70 research outputs found

    Miniaturization of Microstrip Bandpass Filters Using Multilayer Configuration for Wideband Application

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    This thesis presents new designs of wideband bandpass filter for X-band application using various resonator configurations in multilayer microstrip. Strong coupling required for wideband filter is realized by arranging multiple layers of microstrip lines on different dielectric substrates and overlapping these lines. For the first design, half wavelength coupled lines resonator is used to design wideband X-band bandpass filter, and the resonator is rotated to make the filter more compact. The measured passband return loss for this filter is better than -12.4 dB and the insertion loss is less than 2.5 dB. For second design, microstrip hairpin resonator is employed to build the miniaturized bandpass filter. Since adjacent hairpin resonator lines are placed at different levels, there are two possible ways to change coupling strength by varying the overlapping gap between two resonators; vertically and horizontally. Both have different benefit, one can reduce the filter length, and obtain symmetrical response. The other can reduce filter width, giving sharper rejection at high frequency. Both configurations produce very small and compact filter size, at 5.0 x 14.6 mm2 and 3.2 x 16.1 mm2 for the first and second proposed filter type respectively. The measured passband insertion loss for both filters are less than 2.3 dB and the passband return loss is better than -16 dB for the first filter type and -13 dB for the second filter type. Multilayer configuration gives freedom to choose any resonator shape and combine with another shape to make the filter in very compact size. For the last design in this thesis, hairpin resonator has been combined with half wavelength coupled lines resonator in multilayer configuration. Both different resonator shapes are placed on two different substrates with different dielectric constants, whereby the hairpin resonators are placed on the bottom layer and the straight line resonators are placed on the upper layer. The hybrid between hairpin resonator and half wavelength coupled lines configuration has made the filter even more compact and produce a very small filter size, only at 10 x 10 mm2. The measured passband return loss for this filter is better than -12.5 dB and the insertion loss is less than 2.3 dB. All of the filters are fabricated on 0.254 mm thickness R/T Duroid 6010 and R/T Duroid 5880 with dielectric constant 10.2 and 2.2 respectively using standard photolithography technique. Two layers of substrate are joined using epoxy adhesion which has dielectric constant of 3.6. This epoxy layer is included in simulation. Broader bandwidth produced by those filter configurations are proven able to cover the whole X-band frequencies of 44% bandwidth at 10.2 GHz center frequency with excellent Chebyshev responses. The measured results agree well with the simulated responses. The measured responses and group delay exhibit that all of designed filters have good performance

    Compact wideband multilayer microstrip coupled lines bandpass filter for X-band application

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    A wideband bandpass filter for X-band application using multilayer microstrip coupled lines is presented in this article. Strong coupling required for wideband filter is realized by arranging multiple layers of microstrip lines on two different dielectric substrates and by overlapping these lines. The filter is fabricated on 0.254 mm thickness R/T Duroid 6010 and R/T Duroid 5880 with dielectric constant 10.2 and 2.2, respectively, by using standard photolithography process. Good results are obtained where the frequency responses exhibit that the filter successfully covers whole X-band frequencies by producing 44% bandwidth at 10.2 GHz center frequency with fifth-order Chebyshev response. Measured responses show good agreement with the simulated responses. The measured insertion loss for the multilayer filter is better than 2.5 dB, and the passband return loss is better than −12.4 dB. ©2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 52: 448–450, 2010; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience. wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/mop.2491


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    Pariwisata merupakan potensi yang dapat dikembangkan oleh suatu daerah. Berbagai sektor pariwisata dipenjuru Indonesia menyimpan berbagai keindahan alam dengan potensinya masing – masing. Curug Leuwihejo merupakan wisata alam yang memiliki tiga buah curug (air terjun). Curug Leuwihejo saat ini kurang didukung dengan adanya sarana dan prasarana yang memadai seperti akses jalan yang yang buruk , tidak adanya transportasi umum yang menuju curug, pengelolaan sampah yang kurang baik, dan pengelolaan wisata yang kurang maksimal, dikarenakan pengelolaan dari pihak yang terkait belum maksimal dan sumber daya manusia yang belum memadai. Tujuan penelitian maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi wisata dan sejauh mana prospek pengembangan yang sudah dilakukan di Obyek Wisata Curug Leuwihejo. Penelitian ini mengunakan metode kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian ini, aksesibiltas menuju Curug Leuwihejo terbilang sedang, karena beberapa ruas jalan masih banyak yang berlubang sedangkan jalan di dalam obyek wisata sudah cukup baik dikarenakan sudah dilakukan pengecoran jalan. Atraksi wisata alam berupa keindahan dan keunikan masing – masing curug serta spot swafoto yang menarik bagi pengunjung. Amenitas yang tersedia di Curug Leuwihejo meliputi tempat ibadah, toilet dan ruang ganti sudah terbilang baik, sedangkan untuk lahan parkir dan penginapan belum terbilang baik. Sedangkan, untuk promosi wisata masih sangat minim. Kualitas sumber daya manusia sudah cukup baik namun perlu adanya peningkatan untuk kedepannya. ******* Tourism is considered as a potency in a specific region which could be developed. Every single tourism sites scattered all around Indonesia treasures natural beauty along with its potentials. Curug Leuwihejo is a tourism site that has three waterfalls in it. At this moment, it lacks the decency of facilities and infrastructures such as bad road access, the absence of public transportation that directly leads to the site, poor waste management, also poor tourism site management caused by lacking in both the competence of the site managers itself and human resources. The objectives of this study are to find out the current conditions of Curug Leuwihejo tourism site along with its progress of undergoing development. This study utilizes qualitative method. The data are obtained from both observation and in- depth interview. The results are, accessibilities to Curug Leuwihejo are considered mediocre because there are many potholes on the road that leads to the tourism site, meanwhile it is better inside the site since the paths are molded by concrete already. Tourism site’s attractions are the beauty in every one of its waterfalls and nice photography spots for the visitors. Facilities in the site such as mosque, toilet and changing rooms are considered satisfactory, but parking spaces and homestays are not. The efforts on promoting the tourism site is also still very poor. Human resources are decent but it still needs improvement in the future

