35 research outputs found

    The influence of lithium carbonate on the heat release during the hydration of Portland cement at the temperature 40°C

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    This work represents the stage of the author's research aimed at identifying the solutions for increasing the energy efficiency of the production of precast concrete and reinforced concrete products and structures in plant conditions due to reducing the temperature of heat treatment, or due to the reduction of duration of this technological process. The work provides results of the research of the influence of the admixture of lithium carbonate (Li2CO3) on the dynamics of hydration process of the binding systems on a cement basis in the conditions of the increased temperature (40°C). The research was performed using the method of isothermal calorimetry on the two various samples of the cement binder, conducted in various countries. The Li2CO3 admixture is accepted in dosages from 0.5% to 2.5%. The graphical dependence of the heat flow of the exothermic reaction of hydration on the used lithium carbonate dosage in the first days of curing of the samples is established and presented

    Principles of Sustainable Infrastructure Formation in Research and Technology Development Centers Construction

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    The paper concerns the issue of infrastructure formation in research and technology development centers. It is established that the key point in the design and construction of such centers is providing the effective functioning of social infrastructure, which is a connecting link for the main structural elements of modern research and technology development centers. The grounds for the necessity of working out a unified pattern for designing research and technology development centers in compliance with the urban planning regulations and research and technology development priorities are given. An integrated model for working out a unified pattern of designing research and technology development centers is suggested. This model envisages creating a harmonized international standard that describes the basic principles of sustainable infrastructure formation in research and technology development centers construction. Based on the research results, the principles of sustainable infrastructure formation in research and technology development centers are set out and worded according to the goals of sustainable development. The authors also give grounds for the applicability of the principles formulated in this paper for the infrastructure assessment of research and technology development centers, both operating and under construction, which will make it possible to target the less-developed elements and draw up the plan of their improvement for further sustainable development. The authors also list emerging technologies to be developed and implemented for the efficient accomplishment of the research objectives

    Analysis of building information modeling technologies for transport infrastructure objects at the stages of the life cycle

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    The expansion of the transport system is one of the urgent tasks of the development of the Russian economy. The high level of transport infrastructure quality ensures the development of many areas of business, simplifies the procedure for transporting goods, and also creates comfortable conditions for the movement of passengers. For the progression of the transport system, it is necessary to regularly increase the number of objects, which in turn forms an increase in the volume of transport construction. The current design and construction approaches do not provide a sufficient level of fast and high-quality construction of facilities, therefore, the introduction of modern work methods is an urgent issue. Information modeling technologies are currently one of the promising areas of digitalization, but in the field of transport construction they have not yet received sufficient application. The purpose of this research work is to analyze the use of information modeling technologies for transport infrastructure objects at all stages of the life cycle, and the task is to determine the processes for implementation through the information modeling functionality. The paper outlines the main features of transport infrastructure facilities, the specifics of work based on information modeling, and also analyzes their integration throughout the entire life cycle. As a result, an analysis of the effectiveness of the use of information modeling technology tools for the main tasks of each stage of the life cycle is presented, and an information transfer algorithm is formed

    Analysis of international experience in the field of building information modelling of transport infrastructure objects

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    In this paper, the authors consider the current state and level of implementation of building information modeling applied to transport infrastructure at the stages of their life cycle in Russia and abroad. Possible prerequisites for the transfer of knowledge and technologies of building information modeling from the civil and industrial facilities to the field of transport construction are highlighted according to the accumulated experience in the design, construction and operation of such facilities in various countries and Russia. Special emphasis is placed on examples of the world’s largest implemented or ongoing projects for the construction of transport infrastructure. The experience of implementing these projects was analyzed from the point of view of the software used in relation to all stages of the life cycle of transport infrastructure objects: design, construction and subsequent operation. The prospects for the development of data exchange formats in the context of the existing problem of mutual integration of BIM and GIS for transport infrastructure objects to ensure their complementarity and compatibility are also considered. The functional levels of the use of various software within the framework of companies implementing project activities using information modeling technologies are highlighted. A list of criteria characterizing the level of information modeling technologies integration to transport infrastructure objects into the activities of participants in the life cycle of these objects is highlighted. A review of the regulatory framework of information modeling in construction in Russia is carried out, and the main differences in this area with the regulatory regulation of this area in the European Union are noted. Conclusions are made about the key reference points for the development of information modeling of transport infrastructure facilities on a national scale, leading customer companies and contractors

