpunctella, intermediate on C. cautella and longest on E. kuehniella. The fecundity of V. canescens was influenced by host species. It was higher on C. cautella and E. kuehniella larvae compared to P. interpunctella larvae. Feeding with honey increased the fecundity of parasitoid on all of the host species. For longevity experiments, adult parasitoids were provided by either honey and host, honey and no host, no honey and host, or they were fed on neither honey nor host for their lifetimes. Host species did not significantly affect the longevity of unfed females with no oviposition opportunity and unfed females with oviposition opportunity. However, it significantly affected the longevity of fed females with no oviposition opportunity and fed females with oviposition opportunity. Females without host access lived longest when fed on honey and shorter in the other host access/feeding treatments