    Business Intelligence Viewboard iLearning Media (iMe) Dalam Pengembangan Motivasi Belajar Menggunakan Metode Simple Additive Weighting Pada SMK Pustek Serpong

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    Media visualization of the digital era, is a significant development in the industrial and educational world. Where in packaging the results of the report are required to be a visualization that can be received quickly, briefly, and can be received efficiently to the recipient of information. In the application sector, processing data into information can be displayed with a graph model. This graphical model is able to help recipients of information to be able to capture various information quickly, efficiently, and provide information needed to determine future decision development. The use of business intelligence in implementing the viewboard on learning, supports the creation of complicated information delivery, so that it can be consumed and accepted easily. In the communication, the viewboard model becomes a link between data from Rinfo spreadsheets, to be displayed as a form of graphical information that can facilitate recipients of information in increasing the motivation to make decisions from the graphical information displayed. In processing data into Rinfo spreadsheet information, the calculation uses the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method, in the process there is cluster division and weighting of values. The results will be used as decision support information on the graphical viewboard that is displayed attractively, will produce a decision making system of information that is faster, easier and more efficient. Keywords: Viewboard, information, graphics, business intelligenceMedia visualisasi era digital, merupakan perkembangan signifikan pada dunia industri maupun pendidikan. Dimana dalam pengemasan hasil laporan dituntut untuk menjadi visualisasi yang dapat diterima dengan cepat, singkat, dan mampu diterima secara efisien kepada penerima informasi. Pada sektor penerapannya, pengolahan data menjadi informasi dapat ditampilkan dengan model grafik. Model grafik ini mampu membantu para penerima informasi untuk dapat menangkap berbagai informasi dengan cepat, efisien, serta memberikan informasi yang dibutuhkan untuk menentukan pengembangan keputusan kedepannya. Penggunaan business intelligence di dalam penerapan viewboard pada ilearning, mendukung terciptanya penyampaian informasi yang rumit, agar dapat dikonsumsi dan diterima dengan mudah. Pada komunikasinya, modelnya viewboard menjadi penghubung antara data dari Rinfo spreadsheet, untuk ditampilkan menjadi bentuk informasi grafik yang dapat mempermudah penerima informasi dalam peningkatan motivasi pengambilan keputusan dari informasi grafik yang ditampilkan. Pada pengolahan data menjadi informasi Rinfo spreadsheet, perhitungannya menggunakan metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW), didalam prosesnya terdapat pembagian cluster dan pembobotan nilai. Hasilnya akan dijadikan informasi penunjang keputusan pada viewboard grafik yang ditampilkan secara menarik, akan menghasilkan sistem pengambilan keputusan dari informasi yang lebih cepat, mudah, dan efisien. Kata Kunci: Viewboard, informasi, grafik, business intelligenc


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    ABSTRACT Pengelolaan arsip dalam organisasi atau perusahaan sangat penting dalam menunjang kegiatan administrasi demi kelangsungan suatu organisasi, dalam Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomer 43 tahun 2009 tentang kearsipan, dijelaskan bahwa arsip adalah rekaman kegiatan atau peristiwa dalam berbagai bentuk dan media sesuai dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang dibuat dan diterima oleh lembaga negara, pemerintah daerah,lembaga pendidikan,perusahaan,organisasi,politik,organisasi kemasyarakatan, dan perseorangan dalam melaksanakn kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa dan bernegara. Pengelolaan kearsipan terbagi menjadi: arsip dinamis, arsip statis, di dalam pengelolaan kearsipan perlu adanya sumber daya manusia dan penggunaan sarana dan prasarana, akan tetapi pada kenyataannya masih banyak instansi-instansi atau organisasi yang masih mempunyai permasalah mengenai kearsipan dikarenakan pengelolaan kearsipannya tidak sesuai dengan peraturan yang dinilai menghambat pekerjaan. Oleh karena itu, skripsi ini diberi judul “Pengelolaan Sistem Kearsipan Pada Dinas Kearsipan dan Perpustakaan Kota Cirebonâ

