6 research outputs found

    Identificiranje relevantnih čimbenika primjene tehnologija za potrebe dinamičkog Carpoolinga

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    Development and overall application of numerous advanced technologies (and services) affects significantly the improvement and availability of information with the aim of connecting the users of the carpooling system by passenger cars. Dynamic carpooling supported by Information-Communication (ICTS) and Location-Navigation Technologies and Services (LNTS) represents the upgrade of the traditional and casual carpooling and the modern method of connecting the users. In order to realize a better connection of users, the paper analyzes the characteristics of key software applications that can improve carpooling functioning. A systemic approach (according to research phases) allows identification of relevant factors of applying the technology for the needs of dynamic carpooling. The survey method was used to determine the needs of carpooling users within the traffic environment (traffic network). The aim of the carried out research is to identify the relevant factors of applying the technologies in order to connect the carpooling users and the total development of dynamic carpooling. The contribution of the paper is reflected in determining the relevant factors of applying the technologies for the needs of carpooling development as alternative and sustainable transportation mode.Razvoj i sveopća primjena brojnih suvremenih tehnologija (i usluga) znatno utječe na unaprjeđenje i dostupnost informacija u cilju povezivanja korisnika sustava zajedničkih vožnji osobnim vozilima (carpooling). Dinamički carpooling podržan informacijsko-komunikacijskim (ICTS) i lokacijsko-navigacijskim tehnologijama i uslugama (LNTS) predstavlja nadogradnju tradicionalnog i povremenog carpoolinga te suvremeni način povezivanja korisnika. U cilju kvalitetnijeg povezivanja korisnika u radu se analiziraju karakteristike ključnih programskih aplikacija koje mogu poboljÅ”ati funkcioniranje carpoolinga. Sustavnim pristupom (prema fazama istraživanja) omogućava se prepoznavanje relevantnih čimbenika primjene tehnologija za potrebe dinamičkog carpoolinga. Metodom anketiranja utvrđuju se potrebe korisnika carpoolinga unutar prometnog okruženja (prometne mreže). Cilj provedenog istraživanja je identificiranje relevantnih čimbenika primjene tehnologija za potrebe povezivanja korisnika carpoolinga i ukupnog razvoja dinamičkog carpoolinga. Doprinos članka ogleda se u utvrđivanju relevantnih čimbenika primjene tehnologija za potrebe razvoja carpoolinga kao alternativnog i održivog načina prijevoza

    Steganographic Integration of the Data Collected on the Traffic Road

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    The surveillance system video structure represents a suitable medium for steganographic integration of the collected data about the condition of the road and its environment. The surveillance video retains the function of visual presentation of the condition on the road, and the integrated textual data are a component of the video recording structure. The analysis of the steganographically processed video frames indicates the impact on the integrated textual data, the video quality and the impact of manipulation of data on the integrated data. The work uses steganographic algorithm F5 for integration of various amounts of compressed textual files into image recordings recorded under various conditions. In order to prove that integrated and extracted data have identical content, cryptographic and polynomial functions have been used. For the calculations of statistical properties of the values of red, green, blue and intensity component the model was used formed in the MATLAB / Simulink applications

    Integration of Transport-relevant Data within Image Record of the Surveillance System

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    Integration of the collected information on the road within the image recorded by the surveillance system forms a unified source of transport-relevant data about the supervised situation. The basic assumption is that the procedure of integration changes the image to the extent that is invisible to the human eye, and the integrated data keep identical content. This assumption has been proven by studying the statistical properties of the image and integrated data using mathematical model modelled in the programming language Python using the combinations of the functions of additional libraries (OpenCV, NumPy, SciPy and Matplotlib). The model has been used to compare the input methods of meta-data and methods of steganographic integration by correcting the coefficients of Discrete Cosine Transform JPEG compressed image. For the procedures of steganographic data processing the steganographic algorithm F5 was used. The review paper analyses the advantages and drawbacks of the integration methods and present the examples of situations in traffic in which the formed unified sources of transport-relevant information could be used.</p

    Classification Efficiency of Pre-Trained Deep CNN Models on Camera Trap Images

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    This paper presents the evaluation of 36 convolutional neural network (CNN) models, which were trained on the same dataset (ImageNet). The aim of this research was to evaluate the performance of pre-trained models on the binary classification of images in a &ldquo;real-world&rdquo; application. The classification of wildlife images was the use case, in particular, those of the Eurasian lynx (lat. &ldquo;Lynx lynx&rdquo;), which were collected by camera traps in various locations in Croatia. The collected images varied greatly in terms of image quality, while the dataset itself was highly imbalanced in terms of the percentage of images that depicted lynxes

