660 research outputs found

    PQCD Analysis of Parton-Hadron Duality

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    We propose an extraction of the running coupling constant of QCD in the infrared region from experimental data on deep inelastic inclusive scattering at Bjorken x -> 1. We first attempt a perturbative fit of the data that extends NLO PQCD evolution to large x values and final state invariant mass, W, in the resonance region. We include both target mass corrections and large x resummation effects. These effects are of order O(1/Q^2), and they improve the agreement with the Q^2 dependence of the data. Standard analyses require the presence of additional power corrections, or dynamical higher twists, to achieve a fully quantitative fit. Our analysis, however, is regulated by the value of the strong coupling in the infrared region that enters through large x resummation effects, and that can suppress, or absorb, higher twist effects. Large x data therefore indirectly provide a measurement of this quantity that can be compared to extractions from other observables.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Second quantized automorphisms of the renormalized square of white noise (RSWN) algebra

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    We determine the structure of the -endomorphisms of the RSWN algebra, induced by linear maps in the 1-particle Hilbert algebra, introduce the RSWN analogue of the free evolutions and nd the explicit form of the KMS states associated with some of them

    States of quantum systems and their liftings

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    Let H(1), H(2) be complex Hilbert spaces, H be their Hilbert tensor product and let tr2 be the operator of taking the partial trace of trace class operators in H with respect to the space H(2). The operation tr2 maps states in H (i.e. positive trace class operators in H with trace equal to one) into states in H(1). In this paper we give the full description of mappings that are linear right inverse to tr2. More precisely, we prove that any affine mapping F(W) of the convex set of states in H(1) into the states in H that is right inverse to tr2 is given by the tensor product of W with some state D in H(2). In addition we investigate a representation of the quantum mechanical state space by probability measures on the set of pure states and a representation -- used in the theory of stochastic Schroedinger equations -- by probability measures on the Hilbert space. We prove that there are no affine mappings from the state space of quantum mechanics into these spaces of probability measures.Comment: 14 page

    Insulin pathway and its correlation with ageing and longevity

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    Ageing is unavoidable and leads to the reduction of the ability to adapt to the environment, involving the organism at all levels. Approximately 25% of the overall variation in human lifespan can be attributed to genetic factors, which become more relevant for extreme longevity. A \u201cfavourable\u201d genetic background is essential to live longer. Longevity depends on the survival after reproduction and genes that lead to longevity are \u201csurvival genes\u201d rather than \u201clongevity genes\u201d. But human population is very heterogeneous because of the different genetic background and different environmental stimuli thus it has not been yet possible to identify a clear panel of biomarkers of ageing and longevity. However, the correlation between nutritional, hormonal and immune-inflammatory pathways is particularly evident. The aim of my PhD was to explore the mechanisms that drive ageing and longevity focusing the attention on the role of insulin/IGF-1 pathway and of inflammatory mechanisms. In particular, the attention was focused on IGF-1, IGF-1 receptor, Forkhead box O (FOXO) 3A, Silent mating type information regulation 1, KLOTHO and SHIP2, all molecules directly or indirectly involved in the above mentioned pathway. Through reviews we explored the literature to summarize the existing data up to date. With systematic reviews and meta-analyses we identified some genetic variants associated with ageing and longevity . Moreover, we conducted a case-control study to verify the association of two SNPs of SHIP2 with T2DM and AD. The results confirmed previous studies about the association between FOXOA3A, IGF-1R and longevity but no association was reported between IGF-1 and SIRT1 (for the analyzed SNPs). This would be consistent with the hypothesis that most longevity genes have modest or small effect sizes. Moreover, we observed sex-specific differences in the association of the genetic variation with survival during old age. About KLOTHO, the KL-VS variant was associated with healthy ageing and longevity. This association was limited to KL-VS heterozygous people because the KL-VS homozygous undergoes to a detrimental effect of the polymorphism indicating a possible association mechanism not related to the gene dose. We also found an association of an insertion/deletion of 28 base pairs in INPPL1 that encodes for SHIP2 with ageing, both successfully and unsuccessfully. Moreover, it could be speculated that a reduction in insulin signaling may reduce the activation of NF-kB thus slow down the transcription of inflammatory genes. Hence, we agreed that a down regulation of this pathway can increase lifespan in human leading to \u201chealthspan\u201d and healthy longevity. Moreover, we agreed that inflammatory pathways have a crucial role, as well. Indeed, as previously discussed for the Sicilian population, there was an association between SNPs responsible for a low production of inflammatory mediators and longevity

    Probing small-xx gluons by low-mass Drell-Yan pairs at colliders

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    The transverse-momentum (QTQ_T) distribution of low-mass Drell-Yan pairs is calculated in QCD perturbation theory with all-order resummation of αs(αsln(QT2/Q2))n\alpha_s (\alpha_s \ln(Q^2_T/Q^2))^n type terms. We demonstrate that the rapidity distribution of low-mass Drell-Yan pairs at large-enough transverse momentum is an advantageous source of constraints on the gluon distribution and its nuclear dependence. We argue that low-mass Drell-Yan pairs in the forward region provide a good and clean probe of small-xx gluons at collider energies.Comment: 25 pages, 16 figure

    What olive oil for healthy ageing

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    The olive tree originated in Asia Minor around 6000 years ago and then spread to all the Mediterranean basin. Olive oil is extracted from the pulp of its fruits [1–3]. Many studies show that the nutritional pattern of the so-called Mediterranean Diet is associated with a lower incidence of age-related diseases related to inflammation and oxidative stress, such as cardiovascular disease, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and cancer [4–7]. It is now clear that olive oil, as a main source of fat, must play a key role in explaining the health benefits of the Mediterranean Diet