194 research outputs found

    Apoptosis During Cellular Pattern Formation

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    RNAi-Mediated Knockdown Showing Impaired Cell Survival in Drosophila Wing Imaginal Disc

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    The genetically amenable organism Drosophila melanogaster has been estimated to have 14,076 protein coding genes in the genome, according to the flybase release note R5.13 (http://flybase.bio.indiana.edu/static_pages/docs/release_notes.html). Recent application of RNA interference (RNAi) to the study of developmental biology in Drosophila has enabled us to carry out a systematic investigation of genes affecting various specific phenotypes. In order to search for genes supporting cell survival, we conducted an immunohistochemical examination in which the RNAi of 2,497 genes was independently induced within the dorsal compartment of the wing imaginal disc. Under these conditions, the activities of a stress-activated protein kinase JNK (c-Jun N-terminal kinase) and apoptosis-executing factor Caspase-3 were monitored. Approximately half of the genes displayed a strong JNK or Caspase-3 activation when their RNAi was induced. Most of the JNK activation accompanied Caspase-3 activation, while the opposite did not hold true. Interestingly, the area activating Caspase-3 was more broadly seen than that activating JNK, suggesting that JNK is crucial for induction of non-autonomous apoptosis in many cases. Furthermore, the RNAi of essential factors commonly regulating transcription and translation showed a severe and cell-autonomous apoptosis but also elicited another apoptosis at an adjacent area in a non-autonomous way. We also found that the frequency of apoptosis varies depending on the tissues

    Antiplatelet antibody may cause delayed transfusion-related acute lung injury

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    A 61-year-old woman with lung cancer developed delayed transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) syndrome after transfusion of plasma- and leukoreduced red blood cells (RBCs) for gastrointestinal bleeding due to intestinal metastasis. Acute lung injury (ALI) recurred 31 days after the first ALI episode. Both ALI episodes occurred 48 hours after transfusion. Laboratory examinations revealed the presence of various antileukocyte antibodies including antiplatelet antibody in the recipient’s serum but not in the donors’ serum. The authors speculate that antiplatelet antibodies can have an inhibitory effect in the recipient, which can modulate the bona fide procedure of ALI and lead to a delay in the onset of ALI. This case illustrates the crucial role of a recipient’s platelets in the development of TRALI

    自然との対話II : "OHOKUNINUSHI 2003 for Flute alone"(創刊二十五周年記念号)

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    本曲は大国主命をテーマとしている。大国主命を祭っている出雲大社では,礼拝で4拍手をすることから,本曲はC音から4番目の幹音であるF音から完全4度で上向する音型で開始し,F音から増4度上向する音型で終止している。本曲の演奏には,2003年の8月に出雲大社及び島根半島で撮影した映像と,同地域で採取した音を素材としてパソコンで編集した効果音を伴う。初演は,2003年11月23日に「まなび広場にいみ」で開催された照葉樹定期演奏会Vo.13において作曲者自身により行われた。The theme of this tune is Okuninushi-no-mikoto. In Izumotaisha Shrine where Okuninushi-no-mikoto is enshrined, worshipers are supposed to clap their hands four times. From this custom, the composer starts this tune with F which is the fourth natural note after C and with the figure which raise perfect fourth, and finishes with the figure which raise augmented fourth from F. Movie and sound which were recorded in Izumotaisha Shrine and Shimane Peninsula in August 2003 are used when this tune is played. This tune was played for the first time by the composer at the 13th Shoyoju Subscription Concert at Manabi Hiroba Niimi Hall on November 23, 2003

    The influence of various distractions prior to upper gastrointestinal endoscopy : a prospective randomized controlled study

