9 research outputs found

    Reinforcing Network Security: Network Attack Detection Using Random Grove Blend in Weighted MLP Layers

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    In the modern world, the evolution of the internet supports the automation of several tasks, such as communication, education, sports, etc. Conversely, it is prone to several types of attacks that disturb data transfer in the network. Efficient attack detection is needed to avoid the consequences of an attack. Traditionally, manual attack detection is limited by human error, less efficiency, and a time-consuming mechanism. To address the problem, a large number of existing methods focus on several techniques for better efficacy in attack detection. However, improvement is needed in significant factors such as accuracy, handling larger data, over-fitting versus fitting, etc. To tackle this issue, the proposed system utilized a Random Grove Blend in Weighted MLP (Multi-Layer Perceptron) Layers to classify network attacks. The MLP is used for its advantages in solving complex non-linear problems, larger datasets, and high accuracy. Conversely, it is limited by computation and requirements for a great deal of labeled training data. To resolve the issue, a random info grove blend and weight weave layer are incorporated into the MLP mechanism. To attain this, the UNSW–NB15 dataset, which comprises nine types of network attack, is utilized to detect attacks. Moreover, the Scapy tool (2.4.3) is utilized to generate a real-time dataset for classifying types of attack. The efficiency of the presented mechanism is calculated with performance metrics. Furthermore, internal and external comparisons are processed in the respective research to reveal the system’s better efficiency. The proposed model utilizing the advantages of Random Grove Blend in Weighted MLP attained an accuracy of 98%. Correspondingly, the presented system is intended to contribute to the research associated with enhancing network security

    Formula-Driven Supervised Learning in Computer Vision: A Literature Survey

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    Current computer vision research uses huge datasets with millions of images to pre-train vision models. This results in escalation of time and capital, ethical issues, moral issues, privacy issues, copyright issues, fairness issues, and others. To address these issues, several alternative learning schemes have been developed. One such scheme is formula-based supervised learning (FDSL). It is a form of supervised learning, which involves the use of mathematically generated images for the pre-training of deep models. Promising results have been obtained for computer-vision-related applications. In this comprehensive survey paper, a gentle introduction to FDSL is presented. The supporting theory, databases, experimentation and ensuing results are discussed. The research outcomes, issues and scope are also discussed. Finally, some of the most promising future directions for FDSL research are discussed. As FDSL is an important learning technique, this survey represents a useful resource for interested researchers working on solving various problem in computer vision and related areas of application

    Robust Fingerprint Minutiae Extraction and Matching Based on Improved SIFT Features

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    Minutiae feature extraction and matching are not only two crucial tasks for identifying fingerprints, but also play an eminent role as core components of automated fingerprint recognition (AFR) systems, which first focus primarily on the identification and description of the salient minutiae points that impart individuality to each fingerprint and differentiate one fingerprint from another, and then matching their relative placement in a candidate fingerprint and previously stored fingerprint templates. In this paper, an automated minutiae extraction and matching framework is presented for identification and verification purposes, in which an adaptive scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) detector is applied to high-contrast fingerprints preprocessed by means of denoising, binarization, thinning, dilation and enhancement to improve the quality of latent fingerprints. As a result, an optimized set of highly-reliable salient points discriminating fingerprint minutiae is identified and described accurately and quickly. Then, the SIFT descriptors of the local key-points in a given fingerprint are matched with those of the stored templates using a brute force algorithm, by assigning a score for each match based on the Euclidean distance between the SIFT descriptors of the two matched keypoints. Finally, a postprocessing dual-threshold filter is adaptively applied, which can potentially eliminate almost all the false matches, while discarding very few correct matches (less than 4%). The experimental evaluations on publicly available low-quality FVC2004 fingerprint datasets demonstrate that the proposed framework delivers comparable or superior performance to several state-of-the-art methods, achieving an average equal error rate (EER) value of 2.01%

    Optimizing Kidney Stone Prediction through Urinary Analysis with Improved Binary Particle Swarm Optimization and eXtreme Gradient Boosting

