64 research outputs found
Long-term water temperature fluctuations in coastal rivers (Southern Baltic) in Poland
The paper presents water temperature fluctuations in coastal rivers (Rega, Parsęta, Słupia, Łupawa, Łeba) located in the area of Southern Baltic Sea in Poland. Based on the available detailed data on daily values of the analysed characteristic in the years 1971-2015, tendencies of changes in the period were determined. In all of the five cases, the mean annual temperature showed an increasing tendency. The value of water warming in particular rivers was approximate, and ranged from 0.26°C∙dec-1 to 0.31°C∙dec-1. At the monthly scale, the highest increase was recorded in April, and amounted to 0.46°C∙dec-1 on the average. Water temperature fluctuations were particularly determined by climatic changes, and strongly correlated with air temperature. Local factors characteristic for coastal rivers, i.e. presence of infrastructure of small water power plants and predominance of groundwater alimentation, had secondary effect on changes in the thermal regime of the analysed rivers
Bathymetric fluctuations as an effect of breaking wave action based: example of a selected section of the Baltic Sea coastal zone
Transformations of the bottom of a section of the coastal zone of the Baltic Sea were determined
based on its corings. The measurements were performed before and after a storm. The method of determining
the transformations involved combining bathymetric plans. This way, deepening and shallowing areas of the
bottom were identified. The changes result from the return of currents on the bottom and from a lower degree
of the littoral current and direct effect of the waves.79171Badania Fizjograficzn
Reconstruction of the primary bottom of a unique crater lake in the “Meteoryt Morasko Reserve” (Poland)
There are a total of several million lakes in the world, which includes only approximately 30 crater lakes. Due to this extreme global rarity, they are the subject of research in many scientific disciplines. In spite of the widespread interest in them, however, many issues still require detailed investigation. In the case of the Morasko crater lake (Poland), hydrological research has been weakly developed so far. The undertaken analysis, which employed a complex research procedure involving the use of georadar, geological corings and bathymetric measurements, aimed to determine the primary bottom of the lake, and further to determine the scale and rate of its evolution. The modern water level suggests that the lake basin is currently approximately 55% filled in with organic matter, and the rate of its sedimentation in the deepest place can be estimated at approximately 0.8 mm·y-1
Effect of North Atlantic Oscillation on the hydrological conditions of Lake Morskie Oko (Carphatian Mountains)
The paper presents the effect of North Atlantic Oscillation of macroscale atmospheric circulation (NAO) on the hydrological conditions of Lake Morskie Oko located at an altitude of 1392.8 m a.s.l. in the highest range of the Carpathians. The paper applied detailed hydrometric information from the years 1971-2010 concerning water level fluctuations, water temperature, terms of the commencement and end of ice phenomena and ice cover, as well as meteorological data concerning air temperature and atmospheric precipitation, and monthly and seasonal NAO indices. The performed analysis suggests that the majority of analysed hydrological characteristics of Lake Morskie Oko was not prone to variability of NAO intensity in its various phases. The situation results from the local conditions, particularly responsible for the course of processes and phenomena in Lake Morskie Oko, simultaneously obscuring the effect of macroscale factor
Przepływy między jeziorem Jamno i Bałtykiem w wybranych sezonach letnio-jesiennych lat 1978-2010
This paper presents the results of measurements of discharges in the Nurt Jamneński canal connecting
Lake Jamno and the Baltic Sea. The measurements were performed between June and September in
various years between 1978 and 2010. The discharges were measured by means of a current meter, and their
values were determined by means of the Culmann method or the calculation method. The obtained results are
considerably varied, i.e. discharges from the lake to the sea were observed, as well as from the sea to the lake,
and lack thereof as a result of a blocked mouth of the Nurt Jamneński canal to the sea. The maximum calculated
discharges amounted to several tens of m3s–1. The specificity of the connection of the lake with the sea