    Karakteristik Direksional Kopler Menggunakan Teori Moda Tergandeng Dan Method of Lines

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    Single mode directional couplers are key components in many optical communication and sensor applications, including optical power splitting, optical filtering, optical reflecting, wavelength multiplexing/demultiplexing, and optical polarisation splitting. The general basic principle in most directional coupler is that under appropriate conditions light transfer can occur between the two adjacent fiber cores via a mechanism called evanescent wave coupling. When the two cores are put closely together the evanescent field travelling from the throughput fiber reaches the coupled waveguide and excite a mode in it. In this paper we use two approaches in analyzing the properties of directional couplers, namely the coupled mode thery and the method of lines. it is found that the two methods agree very well

    Compact microstrip bandpass filter with sharp passband skirts using square spiral resonators and embedded-resonators

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    The aim of this paper is to produce and develop a new four-pole microstrip bandpass filter (BPF) structure for high selectivity applications. The microstrip BPF is designed using Chebychev lowpass prototype with passband ripple of 0.05 dB and bandwidth of 120 MHz, which operates at center frequency of 2.3 GHz. This filter is designed by using square spiral resonator structures and embedded-resonator topology with the same fundamental frequency to make it more compact; furthermore, it has high quality performance in terms of the frequency responses. The size of the compact microstrip filter is 24.74 × 21.20 mm2. The proposed filter was designed, fabricated and tested. The measured results show that the minimum passband insertion loss is 2.65 dB, while the measured return loss is better than -11 dB in the passband. Very good agreement between the simulated and measured results was observed

    Compact wideband bandpass filter using hybrid hairpin and half-wave parallel coupled resonator in multilayer microstrip configuration for X-band application

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    This paper presents a new design of wideband filter for X-band application using hybrid hairpin resonator and half wave coupled line resonator in multilayer microstrip configuration. Different resonator shapes were put on two substrates with different dielectric constants. In this work R/T Duroid 6010 and R/T Duroid 5880 with dielectric constant 10.2 and 2.2 respectively were used as the substrates, producing a very small filter size, only at 10 × 10 cm2. This configuration is not only producing compact size filter, but also high bandwidth since the overlapping gap between two resonators produces a tight coupling which is needed for wideband filter. The filter can cover whole X-band frequencies by producing 44% bandwidth at 10.2 GHz center frequency with excellent responses, where the measured passband return loss for this filter is better than –12.5 dB and the insertion loss is better than 2.3 dB

    Compact narrowband bandpass filter using dual-mode octagonal meandered loop resonator For WiMax application

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    In this paper, a new design of a compact narrowband bandpass filter is proposed. This new narrowband bandpass filter is designed using an octagonal form of dual-mode closed-loop microstrip ring resonator based on a meander structure in order to achieve compactness. The designed filter has a 3 dB fractional bandwidth (FBW) of 5% at 2.3 GHz. The filter has been fabricated on Taconic CER-10 substrate having 0.64 mm thickness and a relative dielectric constant of 10. Experimental results show good agreement with simulated values. Apart from WiMax, this new model of filter is also useful for WLAN and mobile communication applications, since it is compact in size, low loss, and low cost with good performance of elliptic response with sharp rejection and adequate fractional bandwidth

    X-band miniaturized wideband bandpass filter utilizing multilayered microstrip hairpin resonator

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    This paper presents a new design of miniaturized wideband bandpass filter using microstrip hairpin in multilayer configuration for X-band application. The strong coupling required for wideband filter is realized by arranging five hairpin resonators in two layers on different dielectric substrates. Since adjacent resonator lines are placed at different levels, there are two possible ways to change coupling strength by varying the overlapping gap between two resonators; vertically and horizontally. In this paper, simulated and measured result for a wideband filter of 4.4 GHz bandwidth at 10.2 GHz center frequency with fifth order Chebyshev response is proposed. The filter is fabricated on 0.254 mm thickness R/T Duroid 6010 and R/T Duroid 5880 with dielectric constant 10.2 and 2.2 respectively using standard photolithography technique. Two filter configurations based on vertical (Type 1) and horizontal (Type 2) coupling variation to optimize the coupling strength are presented and compared. Both configurations produce very small and compact filter size, at 5.0 x 14.6 mm2 and 3.2 x 16.1 mm2 for the first and second proposed filter type respectively. The measured passband insertion losses for both filters are less than 2.3 dB and the passband return loss is better than -16 dB for filter Type 1 and -13 dB for filter Type 2. Very small and compact filter is achieved where measured results show good agreement with the simulated responses