5 research outputs found

    The Impact of Implementing ISO 26000 on Firms’ Performance: The Mediating Role of Corporate Governance

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    Purpose: This study aims to investigate the impact of implementing social responsibility ISO 26000 on firms’ performance in the telecommunication industry in Jordan through considering the mediating role of corporate governance.   Theoretical framework: Three telecommunication companies are licensed in Jordan: Zain, Orange and Umniah. Jordan telecommunication industry has witnessed big growth in the latest years (Obeidat, 2016.). Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an essential factor that is expected to boost performance of Jordanian telecommunication companies (Al-ma’ani, et. al., 2019). They added that applying CSR will result in employee and customer satisfaction and increase the levels of loyalty of internal and external stakeholders. Corporate social responsibility has a highly positive effect contribution to the development of society and firm's achievement in terms of profit (Al-Kayed, 2014). This paper investigates social responsibility impact on firms' performance from the perspective of ISO 26000 seven core subjects that are organizational governance, human rights, labour practices, the environment, fair operating practices, consumer issues and community involvement and development.    Design, Methodology, Approach: A purposive sample of 350 senior employees from both organizations were given the questionnaire. There were 304 valid questionnaires for the actual analysis. Two statistical methods were employed to examine the data. The preliminary data were analysed using SPSS version 24, which also provided descriptive analysis of the sample's data collection, including means, standard deviations, and frequencies. Additionally, to evaluate whether the mediator variable is acting as a mediator or not, the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) with AMOS 22 was used to analyse the hypothesis.   Findings: The study findings show that there is a statistically significant impact of the implementation of social responsibility ISO 26000 on firms’ performance in the Jordanian companies within the telecommunication industry. Furthermore, the study also found that corporate governance had a significant impact on firms’ performance, where the relationship is significant and positive, but it doesn’t have a mediating role between implementing social responsibility ISO 26000 and firms’ performance.   Research, Practical & Social implications: The theoretical implication is that this study is expected to be a reference for further researchers who study social responsibility especially for those who wish to conduct research in ISO 26000. For the practical implication, to achieve more validation of the study model and to achieve more generalized findings, further investigation needs to be conducted with the national perspective, developing the study model to consider other industries in Jordan.  In other words, more research could validate the same model by replicating it in a comparative study in different industries as an attempt to ascertain if the model could be more general in the different industries.   Originality: All organizations wanting to comprehend social responsibility from the perspective of ISO 26000 will find benefit in this article


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    In this work, we study the effect of cyber-attacks on voltage regulation in smart grids with highly dispersed photovoltaic (PV) power generators. We picture how the cyber-attacks in the distribution network with the existence of PV generators can cause induced voltage violations of overvoltage or undervoltage. It is demonstrated that if an attacker falsifies measurements, voltage violations may occur in the system. A proposed algorithm using a PV perturbation method to check the response of the nodes in the network is applied to detect the cyber-attacks and protect against destructive reactions as a second detection and protection layer in addition to classical cyber protection at the communication network layer. We establish a primary distribution network model that incorporates the effects of attacks that penetrate the communication network and inject falsified data. We project the proposed basic model into a distribution network example to show the effect of such attacks. We further use the extended model to evaluate the proposed algorithms' ability to detect and hence protect from these attacks

    Studio archeometrico-tecnologico e conservazione dei mosaici romani del sito archeologico di Suasa

