35 research outputs found

    Amino-functionalized poly(l-lactide) lamellar single crystals as a valuable substrate for delivery of HPV16-E7 tumor antigen in vaccine development

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    Background: Poly(L-lactide) (PLLA) is a biodegradable polymer currently used in many biomedical applications, including the production of resorbable surgical devices, porous scaffolds for tissue engineering, nanoparticles and microparticles for the controlled release of drugs or antigens. The surfaces of lamellar PLLA single crystals (PLLAsc) were provided with amino groups by reaction with a multifunctional amine and used to adsorb an Escherichia coli-produced human papillomavirus (HPV)16-E7 protein to evaluate its possible use in antigen delivery for vaccine development. Methods: PLLA single crystals were made to react with tetraethylenepentamine to obtain amino-functionalized PLLA single crystals (APLLAsc). Pristine and amino-functionalized PLLAsc showed a two-dimensional microsized and one-dimensional nanosized lamellar morphology, with a lateral dimension of about 15–20 µm, a thickness of about 12 nm, and a surface specific area of about 130 m2/g. Both particles were characterized and loaded with HPV16-E7 before being administered to C57BL/6 mice for immunogenicity studies. The E7-specific humoral-mediated and cell-mediated immune response as well as tumor protective immunity were analyzed in mice challenged with TC-1 cancer cells. Results: Pristine and amino-functionalized PLLAsc adsorbed similar amounts of E7 protein, but in protein-release experiments E7-PLLAsc released a higher amount of protein than E7-APLLAsc. When the complexes were dried for observation by scanning electron microscopy, both samples showed a compact layer, but E7-APLLAsc showed greater roughness than E7-PLLAsc. Immunization experiments in mice showed that E7-APLLAsc induced a stronger E7-specific immune response when compared with E7-PLLAsc. Immunoglobulin G isotyping and interferon gamma analysis suggested a mixed Th1/Th2 immune response in both E7-PLLAsc-immunized and E7-APLLAsc-immunized mice. However, only the mice receiving E7-APLLAsc were fully protected from TC-1 tumor growth after three doses of vaccine. Conclusion: Our results show that APLLA single crystals improve the immunogenicity of HPV16-E7 and indicate that E7-APLLAsc could be used for development of an HPV16 therapeutic vaccine against HPV16-related tumors

    Role of Extracellular Vesicles in Human Papillomavirus-Induced Tumorigenesis

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    Emerging evidence demonstrates a role of extracellular vesicles (EVs) in a variety of fundamental physiological and pathological processes ranging from antigen presentation to T cell to neurodegenerative diseases. In several types of malignancies, a variety of EVs can be isolated from bodily fluids of cancer patients, and it has been reported that the number of circulating EVs seems to be higher than in healthy subjects. This increase correlates with poor prognosis. Data obtained from different groups clearly point out a role of EVs in the transfer of bioactive molecules such as microRNAs and viral oncoproteins in human papillomavirus-induced malignancies of genital and oral tracts. This study summarizes these data in the context of relevant literature considering the EVs as carriers of oncogenic signatures in human cancer as well as their therapeutic potential in HPV-related tumors

    MicroRNAs differentially expressed in actinic keratosis and healthy skin scrapings

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    : Actinic keratosis (AK) is a carcinoma in situ precursor of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC), the second most common cancer affecting the Caucasian population. AK is frequently present in the sun-exposed skin of the elderly population, UV radiation being the main cause of this cancer, and other risk factors contributing to AK incidence. The dysregulation of microRNAs (miRNAs) observed in different cancers leads to an improper expression of miRNA targets involved in several cellular pathways. The TaqMan Array Human MicroRNA Card assay for miRNA expression profiling was performed in pooled AK compared to healthy skin scraping samples from the same patients. Forty-three miRNAs were modulated in the AK samples. The expression of miR-19b (p < 0.05), -31, -34a (p < 0.001), -126, -146a (p < 0.01), -193b, and -222 (p < 0.05) was validated by RT-qPCR. The MirPath tool was used for MiRNA target prediction and enriched pathways. The top DIANA-mirPath pathways regulated by the targets of the 43 miRNAs are TGF-beta signaling, Proteoglycans in cancer, Pathways in cancer, and Adherens junction (7.30 Ă— 10-10 < p < 1.84 Ă— 10-8). Selected genes regulating the KEGG pathways, i.e., TP53, MDM2, CDKN1A, CDK6, and CCND1, were analyzed. MiRNAs modulated in AK regulate different pathways involved in tumorigenesis, indicating miRNA regulation as a critical step in keratinocyte cancer

    Serum antibody response to Human papillomavirus (HPV) infections detected by a novel ELISA technique based on denatured recombinant HPV16 L1, L2, E4, E6 and E7 proteins