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    Globally, the incidence of kidney stones (urolithiasis) has increased over time. Without better treatment, stones in the kidneys could result in blockage of the ureters, repetitive infections in the urinary tract, painful urination, and permanent deterioration of the kidneys. Hence, detecting kidney stones is crucial to improving an individual’s life. Concurrently, ML (Machine Learning) has gained extensive attention in this area due to its innate benefits in continuous enhancement, its ability to deal with multi-dimensional data, and its automated learning. Researchers have employed various ML-based approaches to better predict kidney stones. However, there is a scope for further enhancement regarding accuracy. Moreover, studies seem to be lacking in this area. This study proposes a smart toilet model in an IoT-fog (Internet of Things-fog) environment with suitable ML-based algorithms for kidney stone detection from real-time urinary data to rectify this issue. Significant features are selected using the proposed Improved MBPSO (Improved Modified Binary Particle Swarm Optimization) to attain better classification. In this case, sigmoid functions are used for better prediction with binary values. Finally, classification is performed using the proposed Improved Modified XGBoost (Modified eXtreme Gradient Boosting) to prognosticate kidney stones. In this case, the loss functions are updated to make the model learn effectively and classify accordingly. The overall proposed system is assessed by internal comparison with DT (Decision Tree) and NB (Naïve Bayes), which reveals the efficient performance of the proposed system in kidney stone prognostication

    An Archive-Guided Equilibrium Optimizer Based on Epsilon Dominance for Multi-Objective Optimization Problems

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    In real-world applications, many problems involve two or more conflicting objectives that need to be optimized at the same time. These are called multi-objective optimization problems (MOPs). To solve these problems, we introduced a guided multi-objective equilibrium optimizer (GMOEO) algorithm based on the equilibrium optimizer (EO), which was inspired by control–volume–mass balance models that use particles (solutions) and their respective concentrations (positions) as search agents in the search space. The GMOEO algorithm involves the integration of an external archive that acts as a guide and stores the optimal Pareto set during the exploration and exploitation of the search space. The key candidate population also acted as a guide, and Pareto dominance was employed to obtain the non-dominated solutions. The principal of ϵ-dominance was employed to update the archive solutions, such that they could then guide the particles to ensure better exploration and diversity during the optimization process. Furthermore, we utilized the fast non-dominated sort (FNS) and crowding distance methods for updating the position of the particles efficiently in order to guarantee fast convergence in the direction of the Pareto optimal set and to maintain diversity. The GMOEO algorithm obtained a set of solutions that achieved the best compromise among the competing objectives. GMOEO was tested and validated against various benchmarks, namely the ZDT and DTLZ test functions. Furthermore, a benchmarking study was conducted using cone-ϵ-dominance as an update strategy for the archive solutions. In addition, several well-known multi-objective algorithms, such as the multi-objective particle-swarm optimization (MOPSO) and the multi-objective grey-wolf optimization (MOGWO), were compared to the proposed algorithm. The experimental results proved definitively that the proposed GMOEO algorithm is a powerful tool for solving MOPs

    ILS Validity Analysis for Secondary Grade through Factor Analysis and Internal Consistency Reliability

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    In differentiated learning, the teacher needs to be aware of the learning styles of students in the classroom to accommodate specific learning preferences, e.g., the Felder–Silverman learning style model. The corresponding instrument, i.e., the Felder–Silverman Index of Learning Style (ILS), was designed to assess learning styles, specifically for engineering students. The ILS has been tested at the middle school level to identify the learning styles; however, validity/reliability had not been established in earlier studies with large samples. The focus of this study was to identify the validity and reliability of an ILS instrument for middle school students (N=450) by investigating the factor structure through factor analysis. This includes internal consistency reliability and constructing validity report of the ILS. An exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis was undertaken to investigate the factor structure to establish validity. As a result of the study, the reliability of the instrument was established. Five-factors emerged through exploratory factor analysis (EFA), which were subjected to confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The outcome provided five-factors (i.e., Comparative Fit Index (CFI), Tucker–Lewis Index (TLI), Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA), Standardized Root Mean Residual (SRMR), and Goodness of Fit (GFI)), out of which four factors were related to the four dimensions of the Felder–Silverman model, and the fifth factor was related to the association of sensing/intuitive and sequential/global dimensions of the model, which is in agreement with the theoretical construct of ILS. As a result of CFA, ILS entailing 24 items indicates a good fit with five-factor structure. CFI=0.922;TLI=0.927; RMSEA=0.026; SRMR=0.585;GFI=0.911;X2=277;df=42;p=0.60. This study suggests that the ILS for the secondary-grade students needs to be revised with fewer items to improve the reliability, as supported by empirical evidence through the EFA and CFA

