944 research outputs found

    Historical review of Tetrigidae: Cladonotinae – from Bolívar to Tumbrinck

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    U radu se sistematski obrađuje povijest taksonomije širokonosnih trnovratki (Tetrigidae: Cladonotinae). Obrađeni su najznačajniji znanstvenici koji su proučavali ovu potporodicu: I. Bolívar, J. L. Hancock, K. Günther i J. Tumbrinck. Dan je pregled izmjena taksonomije potporodice od njenog osnivanja do danas. Na primjerima su iznesene greške u sistematici koje su do danas ispravljene, te se stavlja naglasak na postojeće probleme u sistematici potporodice. Dan je kritički osvrt na današnje stanje u sistematici, te se ukazuje na nedostatak temeljitih istraţivanja potporodice.In this paper I give historical review of taxonomical research in Tetrigidae: Cladonotinae. Paper gives insight into most noteable researches in this field: I. Bolívar, J. L. Hancock, K. Günther and J. Tumbrinck. I represent taxonomical changes in subfamily from its foundation to this day. Examples of historical systematic mistakes are given, and accent is made on still existing problems in subfamily systematic. In this paper I present a critical opinion on today's taxon systematics and indicate the lack of thorough research on this subfamily

    Investigation of co2 diluted methane and propane swirling premixed flames using ch* chemiluminescence imaging

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    Utilization of hydrocarbon gaseous fuels, such as biogas, landfill gas and others, is a valuable contribution to sustainable energy production and climate changing control. The presence of CO2 in these gases decreases heat of combustion, flame temperature, flame speed and can induce flame blow-off and combustion instabilities. In order to better understand the problem, flame geometry and location was investigated using chemiluminescence (CH*) imaging technique. Combustion took place in a purposely built, lean, premixed, unconfined swirl burner, fueled by methane and propane diluted with CO2. The fuel type, air-to-fuel equivalence ratio and CO2 content were chosen as the independent variables. The CH* imaging by means of a commercial CCD camera, fitted with an optical filter, was used for flame investigation. The analysis of images showed that the CH* emission intensity, flame geometry and location were remarkably affected by the fuel type and the air-to-fuel equivalence ratio, while the CO2 dilution was of minor importance

    Investigation of co2 diluted methane and propane swirling premixed flames using ch* chemiluminescence imaging

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    Utilization of hydrocarbon gaseous fuels, such as biogas, landfill gas and others, is a valuable contribution to sustainable energy production and climate changing control. The presence of CO2 in these gases decreases heat of combustion, flame temperature, flame speed and can induce flame blow-off and combustion instabilities. In order to better understand the problem, flame geometry and location was investigated using chemiluminescence (CH*) imaging technique. Combustion took place in a purposely built, lean, premixed, unconfined swirl burner, fueled by methane and propane diluted with CO2. The fuel type, air-to-fuel equivalence ratio and CO2 content were chosen as the independent variables. The CH* imaging by means of a commercial CCD camera, fitted with an optical filter, was used for flame investigation. The analysis of images showed that the CH* emission intensity, flame geometry and location were remarkably affected by the fuel type and the air-to-fuel equivalence ratio, while the CO2 dilution was of minor importance

    The Crystallographic Orientation and Surface Modification Effects in Electrocatalysis

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    A paramount role of surface structure and composition on the kinetics of electrocatalytic reactions has been realized with the establishment of electrocatalysis as a science. Consequently, a variation in the surface structure, and a modification of surface composition is expected to result in a considerable alternation of the electrocatalytic properties of electrodes

    Analysis of the performance of a low-power atmospheric burner for gas appliances for households and their impact on the emission and stability of the burner

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    The paper presents results of theoretical numerical research dealing with CO and NOx emission performed in the process of optimization of the performance of low-power atmospheric burners. The theoretical part of this paper, whose main goals were better understanding of the complex issues of methodology and establishment of performance prediction and optimization of low-power atmospheric gas burner included numerical variation of independent parameters, such as burner geometry, the coefficients of primary and secondary air and different gaseous fuels including biogas. The findings of theoretically obtained performance prediction and optimization of atmospheric burners were experimentally investigated in purpose built test rigs for a number of variable parameters. The obtained results fully justified the proposed models of performance prediction and burner optimization

    Iz starije srpske logike

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    In this pa­per we aim to pin­po­int so­me of the key mar­kers of the de­velop­ment of lo­gic in Ser­bia, star­ting from the fo­un­ding of the Lyce­um in 1836 un­til the end of the 19th cen­tury. Our main goal is to un­der­li­ne the ro­le that Lju­bo­mir Ne­dić, a phi­lo­sop­her and li­te­rary cri­tic, had in this con­text. Alt­ho­ugh he did not le­a­ve any ori­gi­nal con­tri­bu­ti­ons in lo­gic, Ne­dić played a sig­ni­fi­cant part by ex­po­sing con­tem­po­rary re­sults in symbo­lic lo­gic, which we­re to lead, thro­ugh Fre­ge’s la­ter work, to the cre­a­tion of mo­dern lo­gic

    Analysis of the performance of a low-power atmospheric burner for gas appliances for households and their impact on the emission and stability of the burner

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    The paper presents results of theoretical numerical research dealing with CO and NOx emission performed in the process of optimization of the performance of low-power atmospheric burners. The theoretical part of this paper, whose main goals were better understanding of the complex issues of methodology and establishment of performance prediction and optimization of low-power atmospheric gas burner included numerical variation of independent parameters, such as burner geometry, the coefficients of primary and secondary air and different gaseous fuels including biogas. The findings of theoretically obtained performance prediction and optimization of atmospheric burners were experimentally investigated in purpose built test rigs for a number of variable parameters. The obtained results fully justified the proposed models of performance prediction and burner optimization

    Priprema za fotogrametrijsko snimanje i fotogrametrijsko snimanja artefekata

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    Pri prikupljanju snimaka za izradu mjerljivog 3D modela pomoću Agisoft Professional softvera potrebno se pridržavati određenih pravila i procedura kako bi i digitalne kamere (nemjerne) poslužile toj svrsi. Za modeliranje je korištena dvodijelna posuda s utvrđenim relativnim koordinatama fotogrametrijskih signala na podlozi. Prije snimanje posude iz svih smjerova provedena je ekranska kalibracija korištene kamere (Nikon D90). Da bi dobili optimalne rezultate, potrebno je koristiti preporučene postavke kamere i uzeti u obzir karakteristike predmeta i scene koja se snima