    Two-stage commercial evaluation of engineering systems production projects for high-rise buildings

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    The paper is devoted to the current and debatable problem of methodology of choosing the effective innovative enterprises for venture financing. A two-stage system of commercial innovation evaluation based on the UNIDO methodology is proposed. Engineering systems account for 25 to 40% of the cost of high-rise residential buildings. This proportion increases with the use of new construction technologies. Analysis of the construction market in Russia showed that the production of internal engineering systems elements based on innovative technologies has a growth trend. The production of simple elements is organized in small enterprises on the basis of new technologies. The most attractive for development is the use of venture financing of small innovative business. To improve the efficiency of these operations, the paper proposes a methodology for a two-stage evaluation of small business development projects. A two-stage system of commercial evaluation of innovative projects allows creating an information base for informed and coordinated decision-making on venture financing of enterprises that produce engineering systems elements for the construction business

    Определение допустимых кратковременных аварийных перегрузок турбогенераторов и синхронных компенсаторов

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    The paper shows that failure to take into account variable ratio of short-time emergency overloading of turbo-generators (synchronous compensators) that can lead to underestimation of overloading capacity or impermissible insulation over-heating.A method has been developed for determination of permissible duration of short-time emergency over-loading that takes into account changes of over-loading ratio in case of a failure.Показано, что неучет переменной кратности кратковременной аварийной перегрузки турбогенераторов (синхронных компенсаторов) может привести к недооценке перегрузочной способности или недопустимому перегреву изоляции.Разработан способ определения допустимой длительности кратковременной аварийной перегрузки, учитывающий изменение кратности перегрузки в процессе аварии

    Контроль допустимых кратковременных аварийных перегрузок силовых трансформаторов

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    The paper proposes a method for determination a permissible duration of short intermittent overloads of power transformers that permits to avoid non-permissible over-heating of winding insulation and fully utilize overloading transformer ability.Предложен способ определения допустимой длительности кратковременных перемежающихся перегрузок силовых трансформаторов, позволяющий избежать недопустимый перегрев изоляции обмоток и полностью использовать перегрузочную способность трансформаторов

    Predictive analytics for ensuring the autonomy of urban infrastructure socially significant elements

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    The article is devoted to the study of publications in the field of using predictive analytics in the construction industry, as well as to ensure the autonomy of urban infrastructure elements using Industry 4.0 technologies. The materials for the study were publications presented in the international database Scopus in the period from 2017 to 2022. It was revealed that the most popular publications relate mainly to the issues of substantiating the cost of investments in construction, predicting the properties of reinforced concrete and concrete structures, using information modeling technologies in integration with machine learning models, including as part of the design of capital construction projects, etc. However, there are no publications considering the use of Industry 4.0 technologies and predictive analytics to ensure the autonomy of socially significant elements of the urban infrastructure or even capital construction projects. In this regard, the issue of determining the sufficiency and completeness of the data that needs to be collected and processed to identify critical deviations of the system and ensure the autonomy of socially significant elements of the urban infrastructure by comparing the reference model of the operation of an object or its elements and measurements collected from the system in the mode real time

    Nano-modified concretes initial structuring

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    The article considers the aspects related to initial formation of the structures in concretes containing nano-additives that significantly influence the type of newgrowths and their concentration during the cement hydration. The article depicts the role of the aggregate in formation of the contact zone structure between the cement stone and the aggregate, which mainly consists of ettringite and portlandite. Mathematical models of the cement stone hydrational hardening kinetics and its performance properties have been obtained