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    Una breve introduzione sulla storia del mosaico: dalle origine alle sue evoluzione tipologiche e tecnologiche nel tempo, di come si organizzavano le antiche botteghe del mosaico e le suddivisione dei compiti tra il pictor imaginarius, pictor parietarius e il musivarius (la gerarchia) all’interno di essi; la tecniche esecutiva per la messa in opera dei mosaici pavimentali romani. Visto che i mosaici si trovano a Suasa, quindi è stata riassunta la storia della città romana di Suasa con le sua varie fase edilizie, con maggior approfondimenti per gli edifici che presentano pavimentazione a mosaico: in primo luogo è la domus dei Coiedii contenente più di diciotto pavimenti in opus tessellatum. Il secondo è quello del così detto Edificio 4 (ancora inedito e di incerta natura e destinazione) portato in luce solo parzialmente con due settore a mosaico. Successivamente è stato effettuato in maniera dettagliata lo studio dello stato di conservazione dei vani musivi che sono state oggetto in senso stretto dei varie interventi conservativi, sia nella domus dei Coiedii (vano AU, oecus G e vano BB) che in Edificio 4 (vano A e vano D), evidenziando così le diverse morfologie di degrado in base “Normativa UNI 11176/2006 con l’aiuto della documentazione grafica ed fotografica. Un ampio e complessivo studio archeometrico-tecnologico dei materiali impiegati per la realizzazione dei musaici a Suasa (tessere e malte) presso i laboratori del CNR di Faenza.. Sono stati prelevati complessivamente 90 campione da tredici vani musivi di Suasa, di cui 28 campione di malte, comprese tra allettamento e di sottofondo,42 tessere lapidee e 20 tessere vitree; questi ultimi appartengono a sette vani della domus. Durante l’operazione del prelevo, è stato presso in considerazione le varie tipologie dei materiali musivi, la cromia ed le morfologie di degrado che erano presente. Tale studio ha lo scopo di individuare la composizione chimico-mineropetrografico, le caratteristiche tessiturali dei materiali e fornire precisa informazione sia per fine archeometrici in senso stretto (tecnologie di produzione, provenienza, datazione ecc.), che come supporto ai interventi di conservazione e restauro. Infine si è potuto costruire una vasta banca dati analitici per i materiali musivi di Suasa, che può essere consultata, aggiornata e confrontata in futuro con altri materiali proveniente dalla stessa province e/o regione. Applicazione dei interventi conservativi: di manutenzione, pronto intervento e di restauro eseguiti sui vani mosaicati di Suasa che presentavano un pessimo stato di conservazione e necessitavano l’intervento conservativo, con la documentazione grafica e fotografica dei varie fase dell’intervento. In particolare lo studio dei pregiatissimi materiali marmorei impiegati per la realizzazione dell’opus sectile centrale (sala G) nella domus dei Coiedii, ha portato alla classificazione e alla schedatura di sedici tipi di marmi impiegati; studio esteso poi al tessellato che lo circonda: studio del andamento, tipologie dei materiali, dei colore, dimensione delle tessere, interstizio ecc., ha permesso con l’utilizzo delle tavole tematiche di ottenere una chiara lettura per l’intero tessellato, di evidenziare così, tutti gli interventi antiche e moderni di risarciture, eseguiti dal II sec. d.C. fio ad oggi. L’aspetto didattico (teorico e pratico) ha accompagnato tutto il lavoro di ricerca Il lavoro si qualifica in conclusione come un esempio assai significativo di ricerca storicoiconografiche e archeometriche, con risultati rilevanti sulle tecnologie antiche e sui criteri di conservazione più idonei

    Use inheritance in Ibn Abdoon Literature

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    This research entitled (use inheritance in Ibn Abdoon Literature). It aims at studying the civilized inheritance in Ibn Abdoon literature in terms of poetry and prose featured by artistic content and form . The importance of this study lies in disclosing aspects of inherited religious and human thought, as well as elements of inherited formation in Ibn Abdoon poetry and prose. The major reasons motivated me to write this topic is that I want to shed light on Ibn Abdoon literature, searching old roots of his thought and artistic elements which formed hisliterature particularly that the inheritance in Ibn Abdoon literature had not been studied before neither in terms of content nor form. This study has followed Historical approach, descriptive approach, Analytical approach,which contained introduction, three chapters and a conclusion. The first chapter highlighted features of political, social and cultural life which the poet lived and affected his literature, introducing him, his elderly life, his teachers, and his family .In the second chapter, I focused on his intellectual inheritance from the holy Quran, prophet's sayings(Hadith), Torah, human history, Arab literature in terms of prose and poetry in Ibn Abdoon literature. The third chapter has clarified elements of artistic formation in his literature in terms of image, music, language and method of poet in structuring his texts. I concluded the study with a conclusion in which in included study results and researcher's recommendations. The major results which I concluded from this study that Ibn Abdoon was affected by the Holy Quran and prophet's sayings in terms of thought, faith and methodology. He was also affected by those who preceded him of poets and their styles. He also used the historical inheritance. His poetry has showed many incidents and historical personalities. He also concerned with inherited artistic images and made it one of his artistic means to express his content and feelings. The internal and external music which he adopted was harmonized and traditional and suited his poetical purposes. Ibn Abdoon poetical language was easy, clear and tend to be strange and elaborated. Concerning his prosal language, it was strong and elaborated based on artificial amazing featured. Moreover; the artistic structure in his poems geometric checkered. He made for each poem or message an introduction that suite his topic and in harmony with it. Then' he tackled the topic in detail and also concludes in a manner that suite the purpose. The researcher recommended giving more attention and importance to the old Arab Literature in general and the Andalusia Literature in particular so as to show their innovative features and to keep our ancestors’ heritage alive in our souls