97 research outputs found


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    У статті аналізуються психологічні основи готовності особистості до змін в харчовій поведінці. Наголошується, що зміни в харчовій поведінці залежать від низки чинників, серед яких важливе місце займають індивідуальні особливості людини. Підкреслюється, що зміна поведінкових стратегій має вирішальне значення для оптимізації харчової поведінки особистості. Зазначається, що в процесі проведеного нами формувального експерименту були виявлені такі особливості. У ОГ1 (обстежуваної групи 1), де проводилася корекційна робота, усі показники змінилися: зменшилася кількість жінок з високими (на 8%) і низькими показниками (на 4%) обмежувальної поведінки, і на 12% збільшилася кількість жінок з нормою по цьому параметру. У ОГ2 (обстежуваної групи 2), де не проводилася корекційна робота, усі показники залишилися на колишньому рівні. Робиться висновок, що ми проаналізували низку факторів, які впливають на готовність людини до змін в харчовій поведінці. Проведений формувальний експеримент засвідчив ефективність психокорекційної допомоги жінкам з розладами харчової поведінки

    Remote employment as a form of labor mobility of today’s youth

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. The article analyzes the current state of the labour market and describes new flexible forms of employment. Also the paper deals with the changes in the nature and content of the labour, which are connected with the transition to a post-industrial society. The article reveals the problems of accounting and evaluation of remote employment and analyzes the positive and negative socio-economic effects of different forms of flexible employment. Particular attention is paid to the study of the remote employment effect on the youth labour mobility

    The use of telecommunication technologies in education network

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    © 2015 IEEE. The article reviews the experience of the development of global partnership of universities and leading world companies in the transition to the modern paradigm of engineering education. Emphasis is placed on the study of the use of interactive methods in education, their role in the organization of online learning, virtualization of learning process. Paper analyzes the best practices of association of educational institutions with businesses in the innovation chains and its use for improvement of the quality of education. Paper studies the implementation of an innovative model of interaction between educational institutions and businesses in the road-building cluster

    Global innovation gap and quality of education

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    Global innovation gap is studied. The causes of innovation gap lie in the sphere of arrangement of innovation process in the national level, and first of all, in the conditions of national innovation system. Efficiency of national innovation system depends on congruence of interests of its components and existence of effectual collaborative mechanism. Problems in the Russian innovation system are analyzed and the role of higher professional education in the efficient innovative development is outlined. © 2013 IEEE

    Fourth industrial revolution and the paradigm change in engineering education

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    © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018. The article discusses the main features of the fourth industrial revolution and its impact on the transformation of the labor market and the transition to a new paradigm of education. Authors analyze new requirements for the graduates competence and modern world educational trends. Much attention is paid to strengthening of the project nature of education, blurring the distinction between traditional technical and humanitarian education. Moreover, the authors examine the shift of engineering work with its basic elements-invention, engineering, and design in the field of technical engineering in the area of economic, financial, social, cultural, anthropological design. This requires the creation of new interdisciplinary courses, the revision of the classical approaches to engineering and humanitarian education. The article explores the personalization of the educational trajectories, artificial intelligence as a teacher, e-learning technologies and simulators, information educational environment


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    The article deals with the features of the functioning of anthroponyms as an element of a complex figurative system of a literary text. In the course of the study, the analysis of theoretical positions was carried out, the specifics of the implementation of anthroponyms in a fiction text were studied. As an illustration of this phenomenon, the fiction texts by J. Galsworthy were used. As a result of the analysis, the structural features of the functioning of anthroponyms in the figurative system of the literary text were revealed

    Integration of universities and business as the condition of formation of the innovative economy

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    World economy is experiencing a global economic crisis. During such periods, the world economic structure and leader-countries are changing, new economic centers are appearing. Authors explore the causes of the global economic crisis and show changes in the present structure of world economy. Also substantiated the efficiency of using the strategy of catching up on the example of developing countries. Today Russia has a unique chance for technological upgrading by large-scale deployment of efficient technologies already developed by the leaders. Based on global experience, the strategy to modernize the Russian economy should be combined: a strategy of leadership in the areas where Russia has the technological superiority, the strategy of catching up and borrowing in industries where there is a considerable lag. To gain this goal Russia first of all has to increase effectiveness of cooperation of the state, universities (of science and education) and business - the three basic factors of innovative system. © 2013 IEEE

    Management of the Sustainable Development of Human Capital in the Terms of Macroeconomic Instability

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    AbstractThe article is devoted to the search of indicators of valuation of the sustainable development of human capital. The relation of sustainable development of human capital with the cyclical economic development was studied. The influence of human capital on the achieving long-term sustainable economic growth is analyzed. Also, the influence of information economy on the quality of the reproduction of human capital is explored

    Models of evaluation of public joint-stock property management

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. The paper deals with the models of evaluation of performance of both the management company and the individual subsidiaries on the basis of a combination of elements and multi-parameter and target approaches. The article shows that due to the power of multi-dimensional and multi-directional indicators of financial and economic activity it is necessary to assess the degree of achievement of the objectives with the use of multivariate ordinal model as a set of indicators, ordered by growth so that the maintenance of this order on a long interval of time will ensure the effective functioning of the enterprise in the long term. It is shown that these models can be regarded as the monitoring tools of implementation of strategies and guide the justification effectiveness of implementation of management decisions