3 research outputs found

    Utilization of Waste Cooking Oil for Soap Production: Feasibility Study (Poster)

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    The objective of this project is to collect and analyze waste cooking oil from the food court shops on Davis Campus, to determine best methods of purification, and to optimize the production process in which purified oil will be utilized for manufacturing soap. The project will provide a means of reducing waste disposal costs, recycling of used oil, reducing environmental impacts and providing a sustainable contribution to the Davis Campus that could potentially be replicated at our other campuse

    Methanol electrooxidation on PtRu modified zeolite X

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    Zeolite NaX (faujasite type) was used as a support for platinum-ruthenium catalyst. A procedure for thermal decomposition of noble metal acetylacetonates to deposit noble metal clusters on the surface of solid support was adapted by authors to introduce noble metal clusters in zeolite cavities. The effectiveness of this composite material for methanol electrooxidation from alkaline solution was investigated by cyclic voltammetry. The influence of the concentration of supporting electrolyte, scan rate and rotation rate on the reaction of methanol oxidation was investigated. The obtained activity was compared with literature data for similar catalysts.Zeolit NaX (fožazitnog tipa) korišćen je kao nosač za platina-rutenijumski katalizator. Autori su prilagodili proceduru termalne dekompozicije plemenitih metalnih acetilacetonata kojom su nanošeni klasteri plemenitih metala na površinu čvrste podloge, kako bi se klasteri plemenitih metala su uveli u šupljine zeolita. Efikasnost ovih kompozitnih materijala za reakciju elektrooksidacije metanola je ispitana cikličnom voltametrijom. Ispitan je uticaj koncentracije inertnog (osnovnog) elektrolita, brzine polarizacije i brzine rotacije elektrode na reakciju oksidacije metanola. Dobijena aktivnost je upoređena sa literaturnim podacima za slične katalizatore