6 research outputs found

    Seasonal variation of some trace metal concentrations in some fish species on stretch of River Kubanni, Zaria

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    In a semi-urbanized stretch of river Kubanni, Zaria, seasonal variations of some tree metals (copper, zinc and lead) in fish species (Clarias sp., Tilapia sp and Alestes sp) were investigated over a period of eight months. Water and fish were sampled monthly, pooled separately and seasonal analysis of each trace determined using atomic absorption method. The concentration of each of the elements in water higher in the dry season than during the rainy season. The dry and rainy season concentrations of copper, zinc and lead were 6.85~c10.66 mu gg super(-1)&1.45~c1.10 mu gg super(-1); 2.13~c1.68 mu gg super(-1)&0.1 5~c0.05 mu gg super(-1); and 0.52~c0.50 mu gg super(-1) & 0.31~c0.14 mu gg super(-1) respectively. Similarly, all the three accumulated more zinc and lead in the dry season than during the rainy season. Tilapia species and to some extent, Alestes species being pelagic had a higher concentration of trace metals than Clarias species which is a bottom dwelling fish Tilapia species may therefore be a better indicator species than Clarias species for monitoring trace metals in water bodies. Reasons for the observed variations in the trace metals were discusse

    The effects of pollution on phytoplankton in a stretch of River Kubanni, Zaria, Nigeria

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    River Kubanni, a major tributary of River Galma, receives both organic and inorganic wastes through run-offs and seepage from residential and agricultural areas of Tundun-Wada, Zaria. Water and phytoplankton samples were collected once a month from three stations on a stretch of the river, for eight months (February, 1994-0ctober, 1994). The physico-chemical parameters and phytoplankton composition were determined and correlated to one another. The distribution and composition of phytoplankton species are affected by variations through fluctuations in environmental variables such as temperature, velocity, transparency, pH, dissolved Oxygen, total alkalinity, total hardness, electrical conductivity and total dissolved matter. Highest dissolved oxygen concentration in February coincided with the minimum water temperature due to the cool harmattan winds. Low alkalinity resulted in low phytoplankton productivity while a rise in total dissolved matter resulted in increase in electrical conductivity and high phytoplankton productivity. The presence of Oscillatoria sp and Euglena sp in station 2 and 3 are indicative of organic pollution in these stations. However, the river stretch is suitable for fish production with respect to water hardness and p

    Physicochemical limnology of Lake Kubanni, Zaria-Nigeria

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    Physicochemical limnology of Lake Kubanni, Zaria-Nigeri