    Credibility and Authenticity of Digitally Signed Videos in Traffic

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    The paper presents the possibilities of insuring the credibilityand authenticity of the surveillance camera video by digitalsigning, using the public key infrastructure as part of interoperabletraffic and information system in the future intelligenttransport systems. The surveillance camera video is a sequenceof individual frames and a unique digital print, i. e. hash valueis calculated for each of these. By encryption of the hash valuesof the frames using private encryption key of the surveillancecentre, digital signatures are created and they are stored in thedatabase. The surveillance centre can issue a copy of the videoto all the interested subjects for scientific and research workand investigation. Regardless of the scope, each subsequentmanipulation of the video copy contents will certainly changethe hash value of all the frames. The procedure of determiningthe authenticity and credibility of videos is reduced to the comparisonof the hash values of the frames stored in the databaseof the surveillance centre with the values obtained from the interestedsubjects such as the traffic experts and investigators,surveillance-security services etc

    Hormonalne metode za manipulaciju estrusnim ciklusom kod mlečnih krava

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    Reproduction efficiency in dairy cows is declining all over the world. Epidemiologic studies suggest that diseases have greater effect on herd fertility compared to the parameters like milk production. Immediate solution to the problem of infertility may be the application of some method of hormonal manipulation of estrous cycle in dairy cows. Reproductive system ultrasound examination enables today's veterinarians to visualize ovarian changes during the estrous cycle, giving them a chance to intervene with exogenous hormonal inhibition and/or stimulation of temporary ovarian structures at the appropriate time. Summarizing possible hormonal methods for estrous cycle manipulation we have analyzed following protocols: prostaglandin based protocols, prostaglandin + progestagensin combination, regimes using prostaglandin + gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and prostaglandin + GnRH + estradiol protocols. In dairy herds where estrus detection does not represent a significant problem, prostaglandin based or Select Synch protocols are methods of choice for the hormonal manipulation of estrous cycle. However, if there are problems regarding estrus detection Ovsynch or Presynch + Ovsynch could be an effective alternative for the hormonal manipulation of estrous cycle. Furthermore, fixed time artificial insemination (TAI) could be modified to coincide with the second GnRH injection, thus reducing the time and number of visits. .Efikasnost reprodukcije kod mlečnih krava ima tendenciju pogorÅ”anja u svim delovima sveta pa i u Republici Srbiji. EpidemioloÅ”ka ispitivanja ukazuju da se razlozi za smanjenje reproduktivne efikasnosti pre moraju tražiti u parametrima vezanim za pojavu različitih oboljenja nego u porastu proizvodnje mleka. Međutim, trenutno reÅ”enje za problem smanjene plodnosti mlečnih krava najčeŔće se traži u primeni različitih hormonalnih metoda za manipulaciju estrusnim ciklusom kod mlečnih krava. Ultrazvučni pregled reproduktivnog trakta kod mlečnih krava je omogućio veterinarima da direktno prate promene na jajnicima i uterusu tokom estrusnog ciklusa, otvarajući prostor za pravovremenu primenu hormona radi inhibicije/stimulacije privremenih endokrinih struktura na jajnicima. U naÅ”em pokuÅ”aju da sumiramo najznačajnije hormonalne metode za manipulaciju estrusnog ciklusa kod mlečnih krava analizirali smo protokole bazirane isključivo na aplikaciji prostaglandina, metode zasnovane na kombinovanju prostaglandina i progestagena, režime manipulacije bazirane na primeni kombinacije prostaglandina i gonadotropnog oslobađajućeg hormona (GnRH), kao i primenu prostaglandina, GnRH i estradiola. U stadima mlečnih krava gde je optimalna detekcija estrusa metoda izbora za hormonalnu manipulaciju estrusnog ciklusa je tzv. Select Synch protokol. Ukoliko je na farmi ustanovljen prisutan problem detekcija estrusa može se primeniti Ovsynch protokol ili kombinacija Presynch i Ovsynch protokola za hormonalnu manipulaciju estrusnog ciklusa. Fiksno vreme veÅ”tačkog osemenjavanja koje se sprovodi u toku Ovsynch protokola može se pomeriti tako da se vrÅ”i u vreme druge aplikacije GnRH, čime se smanjuje broj fizičkih intervencija i skraćuje trajanje protokola.