129 research outputs found

    Immigration Status and the Best Interests of the Child Standard

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    Family Reunification and the Security State

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    Part of Symposium: The Constitution and the Famil

    Plenary Power Preemption

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    Family History: Inside and Out

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    The twenty-first century has seen the dawn of a new era of the family, an era that has its roots in the twentieth. Many of the social and scientific phenomena of our time - same-sex couples, in vitro fertilization, single-parent families, international adoption - have inspired changes in the law. Legal change has encompassed both constitutional doctrine and statutory innovations, from landmark Supreme Court decisions articulating a right to procreate (or not), a liberty interest in the care, custody, and control of one\u27s children, and even a right to marry, to state no-fault divorce statutes that have fundamentally changed the way married couples dissolve their legal relationships. But thus far, no legal scholar has attempted to write a comprehensive history of twentieth-century family law. To be sure, many excellent books have been written on particular aspects of the twentieth-century story. Inside the Castle: Law and the Family in 20th Century America, by Joanna Grossman and Lawrence Friedman, however, is the first book to my knowledge that attempts to provide a comprehensive social history of twentieth-century family law in the United States. The goal that Inside the Castle articulates is to look inside the home, inside the castle; to map a century\u27s worth of dynamic change (p. 22). The central claim of the book is that the rapid social change that occurred during the twentieth century forced the law to adapt in correspondingly sweeping ways

    (Mis)recognizing Polygamy

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    The End of Annulment

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    Structured Dialogue on Building a Sustainable, Stable Immigration Enforcement System

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    This conversation occurred on October 24, 2014, ten days before the mid-term elections that gave Republicans control of the U.S. Senate for the first time since 2007 and increased their majority in the House of Representatives. The conversation occurred approximately four weeks before President Obama announced his executive actions to provide the opportunity for many undocumented immigrants to obtain work authorization and temporary legal status. Most of the symposium panelists were present for the discussion.1 I have edited the transcript for clarity and added explanatory footnotes where necessary
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