62,145 research outputs found

    Are there socioeconomic gradients in stage and grade of breast cancer at diagnosis? Cross sectional analysis of UK cancer registry data

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    Socioeconomic gradients in uptake of breast cancer screening in the United Kingdom should, intuitively, lead to socioeconomic gradients in disease progression at diagnosis. However, studies have found little evidence of such an effect. Although this could be interpreted as evidence that socioeconomic gradients in uptake of screening do not have clinically important consequences, all of the published studies have used data from before (pre-1988) or during the early stages (1988-95) of implementation of the national breast cancer screening programme. We investigated the relation between socioeconomic position and progression of breast cancer at diagnosis by using recent data from the Northern and Yorkshire Cancer Registry and Information Service (NYCRIS), which is estimated to achieve around 93% ascertainment

    A non-monotonic constitutive model is not necessary to obtain shear banding phenomena in entangled polymer solutions

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    In 1975 Doi and Edwards predicted that entangled polymer melts and solutions can have a constitutive instability, signified by a decreasing stress for shear rates greater than the inverse of the reptation time. Experiments did not support this, and more sophisticated theories incorporated Marrucci's idea (1996) of removing constraints by advection; this produced a monotonically increasing stress and thus stable constitutive behavior. Recent experiments have suggested that entangled polymer solutions may possess a constitutive instability after all, and have led some workers to question the validity of existing constitutive models. In this Letter we use a simple modern constitutive model for entangled polymers, the non-stretching Rolie-Poly model with an added solvent viscosity, and show that (1) instability and shear banding is captured within this simple class of models; (2) shear banding phenomena is observable for weakly stable fluids in flow geometries that impose a sufficiently inhomogeneous total shear stress; (3) transient phenomena can possess inhomogeneities that resemble shear banding, even for weakly stable fluids. Many of these results are model-independent.Comment: 5 figure

    Three-dimensional elastoplastic stress analysis of unidirectional boron/aluminum composites

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    A three dimensional elastoplastic finite element micromechanical model was developed to study the state of stress around a broken fibers in a unidirectional composite. A boron/aluminum composite consisting of 50 percent by volume of fibers in a square array and subjected to an axial loading is taken as a specific example. This loading in the fiber direction is applied in small increments, by prescribing increments of boundary displacement, until the first failure occurs. The effect of reduced material properties of the aluminum matrix material at elevated temperature is also studied. The results are presented in the form of stress contours and stress-strain plots

    Delamination micromechanics analysis

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    A three-dimensional finite element analysis was developed which includes elastoplastic, orthotropic material response, and fracture initiation and propagation. Energy absorption due to physical failure processes characteristic of the heterogeneous and anisotropic nature of composite materials is modeled. A local energy release rate in the presence of plasticity was defined and used as a criterion to predict the onset and growth of cracks in both micromechanics and macromechanics analyses. This crack growth simulation technique is based upon a virtual crack extension method. A three-dimensional finite element micromechanics model is used to study the effects of broken fibers, cracked matrix and fiber-matrix debond on the fracture toughness of the unidirectional composite. The energy release rates at the onset of unstable crack growth in the micromechanics analyses are used as critical energy release rates in the macromechanics analysis. This integrated micromechanical and macromechanical fracture criterion is shown to be very effective in predicting the onset and growth of cracks in general multilayered composite laminates by applying the criterion to a single-edge notched graphite/epoxy laminate subjected to implane tension normal to the notch

    Finite element for rotor/stator interactive forces in general engine dynamic simulation. Part 1: Development of bearing damper element

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    A general purpose squeeze-film damper interactive force element was developed, coded into a software package (module) and debugged. This software package was applied to nonliner dynamic analyses of some simple rotor systems. Results for pressure distributions show that the long bearing (end sealed) is a stronger bearing as compared to the short bearing as expected. Results of the nonlinear dynamic analysis, using a four degree of freedom simulation model, showed that the orbit of the rotating shaft increases nonlinearity to fill the bearing clearance as the unbalanced weight increases

    Identified hadron production at high transverse momenta in p+p collisions at sqrt(NN) = 200 GeV in STAR

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    We report the transverse momentum (pT) distributions for identified charged pions, protons and anti-protons using events triggered by high deposit energy in the Barrel Electro-Magnetic Calorimeter (BEMC) from p + p collisions at psNN = 200 GeV. The spectra are measured around mid-rapidity (|y|<0.5) over the range of 3<pT<15 GeV/c with particle identification (PID) by the relativistic ionization energy loss (rdE/dx) in the Time Projection Chamber (TPC) in the Solenoidal Tracker at RHIC (STAR). The charged pion, proton and anti-proton spectra at high pT are compared with published results from minimum bias triggered events and the Next-Leading-Order perturbative quantum chromodynamic (NLO pQCD) calculations (DSS, KKP and AKK 2008). In addition, we present the particle ratios of pi-/pi+, pbar/p, p/pi+ and pbar/pi- in p + p collisions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Hot Quark 2008 proceedin

    Transverse Momentum Correlations in Relativistic Nuclear Collisions

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    From the correlation structure of transverse momentum ptp_t in relativistic nuclear collisions we observe for the first time temperature/velocity structure resulting from low-Q2Q^2 partons. Our novel analysis technique does not invoke an {\em a priori} jet hypothesis. ptp_t autocorrelations derived from the scale dependence of fluctuations reveal a complex parton dissipation process in RHIC heavy ion collisions. We also observe structure which may result from collective bulk-medium recoil in response to parton stopping.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, proceedings, MIT workshop on fluctuations and correlations in relativistic nuclear collision

    Investigation of vertical cavity surface emitting laser dynamics for neuromorphic photonic systems

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    We report an approach based upon vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs) to reproduce optically different behaviors exhibited by biological neurons but on a much faster timescale. The technique proposed is based on the polarization switching and nonlinear dynamics induced in a single VCSEL under polarized optical injection. The particular attributes of VCSELs and the simple experimental configuration used in this work offer prospects of fast, reconfigurable processing elements with excellent fan-out and scaling potentials for use in future computational paradigms and artificial neural networks. © 2012 American Institute of Physics

    Hyperspherical Harmonics, Separation of Variables and the Bethe Ansatz

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    The relation between solutions to Helmholtz's equation on the sphere Sn1S^{n-1} and the [{\gr sl}(2)]^n Gaudin spin chain is clarified. The joint eigenfuctions of the Laplacian and a complete set of commuting second order operators suggested by the RR--matrix approach to integrable systems, based on the loop algebra \wt{sl}(2)_R, are found in terms of homogeneous polynomials in the ambient space. The relation of this method of determining a basis of harmonic functions on Sn1S^{n-1} to the Bethe ansatz approach to integrable systems is explained.Comment: 14 pgs, Plain Tex, preprint CRM--2174 (May, 1994