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    BACKGROUND: Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are the primary etiological agents of cervical cancer and are also involved in the development of other tumours (skin, head and neck). Serological survey of the HPV infections is important to better elucidate their natural history and to disclose antigen determinants useful for vaccine development. At present, the analysis of the HPV-specific antibodies has not diagnostic value for the viral infections, and new approaches are needed to correlate the antibody response to the disease outcome. The aim of this study is to develop a novel ELISA, based on five denatured recombinant HPV16 proteins, to be used for detection HPV-specific antibodies. METHODS: The HPV16 L1, L2, E4, E6 and E7 genes were cloned in a prokaryotic expression vector and expressed as histidine-tagged proteins. These proteins, in a denatured form, were used in ELISA as coating antigens. Human sera were collected from women with abnormal PAP smear enrolled during an ongoing multicenter HPV-PathogenISS study in Italy, assessing the HPV-related pathogenetic mechanisms of progression of cervical cancer precursor lesions. Negative human sera were collected from patients affected by other infectious agents. All the HPV-positive sera were also subjected to an avidity test to assess the binding strength in the antigen-antibody complexes. RESULTS: Most of the sera showed a positive reactivity to the denatured HPV16 proteins: 82% of the sera from HPV16 infected women and 89% of the sera from women infected by other HPV genotypes recognised at least one of the HPV16 proteins. The percentages of samples showing reactivity to L1, L2 and E7 were similar, but only a few serum samples reacted to E6 and E4. Most sera bound the antigens with medium and high avidity index, suggesting specific antigen-antibody reactions. CONCLUSION: This novel ELISA, based on multiple denatured HPV16 antigens, is able to detect antibodies in women infected by HPV16 and it is not genotype-specific, as it detects antibodies also in women infected by other genital HPVs. The assay is easy to perform and has low cost, making it suitable for monitoring the natural history of HPV infections as well as for detecting pre-existing HPV antibodies in women who receive VLP-based HPV vaccination

    Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Nutritionally Relevant Concentrations of Oleuropein and Hydroxytyrosol on Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells: An Age-Related Analysis

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    : Immunosenescence and inflammaging facilitate the insurgence of chronic diseases. The Mediterranean diet is a non-invasive intervention to improve the chronic low-grade inflammatory status associated with aging. Olive oil oleuropein (OLE) and hydroxytyrosol (HT) demonstrated a controversial modulatory action on inflammation in vitro when tested at concentrations exceeding those detectable in human plasma. We studied the potential anti-inflammatory effects of OLE and HT at nutritionally relevant concentrations on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) as regards cell viability, frequency of leukocyte subsets, and cytokine release, performing an age-focused analysis on two groups of subjects: Adult (age 18–64 years) and Senior (age ≥ 65 years). OLE and HT were used alone or as a pre-treatment before challenging PBMCs with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Both polyphenols had no effect on cell viability irrespective of LPS, but 5 µM HT had an LPS-like effect on monocytes, reducing the intermediate subset in Adult subjects. OLE and HT had no effect on LPS-triggered release of TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-8, but 5 µM HT reduced IL-10 secretion by PBMCs from Adult vs. Senior group. In summary, nutritionally relevant concentrations of OLE and HT elicit no anti-inflammatory effect and influence the frequency of immune cell subsets with age-related different outcomes

    Characterization of antibodies in single-chain format against the E7 oncoprotein of the Human papillomavirus type 16 and their improvement by mutagenesis

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    BACKGROUND: Human papillomaviruses (HPV) are the etiological agents of cervical cancer. The viral E7 protein plays a crucial role in viral oncogenesis. Many strategies have been explored to block the E7 oncoprotein activity. The single-chain variable antibody fragments (scFvs) are valuable tools in cancer immunotherapy and can be used as "intracellular antibodies" to knock out specific protein functions. For both in vivo and in vitro employment, the scFv intrinsic solubility and stability are important to achieve long-lasting effects. Here we report the characterization in terms of reactivity, solubility and thermal stability of three anti-HPV16 E7 scFvs. We have also analysed the scFv43 sequence with the aim of improving stability and then activity of the antibody, previously shown to have antiproliferative activity when expressed in HPV16-positive cells. METHODS: The three anti-HPV16 E7 scFv 32, 43 51 were selected from the ETH-2 "phage-display" library. Thermal stability was evaluated with ELISA by determining the residual activity of each purified scFv against the recombinant HPV16 E7, after incubation in the presence of human seroalbumine for different time-intervals at different temperatures. Sequence analysis of the scFvs was performed with BLAST and CLUSTALL programs. The scFv43 aminoacid changes were reverted back to the consensus sequence from the immunoglobuline database by site-directed mutagenesis. ScFv solubility was evaluated with Western blotting by determining their relative amounts in the soluble and insoluble fractions of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems. RESULTS: ScFv51 was the most thermally stable scFv considered. Sequence analysis of the most reactive scFv43 has evidenced 2 amino acid changes possibly involved in molecule stability, in the VH and VL CDR3 regions respectively. By mutagenesis, two novel scFv43-derived scFvs were obtained, scFv43 M1 and M2. ScFv43 M2 showed to have improved thermal stability and solubility in comparison with the parental scFv43. CONCLUSION: The characterization of 5 specific anti-HPV16 E7 scFvs shows features important for their activity in vivo. ScFv43 M2 shows higher thermal stability with respect to the parental scFv43, and scFv51 shows high stability and solubility. These properties make the 2 scFvs the best candidates to be tested for anti-E7 activity in vivo

