443 research outputs found

    Capacitive Organic Anode Based on Fluorinated-Contorted Hexabenzocoronene: Applicable to Lithium-Ion and Sodium-Ion Storage Cells

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    Conducting polymer-based organic electrochemical capacitor materials have attracted attention because of their highly conductive nature and highly reversible redox reactions on the surface of electrodes. However, owing to their poor stabilities in aprotic electrolytes, alternative organic electrochemical capacitive electrodes are being actively sought. Here, fluorine atoms are introduced into contorted hexabenzocoronene (cHBC) to achieve the first small-molecule-based organic capacitive energy-storage cells that operate at high current rates with satisfactory specific capacities of approximate to 160 mA h g(-1) and superior cycle capabilities (>400) without changing significantly. This high capacitive behavior in the P2(1)/c crystal phase of fluorinated cHBC (FcHBC) is caused mainly by the fluorine atoms at the end of each peripheral aromatic ring. Combined Monte Carlo simulations and density functional theory (DFT) calculations show that the most electronegative fluorine atoms accelerate ion diffusion on the surface to promote fast Li+ ion uptake and release by an applied current. Moreover, FcHBC has potential applications as the capacitive anode in Na-ion storage cells. The fast dynamics of its capacitive behavior allow it to deliver a specific capacity of 65 mA h g(-1) at a high current of 4000 mA g(-1)

    Synthesis of Li 2 Ni 2 (MoO 4) 3 as a high-performance positive electrode for asymmetric supercapacitors

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    A NASICON-type compound, Li2Ni2(MoO4)3 was successfully synthesized via a combustion method. The as-synthesized Li2Ni2(MoO4)3 is fiber-like grains with an average length of 1–2 μm. As an electrode for pseudocapacitors, in 2 M LiOH, its specific capacitance reached 1137 F g−1 and 717 F g−1 at current density of 1 A g−1 and 20 A g−1 respectively, exhibiting 63% capacity retention. Moreover, in asymmetric supercapacitors with an activated carbon electrode as the negative electrode, the energy density of 36.5 W h kg−1 was obtained at the average power density of 420 W kg−1. The fabricated asymmetric supercapacitor also exhibited good electrochemical stability, specifically, the specific capacitance was retained at 68% of the initial value even after 10 000 cycles at 2 A g−1. These observations suggest that the prepared Li2Ni2(MoO4)3 is a prospective candidate for high-performance supercapacitors

    Isoreticular two-dimensional magnetic coordination polymers prepared through pre-synthetic ligand functionalization

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    Chemical functionalization is a powerful approach to tailor the physical and chemical properties of two-dimensional materials, increase their processability and stability, tune their functionalities and, even, create new 2D materials. This is typically achieved through post-synthetic functionalization by anchoring molecules on the surface of an exfoliated 2D crystal, but it inevitably alters the long-range structural order of the material. Here we present a pre-synthetic approach that allows the isolation of crystalline, robust, and magnetic functionalized monolayers of coordination polymers. A series of five isoreticular layered magnetic coordination polymers based on Fe(II) centres and different benzimidazole derivatives (bearing a Cl, H, CH3, Br or NH2 side group) were first prepared. On mechanical exfoliation, 2D materials are obtained that retain their long-range structural order and exhibit good mechanical and magnetic properties. This combination, together with the possibility to functionalize their surface at will, makes them good candidates to explore magnetism in the 2D limit and to fabricate mechanical resonators for selective gas sensing

    Challenges and recent advancements of functionalization of two-dimensional nanostructured molybdenum trioxide and dichalcogenides

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    Atomically-thin two-dimensional (2D) semiconductors are the thinnest functional semiconducting materials available today. Among them, both molybdenum trioxide and chalcogenides (MT&Ds) represent key components within the family of the different 2D semiconductors for various electronic, optoelectronic and electrochemical applications due to their unique electronic, optical, mechanical and electrochemical properties. However, despite great progress in research dedicated to the development and fabrication of 2D MT&Ds observed within the last decade, there are significant challenges affected their charge transport behavior, fabrication on a large scale as well as high dependence of the carrier mobility on thickness. In this article, we review the recent progress on the carrier mobility engineering of 2D MT&Ds and elaborate devised strategies dedicated to the optimization of MT&Ds properties. Specifically, the latest physical and chemical methods towards the surface functionalization and optimization of the major factors influencing the extrinsic transport at the electrode-2D semiconductor interface are discusse

    Antimonene: A Novel 2D Nanomaterial for Supercapacitor Applications

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    © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim In pursuing higher energy density, without compromising the power density of supercapacitor platforms, the application of an advanced 2D nanomaterial is utilized to maximize performance. Antimonene, for the first time, is characterized as a material for applications in energy storage, being applied as an electrode material as the basis of a supercapacitor. Antimonene is shown to significantly improve the energy storage capabilities of a carbon electrode in both cyclic voltammetry and galvanostatic charging. Antimonene demonstrates remarkable performance with a capacitance of 1578 F g−1, with a high charging current density of 14 A g−1. Hence, antimonene is shown to be a highly promising material for energy storage applications. The system also demonstrates a highly competitive energy and power densities of 20 mW h kg−1and 4.8 kW kg−1,respectively. In addition to the excellent charge storing abilities, antimonene shows good cycling capabilities

    Kur’an’a göre musîbetler karşısında peygamberlerin tavırları

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    Kur’ân’a Göre Musibetler Karşısında Peygamberlerin Tavırları, Feyzullah ACERCE, 164 Sayfa, Temmuz 2010 Danışman: Prof. Dr. Muhsin DEMİRCİ Musibet kavramının tahlilini yaptığımız ilk bölümde, musibetle ilşkili lafızlar incelenmiş ve musibetin geliş sebepleri üzerinde duruldu. Tezin esas bölümünü oluşturan ikinci bölümde ise peygamberlik kurumu hakkında kısa bilgiler verildi, ardından peygamberlAerin karşılaştıkları musibetlerden, bireysel ve maddi musibetler başlığı altında bedensel, ailevî, hicret, kapalı yerde bırakılma, öldürme, öldürülme, cinsellik musibetleri; bireysel ve manevi musibetler başlığı altında da tehdit, iftira, istihza, ithamlar gibi musibetler; toplumsal musibetler başlığı altında da savaş, helak gibi toplumun genelini ilgilendiren musibetler ele alındı. Sonuç itibariyle bu tezde, peygamberlerin insanî sıfatları göz önünde tutularak karşılaştıkları musibetlerle nasıl mücadele ettikleri ifade edilmeye çalışıldı. Anahtar Kelimeler: Musibet, Bela, İmtihan, Peygamber, Helak, İtham ABSTRACT Attitude Of The Prophets Againts Tribulation According To The Quran, by Feyzullah ACERCE, 164 pages, Jully 2010. Supervisor: Professor Muhsin DEMİRCİ In the first part of the analysis of the tribulation concept, the words related to the tribulation were studied and the reasons of the tribulation were focused on. In the second part, the main section of the thesis, brief information was given about the prophetic institution. Then, under the title of personal and corporeal tribulation; physical, familial, emigration, left in a closed space, killing, being murdered, sexual tribulations were discussed. Also, under the title of personal and moral tribulation; threatened, slander, ridicule, accusations like the tribulations were mentioned. Finally, under the title of social tribulation, war and destruction like tribulations which were society’s general concerns were explained. As a result of this thesis, by considering the prophets human characteristics, the way of how to handle the tribulation they faced was expressed. Key Words: Tribulation, Calamity, Examination, The Prophet, Destruction, Accusation