24 research outputs found

    Aggregate Hazes in Exoplanet Atmospheres

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    Photochemical hazes have been frequently used to interpret exoplanet transmission spectra that show an upward slope towards shorter wavelengths and weak molecular features. While previous studies have only considered spherical haze particles, photochemical hazes composed of hydrocarbon aggregate particles are common throughout the solar system. We use an aerosol microphysics model to investigate the effect of aggregate photochemical haze particles on transmission spectra of warm exoplanets. We find that the wavelength dependence of the optical depth of aggregate particle hazes is flatter than for spheres since aggregates grow to larger radii. As a result, while spherical haze opacity displays a scattering slope towards shorter wavelengths, aggregate haze opacity can be gray in the optical and NIR, similar to those assumed for condensate cloud decks. We further find that haze opacity increases with increasing production rate, decreasing eddy diffusivity, and increasing monomer size, though the magnitude of the latter effect is dependent on production rate and the atmospheric pressure levels probed. We generate synthetic exoplanet transmission spectra to investigate the effect of these hazes on spectral features. For high haze opacity cases, aggregate hazes lead to flat, nearly featureless spectra, while spherical hazes produce sloped spectra with clear spectral features at long wavelengths. Finally, we generate synthetic transmission spectra of GJ 1214b for aggregate and spherical hazes and compare them to space-based observations. We find that aggregate hazes can reproduce the data significantly better than spherical hazes, assuming a production rate limited by delivery of methane to the upper atmosphere.Comment: 17 figures, accepted to Ap

    Constraints on Pluto’s H and CH₄ profiles from New Horizons Alice Lyα observations

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    The Alice spectrograph on New Horizons performed several far-ultraviolet (FUV) airglow observations during the July 2015 flyby of Pluto. One of these observations, named PColor2, was a short (226 s) scan across the dayside disk of Pluto from a range of ∼34,000 km, at about 40 minutes prior to closest approach. The brightest observed FUV airglow signal at Pluto is the Lyman alpha (Lyα) emission line of atomic hydrogen, which arises primarily through the resonant scattering of solar Lyα by H atoms in the upper atmosphere, with a brightness of about 30 Rayleighs. Pluto appears dark against the much brighter (∼100 Rayleigh) sky background; this sky background is likewise the result of resonantly scattered solar Lyα, in this case by H atoms in the interplanetary medium (IPM). Here we use an updated photochemical model and a resonance line radiative transfer model to perform detailed simulations of the Lyα emissions observed in the Alice PColor2 scan. The photochemical models show that H and CH₄ abundances in Pluto’s upper atmosphere are a very strong function of the near-surface mixing ratio of CH₄, and could provide a useful way to remotely monitor seasonal climate variations in Pluto’s lower atmosphere. The morphology of the PColor2 Lyα emissions provides constraints on the current abundance profiles of H atoms and CH₄ molecules in Pluto’s atmosphere, and indicate that the globally averaged near-surface mixing ratio of CH₄ is currently close to 0.4%. This new result thus provides independent confirmation of one of the primary results from the solar occultation, also observed with the New Horizons Alice ultraviolet spectrograph

    Constraints on Pluto’s H and CH₄ profiles from New Horizons Alice Lyα observations