    Cucumber Leaf Diseases Recognition Using Multi Level Deep Entropy-ELM Feature Selection

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    Agriculture has becomes an immense area of research and is ascertained as a key element in the area of computer vision. In the agriculture field, image processing acts as a primary part. Cucumber is an important vegetable and its production in Pakistan is higher as compared to the other vegetables because of its use in salads. However, the diseases of cucumber such as Angular leaf spot, Anthracnose, blight, Downy mildew, and powdery mildew widely decrease the quality and quantity. Lately, numerous methods have been proposed for the identification and classification of diseases. Early detection and then treatment of the diseases in plants is important to prevent the crop from a disastrous decrease in yields. Many classification techniques have been proposed but still, they are facing some challenges such as noise, redundant features, and extraction of relevant features. In this work, an automated framework is proposed using deep learning and best feature selection for cucumber leaf diseases classification. In the proposed framework, initially, an augmentation technique is applied to the original images by creating more training data from existing samples and handling the problem of the imbalanced dataset. Then two different phases are utilized. In the first phase, fine-tuned four pre-trained models and select the best of them based on the accuracy. Features are extracted from the selected fine-tuned model and refined through the Entropy-ELM technique. In the second phase, fused the features of all four fine-tuned models and apply the Entropy-ELM technique, and finally fused with phase 1 selected feature. Finally, the fused features are recognized using machine learning classifiers for the final classification. The experimental process is conducted on five different datasets. On these datasets, the best-achieved accuracy is 98.4%. The proposed framework is evaluated on each step and also compared with some recent techniques. The comparison with some recent techniques showed that the proposed method obtained an improved performance

    Cucumber Leaf Diseases Recognition Using Multi Level Deep Entropy-ELM Feature Selection

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    Agriculture has becomes an immense area of research and is ascertained as a key element in the area of computer vision. In the agriculture field, image processing acts as a primary part. Cucumber is an important vegetable and its production in Pakistan is higher as compared to the other vegetables because of its use in salads. However, the diseases of cucumber such as Angular leaf spot, Anthracnose, blight, Downy mildew, and powdery mildew widely decrease the quality and quantity. Lately, numerous methods have been proposed for the identification and classification of diseases. Early detection and then treatment of the diseases in plants is important to prevent the crop from a disastrous decrease in yields. Many classification techniques have been proposed but still, they are facing some challenges such as noise, redundant features, and extraction of relevant features. In this work, an automated framework is proposed using deep learning and best feature selection for cucumber leaf diseases classification. In the proposed framework, initially, an augmentation technique is applied to the original images by creating more training data from existing samples and handling the problem of the imbalanced dataset. Then two different phases are utilized. In the first phase, fine-tuned four pre-trained models and select the best of them based on the accuracy. Features are extracted from the selected fine-tuned model and refined through the Entropy-ELM technique. In the second phase, fused the features of all four fine-tuned models and apply the Entropy-ELM technique, and finally fused with phase 1 selected feature. Finally, the fused features are recognized using machine learning classifiers for the final classification. The experimental process is conducted on five different datasets. On these datasets, the best-achieved accuracy is 98.4%. The proposed framework is evaluated on each step and also compared with some recent techniques. The comparison with some recent techniques showed that the proposed method obtained an improved performance