    Clinical and epidemiological correlates of antibody response to human papillomaviruses (HPVs) as measured by a novel ELISA based on denatured recombinant HPV16 late (L) and early (E) antigens

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>At present, seroreactivity is not a valuable parameter for diagnosis of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection but, it is potentially valuable as marker of viral exposure in elucidating the natural history of this infection. More data are needed to asses the clinical relevance of serological response to HPV.</p> <p>Objectives</p> <p>The objective was to assess the clinical and epidemiological correlates of HPV-seroreactivity in a cohort of HIV-negative and HIV-positive women.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Seroreactivity of 96 women, evaluated in an ELISA test based on denatured HPV16 late (L) and early (E) antigens, was correlated with their clinical and epidemiological data previously collected for a multi-centre Italian study, HPV-PathogenISS study.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>No significant correlation was found between HPV DNA detection and seroreactivity. Women, current smokers showed significantly less seroreactivity to L antigens as compared with the non-smokers. HIV-positive women showed significantly less (66.7%) antibody response as compared with HIV-negative women (89.3%), with particularly impaired response to L antigens. Women, HIV-positive and current smokers, showed by far the lowest seroprevalence (33.3%) as compared to 75.9% among all other women (OR = 0.158; 95%CI 0.036–0.695, p = 0.014; Fisher's exact test). Importantly, this association did not loose its significance when controlled for confounding from age (continuous variable) in multivariate analysis or using Mantel-Haenszel test for age-groups.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>It is tempting to speculate that HIV-positive current smokers comprise a special high-risk group, with highly impaired immunological response that could prevent eradication of persistent HPV infections and thus contribute to development of CIN3/CC.</p

    Anti-Cancer Vaccine for HPV-Associated Neoplasms: Focus on a Therapeutic HPV Vaccine Based on a Novel Tumor Antigen Delivery Method Using Endogenously Engineered Exosomes

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    Some human papillomavirus (HPV) genotypes are universally recognized as major etiological agents not only of ano-genital tumors but also of head and neck cancers, which show increasing incidence. The evaluation of current and future therapeutic approaches against HPV-induced tumors is a global health priority, despite an effective prophylactic vaccine against 7 of the 12 genotypes involved in the etiology of tumors being currently available. In this review, we present the main anti-HPV therapeutic approaches in clinical experimentation, with a focus on a novel tumor antigen delivery method using engineered exosomes, that we recently developed. Our system allows the induction of an efficient unrestricted cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) immune response against the HPV16-E7 tumor-associated antigen, with the formation of endogenously engineered exosomes, i.e., nanovesicles spontaneously released by all cell types. Immunogenic exosomes are uploaded with HPV16-E7 due to the fusion with a unique exosome-anchoring protein referred to as Nefmut. Intramuscular injection of a DNA vector expressing the fusion protein generates exosomes sufficiently immunogenic to elicit a potent anti-16E7 CTL immune response. The approach is described here and the advantages over other existing methodologies are reported

    Targeting Human Papillomavirus-Associated Cancer by Oncoprotein-Specific Recombinant Antibodies

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    In recent decades, recombinant antibodies against specific antigens have shown great promise for the therapy of infectious diseases and cancer. Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are involved in the development of around 5% of all human cancers and HPV16 is the high-risk genotype with the highest prevalence worldwide, playing a dominant role in all HPV-associated cancers. Here, we describe the main biological activities of the HPV16 E6, E7, and E5 oncoproteins, which are involved in the subversion of important regulatory pathways directly associated with all known hallmarks of cancer. We then review the state of art of the recombinant antibodies targeted to HPV oncoproteins developed so far in different formats, and outline their mechanisms of action. We describe the advantages of a possible antibody-based therapy against the HPV-associated lesions and discuss the critical issue of delivery to tumour cells, which must be addressed in order to achieve the desired translation of the antibodies from the laboratory to the clinic