726 research outputs found

    Saray-Bosna ve Travnik Saat Kuleleri

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    The Restoration and Excavation of Afghanistan-Belh BahaüddinVelet Madrasah

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    Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Hükümeti adına Başbakanlık Türk İşbirliği ve Kalkınma İdaresi Başkanlığı (TİKA) ile Afganistan İslâm Cumhuriyeti Enformasyon ve Kültür Bakanlığı arasında Belh Vilayetinde bulunan Sultan Bahaüddin Velet Medresesi’nin restorasyonunun yapılabilmesi için 2010 yılında bir protokol antlaşması yapılmıştır. Bu antlaşma gereği 19-25 Temmuz 2012 tarihleri arasında; Prof. Dr. Hakkı Acun, Prof. Dr. Nuran Kara Pilehvarian ve Dr. Refik Yüksek’den oluşan bir heyet yerinde araştırma inceleme yapmış, çizilen rölöve ve restorasyon projelerini kontrol ederek yapılması gerekenleri bir rapor halinde TİKA yetkililerine sunmuştu. Sunulan söz konusu raporda çizilen projelerin yetersiz ve eksik olduğu vurgulanmış, öncelikle yapıda sağlıklı rölöve ile restorasyonunun yapılabilmesi ve bilinmeyenlerin bulunması için uzman bir ekip tarafından acilen kazı yapılması gereği vurgulanmıştı. Bu amaçla Mayıs 2013 ortalarında; TİKA Başkanlığınca ikinci bir ilmi heyet görevlendirilmişti. Görevlendirilen bu heyet; Mevlana Celaleddin-i Rumî (Belhî)’nin babası Muhammed BahaüddinVeled’in (Sultanü’l-Ulema) ders verdiği Afganistan, Mazar-ı Şerif İli Belh Kasabasındaki medresenin restorasyon öncesi planının belirlenip rölöve çizimleri ile restitüsyon projesinin hazırlanabilmesi için gerekli olan kazı çalışmalarına Ankara Gazi Üniversitesi Rektör Yardımcısı Prof. Dr. Hakkı Acun başkanlığında, Gazi Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Arkeoloji Bölümü Başkanı Prof. Dr. Süleyman Yücel Şenyurt ve Kültür Bakanlığı Anıtlar ve Müzeler eski genel müdürü Mehmet Akif Işık’ın katılımıyla çalışmalara başlandı ve sonuçları aşağıda sunuldu. Medrese; güney-kuzey doğrultusunda dikdörtgen planlı dört eyvanlıdır. Eyvanların ortasında, yarıdan fazlası yıkılmış pandantif geçişli bir kubbe yer alır. Eyvanlardan Kuzeydeki hariç hepsinin sivri kemerleri kalmış tonozları yıkılmıştır. Medresede yapılan kazılar sonucunda aşağıda ifade edilen bilinmeyenler ortaya çıkartılmıştır. 1. Yapının zemin seviyesi ve döşemesi, 2. Planda 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14 mekânların biçimleri ve girişleri, 3. Batıdaki eyvanın 5 numaralı yerinde mihrap, 4. Medresenin girişi bulunmuş, 5. Güney ve kuzeydeki sonradan ilave edilen kısmın planı çıkartılmıştır. Medresenin restorasyonu sırasında yapılacak olan kazılarda daha fazla bilgiye sahip olunacaktır

    Yozgat ve Yöresi Türk Devri Yapıları

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    Examination of Social Media Use of University Students

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the social media usage of university students, and to determine whether different characteristics of university students such as gender, academic average, socioeconomic level, world view, social media usage make any difference in the usage patterns. The study was drawn from the quantitative data collected for a bigger research project. A total of 2253 students from 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade in letters faculties of 12 state universities participated in the study. Frequency analysis, t-test and one-factor ANOVA were performed to analyze the data gathered through Social Media Usage Scale developed within the scope of the study. The results of the research showed that university students use social media mostly for research purposes and use social media least to get information about political issues and groups. It is also found that gender is a predictive variable in using social media for different purposes. Moreover, the world view (political affiliation) of university students and the frequency of social media use are variables that cause differentiation in all of the social media usage purposes. On the other hand, the academic grade point average and socioeconomic level of students are the two variables that cause differentiation only in social media use for entertainment and getting information about political issues and groups

    Sivas ve Çevresi Tarihî Eserlerinin Listesi ve Turistik Değerleri

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    FRP Systems in Shear Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Structures

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    AbstractDue to their lightweight, high tensile strength, and ease to install on irregular surfaces, the use of FRP systems for the repair and strengthening of reinforced concrete structures has become an accepted practice within civil engineering community. Extensive research has been conducted on structural members to identify the improvement in their flexural and axial capacity due to FRP strengthening. However, the analytical and experimental studies on shear strengthening with FRP systems are limited. Currently, there is no widely accepted guideline available for the design of concrete structures strengthened in shear using externally bonded FRP systems. Keeping in mind the fact that the use of these strengthening methods has been hindered mostly due to lack of comprehensive design provisions, the available guidelines/specifications are reviewed and the factors that need further investigation are identified. To improve the understanding of the general mechanisms of shear strengthening techniques with externally bonded FRP systems, suggestions for further research effort are itemized and recommendations for an improved guideline are set forth

    A data science pipeline for educational data : a case study using learning catalytics in the active learning classroom.

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    This thesis presents an applied data science methodology on a set of University of Louisville, Speed School of Engineering student data. We used data mining and classic statistical techniques to help educational researchers quickly see the data trends and peculiarities. Our data includes scores and information about two Engineering Fundamental Class. The format of these classes is called an inverted classroom model or flipped class. The purpose of this study is to analyze the data in order to uncover potentially hidden information, tell interesting stories about the data, examine student learning behavior and learning performance in an active learning environment, including collaborative learning in a flipped classroom model

    An evaluation of smart windows in a reference office building in Kayseri

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    As a building element, the facade which interacts with external factors between two different environmental conditions is an important interface in energy consumption and the building life cycle. In recent years, smart materials have become a research topic in the field of sustainable architecture and facade technologies. The traditional material understanding which expects materials to not be affected by external environmental conditions by preserving their qualities throughout their lifespan has begun to leave its place to the understanding of materials that change quality and energy by reacting to external stimuli. Developing facade technologies and the energy-efficient design approach also achieve the development of new technologies in window systems. The most promising of these new window technologies, called smart windows, are electrochromic, thermochromic, and photochromic windows. Within the scope of this study, the energy performance of smart window systems has been evaluated comparatively with a traditional window system in a reference office building in Kayseri, Turkey. This study aims to evaluate the energy performances of smart windows and reveal their advantages and disadvantages over the available window system in this climate condition. In this context, smart window systems have been classified and explained their properties. In the simulation part, a reference office building has been modeled with each smart window system to evaluate their energy performances comparatively. Nevertheless, a reference office building with a traditional window system has also been modeled to reveal differences in energy performances with an available window system. Finally, the results have been evaluated with graphs and recommendations on the best-performed window system have been explained