33,338 research outputs found

    Weak-Field Thermal Hall Conductivity in the Mixed State of d-Wave Superconductors

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    Thermal transport in the mixed state of a d-wave superconductor is considered within the weak-field regime. We express the thermal conductivity, κxx\kappa_{xx}, and the thermal Hall conductivity, κxy\kappa_{xy}, in terms of the cross section for quasiparticle scattering from a single vortex. Solving for the cross section (neglecting the Berry phase contribution and the anisotropy of the gap nodes), we obtain κxx(H,T)\kappa_{xx}(H,T) and κxy(H,T)\kappa_{xy}(H,T) in surprisingly good agreement with the qualitative features of the experimental results for YBa2_{2}Cu3_{3}O6.99_{6.99}. In particular, we show that the simple, yet previously unexpected, weak-field behavior, κxy(H,T)∼TH\kappa_{xy}(H,T) \sim T\sqrt{H}, is that of thermally-excited nodal quasiparticles, scattering primarily from impurities, with a small skew component provided by vortex scattering.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures; final version as published in Phys Rev Let

    Diffuse Atomic and Molecular Gas in the Interstellar Medium of M82 toward SN 2014J

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    We present a comprehensive analysis of interstellar absorption lines seen in moderately-high resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio optical spectra of SN 2014J in M82. Our observations were acquired over the course of six nights, covering the period from ~6 days before to ~30 days after the supernova reached its maximum B-band brightness. We examine complex absorption from Na I, Ca II, K I, Ca I, CH+, CH, and CN, arising primarily from diffuse gas in the interstellar medium (ISM) of M82. We detect Li I absorption over a range in velocity consistent with that exhibited by the strongest Na I and K I components associated with M82; this is the first detection of interstellar Li in a galaxy outside of the Local Group. There are no significant temporal variations in the absorption-line profiles over the 37 days sampled by our observations. The relative abundances of the various interstellar species detected reveal that the ISM of M82 probed by SN 2014J consists of a mixture of diffuse atomic and molecular clouds characterized by a wide range of physical/environmental conditions. Decreasing N(Na I)/N(Ca II) ratios and increasing N(Ca I)/N(K I) ratios with increasing velocity are indicative of reduced depletion in the higher-velocity material. Significant component-to-component scatter in the N(Na I)/N(Ca II) and N(Ca I)/N(Ca II) ratios may be due to variations in the local ionization conditions. An apparent anti-correlation between the N(CH+)/N(CH) and N(Ca I)/N(Ca II) ratios can be understood in terms of an opposite dependence on gas density and radiation field strength, while the overall high CH+ abundance may be indicative of enhanced turbulence in the ISM of M82. The Li abundance also seems to be enhanced in M82, which supports the conclusions of recent gamma-ray emission studies that the cosmic-ray acceleration processes are greatly enhanced in this starburst galaxy.Comment: 32 pages, 6 figures, accepted to ApJ; added table giving single-epoch equivalent widths; improved discussion regarding the lack of temporal variations; improved analysis of the Li I regio

    An Improved Red Spectrum of the Methane or T-dwarf SDSS 1624+0029: Role of the Alkali Metals

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    A Keck~II low resolution spectrum shortward of ome-micron is presented for SDSS 1624+0029, the first field methane or T dwarf discovered in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Significant flux is detected down to the spectrum's short wavelength limit of 6200\AA. The spectrum exhibits a broad absorption feature centered at 7700\AA, which we interpret as the K~I 7665/7699 resonance doublet. The observed flux declines shortward of 7000\AA, due most likely to the red wing of the Na~I doublet. Both Cs~I doublet lines are detected more strongly than in an earlier red spectrum. Neither Li~I absorption nor Hα\alpha emission are detected. An exploratory model fit to the spectrum suggests that the shape of the red spectrum can be primarily accounted for by the broad wings of the K~I and Na~I doublets. This behavior is consistent with the argument proffered by Burrows, Marley and Sharp that strong alkali absorption is principally responsible for depressing T dwarf spectra shortward of 1μ\mum. In particular, there seems no compelling reason at this time to introduce dust or an additional opacity source in the atmosphere of the SDSS object. The width of the K~I and strengths of the Cs~I lines also indicate that the Sloan object is warmer than Gl~229B.Comment: accepted March 3, 2000 for Ap.J. Letters, LaTeX, 2 figure

    How many invariant polynomials are needed to decide local unitary equivalence of qubit states?

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    Given L-qubit states with the fixed spectra of reduced one-qubit density matrices, we find a formula for the minimal number of invariant polynomials needed for solving local unitary (LU) equivalence problem, that is, problem of deciding if two states can be connected by local unitary operations. Interestingly, this number is not the same for every collection of the spectra. Some spectra require less polynomials to solve LU equivalence problem than others. The result is obtained using geometric methods, i.e. by calculating the dimensions of reduced spaces, stemming from the symplectic reduction procedure.Comment: 22 page

    A Preliminary Indication of Evolution of Type Ia Supernovae from their Risetimes

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    We have compared the risetime for samples of nearby and high-redshift type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia). The fiducial risetime of the nearby SNe Ia is 2.5+/-0.4 days longer than the proemial risetime determined by Goldhaber (1998a,b) for high-redshift SNe Ia from the Supernova Cosmology Project. The statistical likelihood that the two samples have different fiducial risetimes is high (5.8 sigma) and indicates possible evolution between the samples of SNe Ia. We consider the likely effects of several sources of systematic error, but none of these resolves the difference in the risetimes. Currently, we cannot directly determine the impact of the apparent evolution on previous determinations of cosmological parameters.Comment: Accepted by the Astronomical Journal, 11 pages, 5 figure

    The Deepest Supernova Search is Realized in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field Survey

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    The Hubble Ultra Deep Field Survey has not only provided the deepest optical and near infrared views of universe, but has enabled a search for the most distant supernovae to z~2.2. We have found four supernovae by searching spans of integrations of the Ultra Deep Field and the Ultra Deep Field Parallels taken with the Hubble Space Telescope paired with the Advanced Camera for Surveys and the Near Infrared Multi Object Spectrometer. Interestingly, none of these supernovae were at z>1.4, despite the substantially increased sensitivity per unit area to such objects over the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey. We present the optical photometric data for the four supernovae. We also show that the low frequency of Type Ia supernovae observed at z>1.4 is statistically consistent with current estimates of the global star formation history combined with the non-trivial assembly time of SN Ia progenitors.Comment: 24 pages (6 figures), submitted to the Astronomical Journa

    Quantum phase transition for the BEC--BCS crossover in condensed matter physics and CPT violation in elementary particle physics

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    We discuss the quantum phase transition that separates a vacuum state with fully-gapped fermion spectrum from a vacuum state with topologically-protected Fermi points (gap nodes). In the context of condensed-matter physics, such a quantum phase transition with Fermi point splitting may occur for a system of ultracold fermionic atoms in the region of the BEC-BCS crossover, provided Cooper pairing occurs in the non-s-wave channel. For elementary particle physics, the splitting of Fermi points may lead to CPT violation, neutrino oscillations, and other phenomena.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, v3: published versio

    The Case for an Accelerating Universe from Supernovae

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    The unexpected faintness of high-redshift Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia), as measured by two teams, has been interpreted as evidence that the expansion of the Universe is accelerating. We review the current challenges to this interpretation and seek to answer whether the cosmological implications are compelling. We discuss future observations of SNe Ia which could offer extraordinary evidence to test acceleration.Comment: To appear as an Invited Review for PASP 20 pages, 13 figure
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