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    Background Although many patients still have anxiety about upper gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy, there have been few reports on the influence of distractions for a person who is going to undergo upper GI endoscopy soon. This study was a prospective randomized controlled study investigating the influence of distractions, such as auditive and visual distractions using subjective and objective assessments including autonomic nervous function prior to upper GI endoscopy. Methods 206 subjects who underwent upper GI endoscopy as regular health check-ups were divided randomly into 4 groups prior to upper GI endoscopy; group 1 (control group), group 2 (auditive group), group 3 (visual group), and group 4 (combination group). We measured vital signs, autonomic nervous function, profile of mood state (POMS), and the impression for upper GI endoscopy pre- and post-distraction in the 4 groups. Results There was no significant difference in vital signs between 5 and 15 min after sitting in group 1, however, several vital signs in all distraction groups improved significantly after distraction (Pulse rate (P): p <  0.001 in group 4; blood pressure: p <  0.05 in group 2, 3, 4) and the rate of decrease in P and diastolic blood pressure was highest in group 4 (p <  0.001). Several scores of POMS and the impression for upper GI endoscopy post-distraction improved significantly compared to pre-distraction between distraction groups and the satisfaction for distraction was highest in group 4 (p <  0.01). Regarding autonomic nerve function, the low- frequency power/ high- frequency power ratio post-distraction was significantly lower than that pre-distraction in all distraction groups (p <  0.001). Conclusions Although auditive distraction alone and visual distraction alone were effective, a combination distraction was more effective than any other distraction by subjective and objective assessments. These distractions, which were simple and safe, may play an assistive role in the stability of physical and psychological conditions prior to upper GI endoscopy. Trial registration This trial was registered in the University Hospital Medical Information Network (UMIN) Clinical Trials Registry as UMIN000022801 ( https://www.umin.ac.jp/ctr/ ). Registered on 10 July 2016

    自然との対話I"TANJYOJI 2002 for Flute alone"

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    This tune was composed with the association of the birth place of Priest Honen, which is Tanjyoji Temple in Kumenan Town, Kume County, Okayama Prefbcture, and his date of birth. Priest Honen was born on April 7, ll33 (1133/4/7), from which I got the German tone-row of C-E-F-H (English tone-row of C-E-F-B) according to the table. I have composed this tune with this tone-row. When I play this tune, I use the computerized sounds of the chime, cicadas and flapping flags which were recorded in Tanjyoji Temple in August 2002 as sound effects. This tune was played for the first time by the composer at the 12th Shoyoji Subscription Concert at Manabi Hiroba Niimi Hall on December l4, 2002

    Effects of audio and visual distraction on patients’ vital signs and tolerance during esophagogastroduodenoscopy : a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) provides an indispensable and unambiguous inspection allowing the discovery upper gastrointestinal lesions. However, many patients are anxious about undergoing EGD. Few studies have investigated the influence on patients’ vital signs and tolerance during EGD using subjective and objective assessments. This study was a prospective randomized controlled study that investigated the influence of audio and visual distraction on EGD. Methods: We randomly divided 289 subjects who underwent EGD into 4 groups (control group, audio group, visual group, combination group) and examined their vital signs, heart rate variability (HRV), psychological items, and acceptance of distraction. Results: Pulse rate (PR) at post-distraction and post-EGD in the 3 distraction groups were significantly lower than those of control group (p< 0.001 and p < 0.01, respectively). Blood pressure (BP) during and post-EGD was significantly higher than that at pre-EGD in control group (p < 0.05), but no significant elevation of BP was observed during the latter half of EGD and post-EGD in the 3 distraction groups. BP at post-distraction improved significantly compared to pre-distraction in the 3 distraction groups (p < 0.05). There was a significant difference in the low-frequency (LF) power/ high-frequency (HF) power at post-distraction and post-EGD among the 4 groups (p< 0.001 and p < 0.001, respectively). The LF power/HF power at post-distraction and post-EGD in the 3 distraction groups was significantly lower than that in control group (p < 0.05). Several items of profile of mood states (POMS) and the impression of EGD at post-distraction improved significantly compared to those at pre-distraction among the 3 distraction groups (p < 0.05). Visual analog scale (VAS) of willingness for the next use of distraction in the 3 distraction groups was excellent because VAS was more than 70. Conclusions: Distractions effectively improved psychological factors, vital signs and some of HRV at pre and post-EGD. Distractions may suppress BP elevation during the latter half of EGD and lead to stability of HRV on EGD