permitted to show the considerable dynamics of the environment. This manifests itself in the rapid changes of
the discharges (even at a daily rate) and frequent transformations of the Nurt Jamneński canal.719302Badania Fizjograficzn
Pierwszy podręcznik łączący wiedzę teledetekcyjną z wiedzą limnologiczną. Zawiera bardzo ważne zagadnienia z zakresu limnologii i fotointerpretacji, również obszerny materiał fotolotniczy pochodzący z różnych zasobów teledetekcyjnych. Daje on nie tylko możliwości badania zbiorników wodnych, ale również wskazuje na zmiany, jakie w nich zaszły w przeciągu lat. Połączenie danych teledetekcyjnych z różnych okresów wykonywania zdjęć lotniczych stanowi w efekcie bogaty materiał dydaktyczny, dzięki któremu studenci zyskają umiejętność interpretacji zagadnień limnologicznych oraz wiedzę potrzebną do modelowania zmian środowiska. Przedstawienie technik teledetekcyjnych i możliwości wykorzystania archiwalnych oraz aktualnych materiałów teledetekcyjnych w limnologii daje przyszłym absolwentom wiedzę przydatną w pracy zawodowej
Tereny zalewowe w dorzeczu Prosny
Based on the data provided in hydrographic maps of Poland (1:50000), we can present the range
and calculate the flood-hazard area in the Prosna river basin. It has been established that the total flood-hazard
area amounts to 190.5 sq. km, which represents almost 4% of the river catchment. The largest areas of the type
are located directly in the Prosna river valley (127.1 sq. km) and in the Pratwa river catchment (24.5 sq. km).
On top of that, historical data on the water levels at the Bogusław station have been juxtaposed (1951-1983).
An analysis of the average levels and the extreme annual levels has indicated that in the former case, no trend
has been detected, while the extreme levels tend to have been growing. Therefore, a rising trend has been noted
with reference to the emergency levels (250 cm) and alarm levels (300 cm). The year 1979 was exceptional
in this respect, as the alarm level was recorded fourteen times, and the emergency level was recorded twenty
eight times.56573Badania Fizjograficzn
Najnowsze sondowania wybranych jezior Pojezierza Wielkopolsko-Kujawskiego
The article presents the results of bathymeter measurements of formerly untested lakes of the
Wielkopolskie and Kujawskie Lake districts with areas exceeding 50 ha. It has been established that the
volume of water in the six lakes amounts to 22,980 [thou. cubic m.] while their total area amounts to 267.9
[ha]. The research results have enriched the available data on the bathymetric parameters of the region in
question. At present, in the Wielkopolskie and Kujawskie Lake districts only one lake (with an area exceeding
50 ha) out of 193 has not been provided with detailed information about the hypsometry of the lake’s bottom.
Bathymetric measurements conducted in various parts of Poland (both new and those updating the existing
bathymetric plans) should be deemed valuable and necessary. These measurements provide a new source of
information which serves, among other things, to evaluate the recent direction and rate of evolution of lake
basins and the changes to the water resources stored in lake basins.55563Badania Fizjograficzn
Changes in lake ice cover on the Morskie Oko Lake in Poland (1971-2007)
On the basis of data from the period 1971-2007, and by applying trend analysis, a study on formation, disappearance and duration of lake ice cover on the Morskie Oko Lake in the Tatra Mountains in southern Poland was carried out. The results show decreasing trends in the maximum thickness of winter lake ice cover and in duration of lake ice phenomena, while air temperature recorded at the same period at the foot of the Tatra Mountains shows increasing trend. There are strong relationships between the course of lake ice phenomena and air temperature
Przykłady zróżnicowania grubości pokryw lodowych wybranych jezior
W pracy podjęto próbę określenia czy istnieje zróżnicowanie grubości pokryw lodowych w obrębie
jezior oraz jaka jest skala tego zjawiska. Pomiary wykonano zimą 2006 r. na Jeziorze Niepruszewskim,
Charzykowskim i Skrzynka. Z uwagi na stwierdzenia znacznych różnic grubości lodu zbadano czy
wpływ na to ma różnica głębokości. Zależności takiej nie stwierdzono i dano propozycje badań, które
w przyszłości być może pozwolą uzyskać odpowiedzi na pytanie, co stanowi o dużym zróżnicowaniu
grubości lodu w obrębie danego jeziora oraz między jeziorami leżącymi nieopodal siebie.57152
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