3 research outputs found

    Substitution of Met-38 to Ile in γ-synuclein found in two patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis induces aggregation into amyloid

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    α-, β-, and γ-Synuclein are intrinsically disordered proteins implicated in physiological processes in the nervous system of vertebrates. α-synuclein (αSyn) is the amyloidogenic protein associated with Parkinson’s disease and certain other neurodegenerative disorders. Intensive research has focused on the mechanisms that cause αSyn to form amyloid structures, identifying its NAC region as being necessary and sufficient for amyloid assembly. Recent work has shown that a 7-residue sequence (P1) is necessary for αSyn amyloid formation. Although γ-synuclein (γSyn) is 55% identical in sequence to αSyn and its pathological deposits are also observed in association with neurodegenerative conditions, γSyn is resilient to amyloid formation in vitro. Here, we report a rare single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the SNCG gene encoding γSyn, found in two patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The SNP results in the substitution of Met38 with Ile in the P1 region of the protein. These individuals also had a second, common and nonpathological, SNP in SNCG resulting in the substitution of Glu110 with Val. In vitro studies demonstrate that the Ile38 variant accelerates amyloid fibril assembly. Contrastingly, Val110 retards fibril assembly and mitigates the effect of Ile38. Substitution of residue 38 with Leu had little effect, while Val retards, and Ala increases the rate of amyloid formation. Ile38 γSyn also results in the formation of γSyn-containing inclusions in cells. The results show how a single point substitution can enhance amyloid formation of γSyn and highlight the P1 region in driving amyloid formation in another synuclein family member

    C9ORF72 hexanucleotide repeat expansion in ALS patients from the Central European Russia population

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    Cohorts of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients and control individuals of Caucasian origin from the Central European Russia (Moscow city and region) were analyzed for the presence of hexanucleotide repeat GGGGCC expansion within the first intron of the C9ORF72 gene. The presence of a large (>40) repeat expansion was found in 15% of familial ALS cases (3 of 20 unrelated familial cases) and 2.5% of sporadic ALS cases (6 of 238) but in none of control cases. These results suggest that the frequency of C9ORF72 hexanucleotide repeats expansions in the Central Europea

    SNCA Gene Methylation in Parkinson’s Disease and Multiple System Atrophy

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    In recent years, epigenetic mechanisms have been implicated in the development of multifactorial diseases including neurodegenerative disorders. In Parkinson’s disease (PD), as a synucleinopathy, most studies focused on DNA methylation of SNCA gene coding alpha-synuclein but obtained results were rather contradictory. In another neurodegenerative synucleinopathy, multiple system atrophy (MSA), very few studies investigated the epigenetic regulation. This study included patients with PD (n = 82), patients with MSA (n = 24), and a control group (n = 50). In three groups, methylation levels of CpG and non-CpG sites in regulatory regions of the SNCA gene were analyzed. We revealed hypomethylation of CpG sites in the SNCA intron 1 in PD and hypermethylation of predominantly non-CpG sites in the SNCA promoter region in MSA. In PD patients, hypomethylation in the intron 1 was associated with earlier age at the disease onset. In MSA patients, hypermethylation in the promotor was associated with shorter disease duration (before examination). These results showed different patterns of the epigenetic regulation in two synucleinopathies—PD and MSA