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    The Alice spectrograph on New Horizons performed several far-ultraviolet (FUV) airglow observations during the July 2015 flyby of Pluto. One of these observations, named PColor2, was a short (226 s) scan across the dayside disk of Pluto from a range of ∼34,000 km, at about 40 minutes prior to closest approach. The brightest observed FUV airglow signal at Pluto is the Lyman alpha (Lyα) emission line of atomic hydrogen, which arises primarily through the resonant scattering of solar Lyα by H atoms in the upper atmosphere, with a brightness of about 30 Rayleighs. Pluto appears dark against the much brighter (∼100 Rayleigh) sky background; this sky background is likewise the result of resonantly scattered solar Lyα, in this case by H atoms in the interplanetary medium (IPM). Here we use an updated photochemical model and a resonance line radiative transfer model to perform detailed simulations of the Lyα emissions observed in the Alice PColor2 scan. The photochemical models show that H and CH₄ abundances in Pluto’s upper atmosphere are a very strong function of the near-surface mixing ratio of CH₄, and could provide a useful way to remotely monitor seasonal climate variations in Pluto’s lower atmosphere. The morphology of the PColor2 Lyα emissions provides constraints on the current abundance profiles of H atoms and CH₄ molecules in Pluto’s atmosphere, and indicate that the globally averaged near-surface mixing ratio of CH₄ is currently close to 0.4%. This new result thus provides independent confirmation of one of the primary results from the solar occultation, also observed with the New Horizons Alice ultraviolet spectrograph

    A Featureless Infrared Transmission Spectrum for the Super-puff Planet Kepler-79d

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    Extremely low-density planets ("super-puffs") are a small but intriguing subset of the transiting planet population. With masses in the super-Earth range (1 – 10 M_⊕) and radii akin to those of giant planets (> 4 R_⊕), their large envelopes may have been accreted beyond the water snow line and many appear to be susceptible to catastrophic mass loss. Both the presence of water and the importance of mass loss can be explored using transmission spectroscopy. Here, we present new Hubble space telescope WFC3 spectroscopy and updated Kepler transit depth measurements for the super-puff Kepler-79d. We do not detect any molecular absorption features in the 1.1 − 1.7 μm WFC3 bandpass, and the combined Kepler and WFC3 data are consistent with a flat-line model, indicating the presence of aerosols in the atmosphere. We compare the shape of Kepler-79d's transmission spectrum to predictions from a microphysical haze model that incorporates an outward particle flux due to ongoing mass loss. We find that photochemical hazes offer an attractive explanation for the observed properties of super-puffs like Kepler-79d, as they simultaneously render the near-infrared spectrum featureless and reduce the inferred envelope mass-loss rate by moving the measured radius (optical depth unity surface during transit) to lower pressures. We revisit the broader question of mass-loss rates for super-puffs and find that the age estimates and mass-loss rates for the majority of super-puffs can be reconciled if hazes move the photosphere from the typically assumed pressure of ~10 mbar to ~10 µbar

    The Hubble PanCET Program: A Featureless Transmission Spectrum for WASP-29b and Evidence of Enhanced Atmospheric Metallicity on WASP-80b

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    We present a uniform analysis of transit observations from the Hubble Space Telescope and Spitzer Space Telescope of two warm gas giants orbiting K-type stars—WASP-29b and WASP-80b. The transmission spectra, which span 0.4–5.0 μm, are interpreted using a suite of chemical equilibrium PLATON atmospheric retrievals. Both planets show evidence of significant aerosol opacity along the day–night terminator. The spectrum of WASP-29b is flat throughout the visible and near-infrared, suggesting the presence of condensate clouds extending to low pressures. The lack of spectral features hinders our ability to constrain the atmospheric metallicity and C/O ratio. In contrast, WASP-80b shows a discernible, albeit muted H2O absorption feature at 1.4 μm, as well as a steep optical spectral slope that is caused by fine-particle aerosols and/or contamination from unocculted spots on the variable host star. WASP-80b joins the small number of gas-giant exoplanets that show evidence for enhanced atmospheric metallicity: the transmission spectrum is consistent with metallicities ranging from ∼30–100 times solar in the case of cloudy limbs to a few hundred times solar in the cloud-free scenario. In addition to the detection of water, we infer the presence of CO2 in the atmosphere of WASP-80b based on the enhanced transit depth in the Spitzer 4.5 μm bandpass. From a complementary analysis of Spitzer secondary eclipses, we find that the dayside emission from WASP-29b and WASP-80b is consistent with brightness temperatures of 937 ± 48 and 851 ± 14 K, respectively, indicating relatively weak day–night heat transport and low Bond albedo